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Where the Red Baron fell...

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While doing some web browsing, I happened a poor, snap-shotty picture of a smokestack ( two views of...) in Vaux-sur-Somme that implied it was where von Richtofen came to rest. 'Turns out it was the stack at the St.Colette brickworks. I poked a little further and here's what Vaux-sur-Somme looks like. Still a little villagey place on the Somme. I suspect it hasn't changed an awful lot since 1918.



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Yep - we had a well-made documentary about his last flight earlier in this forum somewhere.

It was on YouTube, but I couldn't find it anymore.

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If you stumble across it, I'd love to see it.

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Here are some photos I took when I was there last:









KiA Field.









Two more of the field.





Holy cow, didn't realize the shots would come through so big!  I'll leave them, unless there are complaints.

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Thanks, Olham. The German is a bit too much for me to follow, but I get the idea. A lot of it seems to be taken from the History Channel program, which I've see several times. From the pictures posted by Jim Miller, I now understand the smokestack that I originally found on-line. It's at the St.Colette Brickworks in Vaux-sur-Somme and the field where he landed is right behind it. Thanks, Jim.

Edited by Hauksbee

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