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1st stupid question of the new year

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I can't get prop planes to load in my game, I load jets ,no problem. But with prop planes , they won't show up. I'm running SF2 Israel + the expansion merged with  SF2 Europe. Both games purchased in the last two months, so I guess they are up to date. I am in windows 7 , that should be ok for SF2. Besides a brain, what am I missing in the install? 

































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Dean, what year, what plane??, and which terrain?


IME (the Israel map) has not only a LimitedNations=TRUE, but a very specific year span for that terrain. OTH, GermanyCE does not; you should be able to fly anything there.

CAVEAT: as long as the game's year spread has been "adjusted" via edits of the years in the Options.ini


if we're talking a ww2 centric install, SF2:I is not a reccomened base to build one from.

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tried Spitfire 9e, 9c in a separate install of SF2 Europe, no go,  years start at 1957. How do I find the options.ini to alter the year spread?

If I read you right, don't merge SF2 Israel with any other game ,if you want to fly props?



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no, you can still merge them (which is done automatcialy whenever a game is installed to the 'core files'). what I meant was, don't use SF2I to BUILD a ww2 mods folder from.


the options ini is found at the ROOT of every mods folder, up in the (in my case -your name will be different, of course!!)


C:\Users\Kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2


as an example


a tutorial on Changing Year Spreads is here:




the Mk 9s have a service end year of 1953 (RAF), and an Export end year of 1957. The export end year also ties into it's userlist ini. The last year/user stated in the userlist is Egypt, 1955 (along with SAfrica, and the Netherlands in 54). So, again, you're outside the aircraft operational year range.

(it should be noted at this time, the userlist for the Mk.9s IS incorrect, but that's for another day)


It is safe to assume, that if you choose a Mustang, there's problems??

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The stock Mustang works ok in SF2 Israel. Should I try one from Combat Ace?



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no, the stock 51D is better (at least for late models!!)

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Thanks Wrench,

I read your "how to Adjust the Year spread" and I will now push off into the great unknown . Is there a special 3rd wire cat extractor for SF2? also the stock P51 works ok in the merged SF2 Europe.


Thanks for all your Help,


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yes, there is


from 3rd Wire:




and also somewhere in our SF2/Tools downloads


edit: found it!!




disregard the 'for april 2012 patch level". It's the latest one, and works with all , to date.

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