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JSGME enable mod for custom UI.XML file for WOFF

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Thanks Robert. If I read this right, I see you changed the dot mode only label colour to red (for enemies anyway). Did you discover a method to change it (back to) black or to dark grey? I'd prefer this as (i) it's likely less visible when seen thru your own airframe (ii) I don't mind the dots being hard to see against the ground, but for realistic appearance and better visibility, I would much prefer to see the dots dark (dark grey or even 'back to black') against the sky.

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Thanks Robert. If I read this right, I see you changed the dot mode only label colour to red (for enemies anyway). Did you discover a method to change it (back to) black or to dark grey? I'd prefer this as (i) it's likely less visible when seen thru your own airframe (ii) I don't mind the dots being hard to see against the ground, but for realistic appearance and better visibility, I would much prefer to see the dots dark (dark grey or even 'back to black') against the sky.


I can work on this for you and post it in my dropbox with a slightly different mod name.


I will post back here when it is available.



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Thanks Robert, that's great - got it now. I have seen at least one other user express a preference for darker dots so you might want to upload this to the CombatAce mods section for OFF/WOFF.

Many thanks again!

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Thanks Robert, that's great - got it now. I have seen at least one other user express a preference for darker dots so you might want to upload this to the CombatAce mods section for OFF/WOFF.

Many thanks again!


Here is a WOFF QC video capture I uploaded to youtube. Unfortunately it is hard to decipher the color (red) of the dot on the enemy craft due to the resolution reduction in the upload. If you view it in full screen you can make it out.


I'm posting it here anyway in case it is of some value. And please don't comment about my accurate shooting. I was having an especially bad day! sigh.gif I'm ashamed of myself! Don't tell Olham or he may report it to the Jasta 19 C.O. and have me cut!




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Folks, I have updated the JSGME enabled UI.XML mod for WOFF in the following  link.

The previous version did not make the plane icon on the in game map visible. It now is barely there but visible.

I have made two versions. One with black dot and one with red dot.

If you go to the link and read the article it will explain what it does. Hope it is useful to some.




Best Regards;

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