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Rolling Thunder (A) - Mission 01

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I don't know where this is supposed to go - I don't have posting access to the AAR Forum here... If a mod wants to move it to where it belongs that would be great..!



I've always wanted to fly a Vietnam era simulation/campaign but over the years I've sort of missed the boat while waiting for the perfect ship to come in. Various Thirdwire titles have languished on my shelf for years, only occasionally getting dusted off during lulls in my interest in other titles (Jane's, DCS, EECH, Falcon). After reading a thread about the possibility of some Vietnam era content coming down the pipe from DCS, I decided I couldn't wait that long for a fix. So here is my modded Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam AAR series. We'll be learning together. Please don't gripe over any historical inaccuracies - my install is a bit of a mishmash that might take a few liberties with ships, squadrons, and deployments. That said, the overall story should track fairly closely with the actual campaign thanks to the breaking up of the stock Rolling Thunder campaign into seven mini-campaigns (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) with more accurate geographic missions, new target areas, and a host of other improvements. These improvements can be found in the incredible SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 put together by eburger68 who pulled together the contributions of dozens of talented community modders. Many thanks to him and them.

My list of SF2:Vietnam modifications is as follows:

  • Strike Fighters 2 - Vietnam
  • Green Hell 3.5 + Trees - Stary
  • SF2V Air/Ground War Expansion - eBurger68
  • CVA-63 Kitty Hawk - MigBuster
  • RAZBAM A-6A - Payware
  • Formations.ini - SixGun/PureBlue
  • A-6 SuperPack - Homefries
  • Unified Effects 1.2 - Stary
  • SARCASM 1.5 - Stary
  • A-6 DIANE CCIP - MigBuster
  • ..and a whole lot of help from the kind people at Combat Ace...


I hope you enjoy the campaign - I'm looking forward to




March 1965 - Welcome to Vietnam. We spot the coast from a dozen miles out. A haze hangs in the air. From the C-141 the lush landscape appears pocketed with red dirt, villages, and rice paddies. The South China Sea laps serenely against the coast belying the violent tug of war occurring further inland.



The Starlifter pitches over in a combat approach to Chu Lai...




My ride to the fleet awaits. From this helo I will transfer to yet another that will take me out to my new home: CVA-62 Independence..




Disembarking the helo the noise, heat, and fumes assault the senses. Do I have what it takes? We'll see.



Edited by beachav8r
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