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More WOFF screenies posted.............Raybans required for first pic :)

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AARRRHHH! Sweet Jaysus! I didn't do the Raybans, and m'eyes are going numb. Well, serves me right. I am the guy who keeps asking, "Aren't there any bright, sunny days on the Western Front?" (as an aside, I'd vote the last two as being the knock-outs. I think I see some new wallpaper.)

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Just had to check out the pics for a second time. This time, I paid closer attention to the opening statement over the sunrise: "Whilst we wait patently for an answer here's some screenshots from the expansion pack for the expansion pack pack expansion, OK from WOFF then;" I'll assume that 'patently' waiting, is simply a typo, but "here's some screenshots from the expansion pack for the expansion pack pack expansion, OK from WOFF then" is real puzzler. I recall someone saying that it's been four yeas since P3. Our Devs have been at it for the length of the entire war. Can it be that the boyos are feeling the strain?


Not to put too fine a point on it, but what is the question that they're awaiting an answer for? No doubt something of little import, but, at this point, when expectations are at a fevered pitch, every snippet of information matters.

Edited by Hauksbee

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You have to go back to page 33 and read the posts prior to the new screenshots.

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God, I've got a suntan off the monitor!

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God, I've got a suntan off the monitor!

Probably the first time you've seen the sun over the Tyne in how long...?
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Probably the first time you've seen the sun over the Tyne in how long...?


Ah, you're referring to the myth of thousands of otherwise hard-ass Northerners cowering in abject terror at the sight of a pale yellow ball in their familiar leaden skies...


What I've always wondered is - the young women that you see queuing outside Northern nightclubs in the biting cold, with next to nothing on... what do they wear if it's hot?

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Ah, you're referring to the myth of thousands of otherwise hard-ass Northerners cowering in abject terror at the sight of a pale yellow ball in their familiar leaden skies...

Naw, it's the other myth. The one where the pale yellow ball keeps the woad-painted Picts on their side of Hadrians Wall.

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They tend to put more clothes on when they see me coming......sadly

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