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Forgotten a few things...

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Hey guys, I used to be quite good at modding here, and still am. Most of the stuff I knew before is coming back to me, however one thing that isn't is exactly how to correctly install a weapons pack, and then use said weapons. I know this is an older game and I am sure a lot of you have better things to do. However if someone could run me through a detailed, step by step process on how exactly to get the weapons in the weapons editor to work, that would be great.


Here is all I remember. I remember that in the weapondata.ini, the written file, there was something you needed to change in order to get the game to recognize them or something. I believe it was the number at the top, making sure they are numbered correctly etc. However after installing the mirage factory weapons pack, I did notice that all the weapons listed in the weapondata.ini were already numbered, however the weapons still did not show up in game. I tryed to make the R40 missiles for the mig 31 show up in game, and no dice, no matter what I did, I modified its weapons pylons to hold any weapon, of any weight, and still they would not show up, I made sure the weapon was of the correct time frame, etc, I know how to make that stuff work, it just isn't for w/e reason.


What step am I forgetting to do, or is this a issue with Windows 7. I am running the april 2008 patched version of the game.


I also have 2 other issues. One is, the weapon editor and gun editor do not work. The other, is that after I hit ESC to end the mission, the game crashes to desktop every time. I have no idea what is causing the CTD, but a few strange things did happen with the editor.


Interestingly enough, the weapon editor, when placed on my desktop, works fine, NOT in compatibility mode. If I place it into compatibility mode, it opens but none of its options work, it has to be run in normal mode to work properly. Also interesting is that if I take said editor and put it into the weapons folder or the main Wings over Israel directory, it ceases working, regardless of compatibility mode or not.


Could this weird issue be what is causing the weapons to not work? 


I realize that is a lot to answer but if any of you awesome guys on here could be of any help, I sure would appreciate it.


Also, worth noting is that I have read the "guide" in the how to section on weapons and that doesn't really help me, I need it more in depth, thanks.

Edited by tacoscent

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where is the game install located?



They will work, but will be unmoddable due to that location being a 'protected' region.


Move it to root of C:


ie: C/Wings over Europe


adjust shortcut accordingly


as to the CTD and editor malfunctions, ???? don't know (actually, don't remember!)


if you're already at Win7, why not just evolve up and go to SF2??? It's a hell of a lot easier, and what everyone mods for these days (being that 1stGens are dead)

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if you're already at Win7, why not just evolve up and go to SF2??? It's a hell of a lot easier, and what everyone mods for these days (being that 1stGens are dead)


Can I mod it in exactly the same way as Wings over x? Can weapons be modded the same way can I go into the the ini and add 50 internal guns and then set them all to 100mm tank rounds that fire at 10000rpm? Im just giving examples of crazy that I can make happen in wings over israel if I mod it. Can basically do anything I could want, if I can do that in SF2 as well, I might give it a try, Wings over Israel is all i know tho so it would need to be similar.

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yes to all


the folder structure is identical, it's just not in the same place anymore.


check the SF2 Knowledge Base for more detailed explinations


you won't be sorry you've moved

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