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SF2 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star Pak by ErikGen

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SF2 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star Pak by ErikGen

SF2 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star Pak by ErikGen 3/25/2014


= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


This package contains a new aircraft for SF2. Originally part of the KAW F-80/T-33A/RF-80 pak, it somehow slipped under the radar (which Recon birds are supposed to do!!).


*Note: as this aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, it will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs at any patch level.*


Like the other Shooting Stars, this is a complete pak with everything needed.

The skins included are:


USAF (Generic style markings)

Natural Metal (uses stock 3W decals; generic for everyone else)


Skins and damage textures are in DDS format. Decal randomization is TRUE.

The USAF skin uses painted on national marking, the "Natural Metal" does not; all marking will be decals. Generic "plane-in-group" decals reference stock 3W numbers.

Serial numbers are 100% historically correct for T-33s, but should be considered generic in nature, as they represent no particular unit or aircraft within a particular unit.

The "Generic NM" skin will be a good, blank canvas for other users to be created. All decal positions are pre-plotted on the included decals ini. Some adjustments may be necessary for specific country users, but that's a simple matter of creating a new, country specific skin and replotting the decal locations.

It's also know to me that Soulfreak has some other skins in the works; when released, these will be great additions for your flying pleasure!

Drop tanks are 'built in' to the aircraft lod; weapons folders for the drop tanks are included, as are the pilot figures and seat. As this is a recon bird, it's limited to ONLY RECON, and carries no weapons or guns of any kind.

The canopy is controlled via the Standard Animations Keystroke ™, Shift/0.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" with other impertinant data you should know.


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein

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