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Problem with the campaign-always last day

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I have a problem with one campaign(Six Days War for Hunter 59) 

All run fine to the last day, 10 June, then is impossible to close the campaign(Or accept the last flight , this day Jun 10, 1967). 

There, the game freeze and must alt-crtl-delete to exit of the Sim.  

Trying to find a solution, I have made a backup of the pilot and the campaign , then I have changed the date prolonged to the Jun 11, 1967.

All OK, missions complete for Jun 10, 1967 but next day at the 11, again freeze after the first mission of this day(and the last of the campaing) .

Nothing special in the sim, Israel Strike fighters(Not merged)and the only extra aircraft(no default)of the campaing is the MiG-15UTI

and eventually the Ouragan. 




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I think you need at least SF2E, SF2 and EXP2 to fly the stock Hunter59, but even if you had them all merged, that wouldn´t explain the issue. Perhaps flying with the Arabs and finishing is causing this, i flew many times against Israel as it gives the best challenge, but never completed a campaign against them

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Umm. Is no aircraft related. I have try other campaign, same air force(IrAF) but another Squadron, the No. 17 with the MiG-21F-13  and I have same issue. That freeze as before last day(Jun 10) and at the last mission. 

Same campaign but with another squadron and with UARAF work perfect and not freeze. I think the problem is something to do with the country, Iraq, or eventually with H-3 Al Walid AB.

Edited by regula50

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