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Thought people might be interested in this. I read an article titled "Michigan group helping keep hero dogs safe" about providing first aid and protective gear for military, police, fire, and search & rescue service dogs.





Edited by KJakker
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I would think they do a great service and I think its dog lovers way to do something special for the animals. Kinda pricey but what isnt these days.

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I know..... but. Flak vests for dogs? Always thought that was an incredible waste of money. But since our local Sheriffs offices and Police forces are flooded with all this good Homeland Security cash why not.


We already have overweight 40 and 50 year old cops festooned with all the knock off tac gear Homeland Security can pay for just to serve warrants on non violent offenders so whatever why not dogs too?


I wish Walt Longmire was my top cop.


University of North Carolina Charlotte campus police SWAT team. Really? WTF? They need this because why? I know kids smoking weed in the dorm is a Homeland Security issue.




Check out the lard ass with the shemagh.... Priceless. He has that SEAL Team 6 look without even setting foot outside his county! Look at the dumbass on the right with the helmet that is obviously too small. Sheesh.



Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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You need to protect these working Dogs...putting aside the 'dog lovers' bit for a moment..these animals cost a LOT of money and time to train, so investing in their health and wellbeing makes sense :)

(and I'd rather have a good dog protecting me, than the Doughnut Munchers in the above pic)

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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