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Question about engine sound files...

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Has anyone else noticed some planes, even when using the same sound .wav, "play" their engine sounds at a faster rate than others? Even with stock planes. For instance, I put the Nesher's cockpit in the Mirage 5 and when I play the engine seems to be at a much higher pitch and repeats at a faster rate ruining the sound. Its fine at idle but as the revs build , the file seems to play too fast. I have downloaded programs to slow down wav files and then save them in the sounds folder. By remaning the sound in the plane's ini, I can then use that sound file. I wonder though, what causes the JetEngine sound to be played correctly in a Crusader, but sound "rushed" in a Canberra when you add a cockpit? Any thoughts?

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By a couple of years or maybe when SF2 came out there is a bug with engine sounds.
The stock quality of wav files is 11,025 kHz 8 bit Mono. If this (low) quality is used the sample is played as it should be at idle. But if the quality is 22,050 kHz the sample is played at half the speed and even at 1/4 if the sample have 44,100 kHz. Before, in the first serie there was no such bug.
Another thing that affect the change of pitch are the engine parameters. Basically at what % of RPM the engine idle and ho fast is the response of the throttle. You can see that in the aircraft Data.ini file.



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Also, by my own trial and error process, it makes a difference if the sound file is defined in the SOUNDLIST.INI. When defined, the sound plays at original pace.

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Also, by my own trial and error process, it makes a difference if the sound file is defined in the SOUNDLIST.INI. When defined, the sound plays at original pace.

Good to know. But a bit less practical when you have hundreds of sounds.

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Thanks for the replies,.. so has anyone else noticed it though?.. I've used other wind loops, so its not that. Whats odd is that it will happen even with stock aircraft I've added cockpits to using stock sounds that are already in the stock soundlist. I.E. put a cockpit in the stock Mirage III . or Canberra. I do believe it might have to do with the engine data in the ini. So Spillone, do I adjust idle rpm down or up to slow down the replay? Will this impact engine performance? Regarding the frequency, Higher frequency plays "faster"?

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