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3W Textures Lists for Terrain Editor

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3W Textures Lists for Terrain Editor

in this zip are the 4 STOCK textures lists for use with the 3rd Wire Terrain Editor (both versions)


Included are lists for:







(the Isreal one was compiled by me, as one was never issued by TK)

These are usable for terrain creation for BOTH SF/Wo* and SF2 (excepting the IcelandNA terrain, of course). The differences between 1stGen and SF2 are all in the data ini, so there's no change in these.


It's recommended, that if doing ANY terrain work, you have a large store of asprin, and remove all sharp implements (and by inference, firearms) from you house.


These are being uploaded, as several people have requested the IME list. So, Here's All Four


have fun!



kevin stein


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