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Question about internet connection and DCS Sims

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Hello everybody!  :bye:


I am interested in start with DCS World. But before start I have a question:

I have 2 computers, one without internet connection at home (where I usually fly my SF2 series), and another one with internet connection at my workplace (where I usually downoad the mods for my SF2 and IL-2).


My question is...can I purchase Flaming Cliffs 3 in my computer with internet and then copy it to my home computer (without internet) and use it there??

I like to fly offline, so I don't mind if I cannot use multiplayer option. But I read at DCS site that every download requires an internet connecion.

And this is the reason why I ask before download, I wouldn't like to spend the money and later have a sim that I cannot use because the connection.


Well, thanks for any reply!


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You can, if I recall correctly, use the alternate activation means to activate the product. I am not certain if this would suffice in your case. You may want to email ED tech support and make sure this is feasible. I hope for your sake it is. FC3 is very nice!

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Thanks, I will email them first.

Thanks for the help!

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Hope it helps! keep us posted on how it works out for you.

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Yes, it works!! I asked at ED forums and they gave me the solution. It was easy.   :biggrin:

I purchased it from my computer with internet connection, then installed it in the other computer. They provide me the serial number, so the only thing I have to do was:

After installing it...

- I wrote the serial key that ED gave me and the hardware number that I got after installation at the website that they told me for activation.

- I get the activation key.

- Then I wrote this activation key in my computer at home.

- And that's all!! Activation was succeful and it works fine.


Thanks for the help, I was so happy so I also purchased the UH-1H module before the Chrismas offer expired  ;-)

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