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SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force

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SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force

SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force 3/10/2014


= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =


*DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*


A remod skin/decal set for the DLC F-104A, recreates the Starfighter as used by the PAF.

The decals are re-used from my Indo-Pak Mod, that was based on Ajundair's old 1stGen A Zipper. Now, we're using the newest model (you all know how I hate to waste decals.... :biggrin: ).


Included are 98.6% historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron, PAF. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections.


The inis are:

Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0)

Loadout ini

main ini

Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G)

Loadout image (bmp)

Avionics. ini

Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)


*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to have access to the aircraft's LOD.*


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!!


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein


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thanks for posting that link to "High Flight". Some of our local TV stations used to play it.

one of my fondest childhood memories, was seeing that version in the 1960s

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