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Everything posted by regula50

  1. Version


    DAAFAR(Defensa Anti-Aérea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria)MiG-15bis Cuba crisis 1964 For Strike Fighters 2. Recomended instalation on merged game(need F-8D/E Crusaders of Wings of Vietnam) This campaign with 14 missions cover the periode Sep 7, 1964 to Sep 13, 1964. Fictional, based in a hipotetic situation of rise of tensions by the Guantanamo border. DAAFAR units accurate, based in the 1990 Squadrons numeration and his deployment in the three defenses zones: Zona Aérea Occidental. 2° Brigada de la Guardia "Playa Girón" (3 Squadrons with MiG-21F-13 and 1 with MiG-19P) Zona Aérea Central. 1° Brigada de la Guardia "Batalla de Santa Clara"(4 Squadrons with MiG-17F) Zona Aérea Oriental. 3° Brigada de la Guardia "Cuartel Moncada"(2 Squadrons with MiG-15bis and detachments at Camagüey AB) MiG-15UTIs in Holguín AB, Santa Clara AB, Cienfuegos AB and Ciudad Libertad AB. Cuban Armour based in real-accurate unit names/numbers and models of tanks and his city or area of deployment. Campaign need Cuba (OTC Plus) Terrain(by Wrench) Also, campaign was tested with original textures(not aditional or modified textures addons) You need the following DAAFAR aircrafts(or repaints): MiG-15bis(Flyable)MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)(aircraft skin by Wrench) Stary cockpit recomended MiG-15UTI(MiG-15UTI Midget Collection)(By Paulopanz) MiG-17F(textures included with this pack) MiG-19P(MiG-19P FARMER-B)(By Paulopanz) MiG-21F-13(MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)(aircraft skin By Wrench) F-104A Starfighter(DLC028_AI_Plane_Pack1)
  2. Version 1.0


    Tainan Kokutai New Guinea 1942 campaign(Part 2) For Strike Fighters 2 with New Guinea Terrain(NewGuinea2)(PTO). This campaign(second part)with some 61 missions cover the operations of the Tainan Kokutai between May 1 to Jun 30, 1942. With the RAAF No.75 Sqn decimated(Only 3 combat ready P-40Es by Apr 30, 1942)the new main opponent was the 8th FG with his two squadrons of P-39D/F. By the end of the month this first FG was reinforced with a second FG(35th FG)with two squadrons with P-39s and P-400s. Despite the numerical inferiority, Tainan Kokutai continued his near daily strikes and strafing against Port Moresby and in the same time defending his base at Lae, target of many strikes to wipe out the IJN unit. This missions against Lae were costly for the USAAF, and by May 25, 1942, of the eight B-25s of 3th BG send to strike Lae, only three returned to base. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by the mentioned periode. Included A6M2 with textures and decals for Tainan Kokutai and 4th Kokutai. Included G4M1 bomber. Textures and decals for USAAC with old insignia(Pre May 1942 red center disc). Campaign take in count change of insignia after May 31, 1942. See readme for other details. The campaing need the following aircrafts: sf2_a24-dauntless_pak sf2_pto_g3m_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b17e_v2k_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b25c_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b26_pak sf2_ww2_pto_p39d-v2k_pak sf2_ww2_pto_p400-v2k_pak sf2_ww2_raaf_kittyhawk_pak Thanks and credits: Wrench for NewGuinea3 terrain and several of the re-packing of aircrafts ArmorDave for the A6M2 Author of the base G4M2(SF1) Raven for the P-40E Kittyhawk. Veltro2K for the B-17E Veltro2K for the B-25C Veltro2K for the B-26 Veltro2K for the G3M Veltro2k for the P-39D Veltro2k for the P-400 Wolf257 for the SBD(A-24) Happy flights.
  3. Nieuport 21

    Nice model and a welcome companion of the Nieuport 17. Many thanks.
  4. Sopwith Triplane

    Nice model and welcome adition of a classic of WWI. As a wish, a Sopwith Pup can be also welcome. Many thanks.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Campaign EAF No.26 Sqn Ramadan War(MiG-21F-13) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 34 missions for the EAF No.26 Sqn cover the periode from Oct 7, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by and after October 7, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973)and three type of Bofors AAA. EAF No.26 "Black Ravens" Squadron No.26 Squadron was established in the autumn 1967. The Squadron was the first, following the Israelian example, to set aerial ambushes with two MiGs acting as baith and two or four others as shooters. First sucess coming in Oct 23, 1968 in the area Ismailiya-Suez Canal with two Mirages downed, one finded in May 1975 by the Egyptian Navy with the death pilot still in the cockpit. As usual, IDF/AF denied this losses. Based at Inchas AB during the War of Attrition, No.26 Squadron was the unit with the highest number of combat engagements in 1969-1970 and earned the reputation as the "best dogfighters" in the entire air arm. Pilots of the squadron introduce the practice of applying kill markings on their MiGs, and by 1973, at least two of the MiGs carried the unit insignia, a black raven with a white "26". The "Top Gun" of the unit was Reda el-Iraqi with three kills in the War of Attrition(all Mirages). The No.26 Squadron downed also IDF/AF ace Capt Giora Romm(5 victories)and became POW. By the Ramadan War, despite the availability of new variants like MiG-21MF or MiG-1PFM, the No.26 Squadron remained with the old MiG-21F-13. The aircraft was lighter and thus more manoeuvrable in comparison with recent variants. The single 30mm cannon with 60 rounds packed a more powerful punch than the 23mm GSh-23 installed in the MiG-21MF. Also, the F-13 was a dedicated interceptor and not a dual role like the MiG-21MF. No.25 Squadron follow the example of No.26 Squadron and give his MiG-21PFS to come back with the MiG-21F-13. Both Squadrons, forming the Air Brigade 102, had 30 MiG-21F-13 by the Ramadan War. The UARAF/EAF had taked in charge 90 MiG-21F-13(48 of the first batch delivered from Nov 1961 to 1963, 12 ex QJJ in Jun 1967 and 30 purchased with Aero-Vodochody in Czechoslovakia delivered in 1969). Last F-13s arriving by Dec 4, 1969. All this 30 jets were assigned to the Air Brigade 102. The SyAAF received during the Ramadan War, 11 MiG-21F-13 from Czechoslovaquia and 12 from Poland. The DDR deliver in the same periode 12 MiG-21M. Campaign need the following extra aircrafts: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Supplied a MiG-21F-13 ready to use with cockpit and sound. Camo2 Tiger Stripe. Very few F-13s carried Camo Nile Valley. Install Follow readme instructions and aditional informations Credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Authors of MiG-21F-13 cockpit and sound. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights
  6. USAF F-4 Phantom Vietnam losses This list correct some mistakes in names, squadrons-units, registrations and dates. Source are several like Joe Baugher, 366th TFW base data, Ejection History, 8th TFW base data, etc, etc. Several of this jets were destroyed in Viet Cong mortar and rocket attacks at Da Nang AB, Bin Hoa AB or Tan Son Nhut. Others were shot down in final approach at Da Nang AB. By the VPAF, a notable improvement by the MiG-21s with his R-3S attacks with increase number of victories is clear after April 1972. All this victories are also confirmed by US sources. F-4C/D/E 09-06-65 F-4C 64-0674(15th TFW, 45th TFS)ran out of fuel and crashed in South Vietnam. Capt C.D.Keeter and Capt G.L.Getman eject and rescued. 20-06-65 F-4C 64-0685(15th TFW, 45th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Son La/Ta Chan, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Paul A.Kari POW. Capt Curt H.Briggs rescued. 24-07-65 F-4C 63-7599(15th TFW, 47th TFS)shot down by SA-2 over Lang Chi/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Capt Roscoe H.Fobair KIA. Capt Richard P.Keirn POW. 04-09-65 F-4C 63-7700(15th TFW, 47th TFS)shot down in low-level strafing run and exploded over North Vietnam. Capt James A.Branch KIA. 1th Lt Eugene M.Jewell KIA. 24-09-65 F-4C 64-0700(15th TFW, 47th TFS)hit by ground fire during bomb run and ditched into the sea off Vinh Linh, North Vietnam. Capt Jack D.Gravis and 1th Lt Wylie E.Nole eject and recovered by HU-16 Albatros. 30-09-65 F-4C 64-0660(15th TFW, 47th TFS)hit by SA-2 over the Ninh Binh bridge, North Vietnam. Capt Chambless M.Chesnutt KIA. 1th Lt Michael D.Chwan KIA. 01-10-65 F-4C 63-7712(15th TFW, 47th TFS)hit by small arms fire near Ban Chan, 65 mi W of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Capt Charles J.Scharf KIA. 1th Lt Martin J.Massucci KIA. 05-10-65 F-4C 63-7563(15th TFW, 43th TFS)hit by ground fire, 40 miles NE of Hanoi. Capt James O.Hivner eject and rescued. 1th Lt Thomas J.Barrett eject and POW. 18-10-65 F-4C 64-0730(8th TFW, 68th TFS)hit on strike mission on railway bridge near Ha Tinh/Huong Khe, North Vietnam. Capt Thomas E.Collins POW and 1th Edward A.Brudno POW. 28-11-65 F-4C 64-0729(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Pleiku, South Vietnam. Capt Robert D.Street and 1th Lt Henry J.Knoch eject and recovered. 07-12-65 F-4C 64-0723(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire 20 miles E of Dak Seang. Capt James D.Sala KIA. Capt Robert W.Wranosky KIA. 19-12-65 F-4C 63-7527(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)in escort for strike, near miss from SA-2, 35 miles W of Hanoi. Crew eject over Thailand. Capt Robert S.Kan and 1th Lt Joe L.Moran recovered. 20-12-65 F-4C 64-0678(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by 57mm AAA near Lang Son, near the Chinese border. Pilot Capt Robert D.Jeffrey POW. 1th Lt George I.Mims KIA. 16-01-66 F-4C 63-7469(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down by ground fire during attack one supply area near Ban Ralao, Laos. Capt John A.Gagen and 1th Lt Frank M.Malagarie eject and rescued. 21-02-66 F-4C 64-0728(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire during armed reconnaissance over Plain of Jars, Laos. Capt J.L.Moore and 1th Lt M.J.Peters eject and rescued. 27-02-66 F-4C 64-0742(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by ground fire during bomb run. Crew flew within 10 mi of Ubon, Thailand before ejecting. Capt J.C.Kahl and 1th Lt G.H.Hall recovered. 14-03-66 F-4C 64-0740(35th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed into sea off North Vietnam due to battle damage. Both crew attended to rescue by HU-16B 51-0071, which was sunk by shore batteries. Maj James M.Peerson and Capt Lynwood C.Bryant rescued by a Navy helo. 15-03-66 F-4C 64-0732(8th TFW, 497th TFS)armed reconnaissance, hit during night strafing attack on trucks it impacted the ground. LtCol Peter J.Stewart KIA. Capt Martin R.Scott KIA. 27-03-66 F-4C 63-7681(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)struck trees during bomb run near Ban Nampakhon, Laos. Capt D.G.Rokes and 1th Lt J.Q.Ozbolt eject and rescued. 16-04-66 F-4C 63-7677(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by ground fire during bomb run near Ha Loi/Hoa Binh, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Samuel R.Johnson POW and 1th Larry J.Chesley POW. 21-04-66 F-4C 63-7531(12th TFW, 559th FTS)shot down during Steel Tiger strike near Tang Hune Nord, Laos. Crew eject. 1th Lt Russel E.Goodenough and 1th Lt Paul A.Busch recovered. 04-05-66 F-4C 64-0688(12th TFW, 557th TFS)flamed out and crashed on approach to Cam Ranh Bay AB with rwy blocked with disabled F-4, South Vietnam. Lt Bernard D.Giere and Lt Henry J.Knoch eject. 14-05-66 F-4C 64-0760(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)night armed reconnaissance and crashed after hit by ground fire during bomb run, NVN. Capt Donald L.King KIA. 1th Lt Frank D.Ralston KIA. 17-05-66 F-4C 64-0717(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)damaged during reconnaissance mission and written-off after runway overrun at Ubon, SVN. Capt D.G.Rokes and Lt E.S.Osbolt survived. 26-05-66 F-4C 64-0722(12th TFW, 391st TFS)hit by ground fire and crashed during bombing run near mouth of Am Phu and Dai Rivers, Hai Dong, South Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Terrance H.Griffey MIA and 1th lt Gary A.Glandon MIA. 31-05-66 F-4C 63-7664(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by ground fire during pass on Thanh Hoa railway bridge and ditched at sea. Maj Dayton W.Ragland KIA. 1th Lt Ned R.Herrold KIA. 01-06-66 F-4C 63-7571(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by ground fire and crashed near Chi Lang/Kep, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Armand J.Myers POW. 1th Lt John L.Boring POW. 02-06-66 F-4C 64-0744(12th TFW, 558th TFS)hit by AAA and lost both engines during bomb run at Dak To, South Vietnam. Capt Joseph F.Rosato KIA. Lt Charles R.Ogle eject. 07-06-66 F-4C 64-0671(366th TFW, 389th TFS)caught fire and crashed on takeoff from Phan Rang AB, South Vietnam. Crew Maj R.M.Keith and RIO Maj C.F.Frost eject. 13-06-66 F-4C 63-7697(35th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA, 10 miles NW of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Alan P.Lurie POW. 1th Lt Darrel E.Pyle POW. 10-07-66 F-4C 63-7546(35th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA in starboard engine and ditched into sea off Thon Cam Son, North Vietnam due to battle damage. Crew eject. Capt T.P.Weeks and Capt F.J.Lennon rescued by USAF helicopter. 17-07-66 F-4C 63-7690(35th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA during armed reconnaissance and attack near Vinh Linh, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt F.D.Moruzzi and 1th Lt J.F.Preston rescued by helicopter. 20-07-66 F-4C 63-7695(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by AAA and fire warning light came on during GCA approach to Udorn AB, Thailand. Crash in landing. Capt R.A.Walmsley seriously injured. 1th Lt S.W.George KIA. 06-08-66 F-4C 63-7587(12th TFW, 557th TFS)crashed near Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam due to engine failure. Crew eject. Capt Bavousett and Lt Tarre recovered. 08-08-66 F-4C 64-0687(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire 30 km NE of Saigon, South Vietnam. Both crew ejected but MIA. Capt Charles M.Walling remains identified and returned Feb 2012. 1th Lt Aado Kommendant still MIA. 08-08-66 F-4C 63-7560(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire during armed recon mission near Ha BaMSNa Lang/Lang Son, North Vietnam. Col Lawrence H.Golberg MIA. Maj Patrick E.Wynne MIA. 11-08-66 F-4C 63-7502(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down on armed reconnaissance mission near Kep. Crew eject over the Gulf of Tonkin. Capt P.L.Penn and 1th Lt Benjamin B.Finzer rescued by USN helicopter. 27-08-66 F-4C 63-7525(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by AAA during bomb run, 15 miles W of Dong Hoi. Crew eject. Maj J.E.Barrow and 1th Lt T.H.Walsh recovered by USN helicopter. 29-08-66 F-4C 63-7503(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by AAA on night armed reconnaisance during bomb run on trucks over Quang Binh, NVN. Capt Kenneth D.Robinson KIA. 1th Lt Don Hoff eject, brief radio contact with him, but KIA. 03-09-66 F-4C 64-0771(12th TFW, 557th TFS)in ILS approach with bad weather, crashed into mountain S of Cam Ranh Bay, SVN. Capt Clifford S.Heathcote Jr.KIA. Capt William P.Simmons KIA. 04-09-66 F-4C 63-7561(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Thai Hguyen, North Vietnam. 1th Lt Raymond P.Salzrulo Jr.KIA. 1th Lt John H.Nasmyth eject and POW. 10-09-66 F-4C 64-0832(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by SA-2 while attacking a bridge 12 miles E of Kep, NVN. Crew eject. Capt Douglas B.Peterson POW. Lt Bernad L.Talley POW. 13-09-66 F-4C 63-7694(8th TFW, 497th TFS)crashed on takeoff at Ubon RTAFB. Capt John E.Stackhouse KIA. 1th Lt Benjamin B.Finzer KIA. 13-09-66 F-4C 63-7640(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by own bomb blast due to flight control failure and caught fire. Capt R.H.Patterson and Lt R.W.Thomas eject. 14-09-66 F-4C 64-0657(366th TFW, 389th TFS)flight control failre and crash near Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan Province, South Vietnam. 1th Lt Howard E.Knudsen Jr.KIA. RIO poss eject. 16-09-66 F-4C 63-7613(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Thon Cam Son, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Lt Bernard D.Giere and Lt Henry J.Knoch recovered. 16-09-66 F-4C 63-7643(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Dap Cau/Kep, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj John L.Robertson MIA. 1th Lt Hubert E.Buchanan POW. 17-09-66 F-4C 63-7509(12th TFW, 558th TFS)crashed after midair collision with F-4C 64-0716 2 mi N of Cam Ranh Bay, SVN. Capt Robert E.Rocky KIA. Capt D.G.Browning eject and rescued. 17-09-66 F-4C 64-0716(12th TFW, 558th TFS)in midair collision with 63-7509, 2 mi N of Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam. Capt Edward D.McCann KIA. 1th Lt Michael E.Surwald KIA. 19-09-66 F-4C 63-7687(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by ground fire and ran off runway while landing dead stick at Dong Ha, RVN. Capt D.J.Fitzgerald and 1th Lt P.C.Bruhn survived. 21-09-66 F-4C 63-7642(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)damaged by VPAF MiG-17, crew ejected over the Gulf of Tonkin. Capt R.G.Kellems and 1th Lt J.W.Thomas rescued by USAF helicopter. 29-09-66 F-4C 64-0736(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire during bomb run in a ferry near Dong Hoi/Phu Son, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Saul Waxman KIA. Lt J.E.Glover poss recovered. 02-10-66 F-4C 64-0821(8th TFW, 497th TFS)CBU bomblet collision during release, caught fire and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Capt J.W.Lacassee and 1th lt Al.Workman rescued by USAF helicopter and USN ship. 04-10-66 F-4C 64-0702(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Yen Bai, North Vietnam, becoming first US fighter to be lost to an AAM. Capt William R.Andrews MIA. Lt Edward W.Garland eject. 06-10-66 F-4C 63-7486(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit the ground during rocket attack, presumed due to ground fire. 1th Lt Robert M.Gilchrist KIA. 1th Lt Eugene M.Pabst KIA. 13-10-66 F-4C 64-0654(366th TFW, 480th TFS)lost during armed reconnaissance while attacking trucks in Quang Binh province, North Vietnam. 1th Lt Murray L.Borden KIA. 1th Lt Eugene T.Meadows KIA. 20-10-66 F-4C 63-7518(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by ground fire during bomb run over target in Laos. Crew ejected. Maj Lacy W.Breckenridge and 1th Lt Joseph C.Merrick recovered. 11-11-66 F-4C 64-0743(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down attacking a gun emplacement near Ba Binh/Ben Quang, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Robert I.Biss POW. 2th Lt Harold D.Monlux POW. 11-11-66 F-4C 63-7616(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down attacking a gun emplacement near Ba Binh/Ben Quang, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Herbert B.Ringsdorf POW. 1th Lt Richard L.Butt POW(Died in captivity) 22-11-66 F-4C 64-0755(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Ha Gia/Dong Bua, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Gordon S.Scotty Wilson KIA. Lt Joseph Jr.Crecca POW. 02-12-66 F-4C 64-0753(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Phuc Yen airfield, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Hubert K.Flesher POW. LtCol James R.Berger POW. 02-12-66 F-4C 64-0663(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Phuc Yen airfield, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Donald R.Burns POW. Capt Bruce C.Ducat MIA. 02-12-66 F-4C 63-7608(12th TFW, 559th TFS)in escort for EB-66 shot down by SA-2 15 miles SE of Yen Bai, North Vietnam. Crew eject.Capt Kenneth W.Cordier POW. 1th Lt Michael C.Lane POW. 06-12-66 F-4C 63-7521(12th TFW, 559th TFS)crashed into a mountain during a CAS mission in Ninh Thuan province, SVN. Maj Lee A.Greco KIA. 1th Lt John M.Troyer KIA. 08-12-66 F-4C 63-7544(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by small arms fire during take off at Da Nang AB. Crew eject. Maj J.K.Young and Lt F.H.Porter survived. 11-12-66 F-4C 63-7533(366th TFW, 480th TFS)ditched into Gulf of Tonkin off Van Xuan, North Vietnam due to battle damage. Capt Jerry Woodcock rescued. 1th Lt Gerald O.Alfred Jr. MIA. 27-12-66 F-4C 64-0833(8th TFW, 555th TFS)fuel transfer failure and fuel exhaustion over Thailand. Crew ejected near Ubon AB. Maj R.E.Gust and Lt G.D.Shepard recovered. 19-01-67 F-4C 64-0845(366th TFW, 390th TFS)in escort for RF-101C, shot down by ground fire or SA-2 near Kep, North Vietnam. Capt Julius S.Jayroe POW. Lt Galand Kramer POW. 22-01-67 F-4C 64-0810(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down in MiGCAP mission over Kep Airfield. Crew eject. Capt William J.Baugh POW. 1th Lt Donald R.Spoon POW. 23-01-67 F-4C 64-0773(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by SA-2 in CAP mission. Crew eject. Capt Barry B.Bridger POW. 1th Lt David F.Gray Jr.POW. 27-01-67 F-4C 63-7709(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by ground fire during recon for North Vietnamese junks and barges. Ditched into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Maj James A.Hargrove and Lt Lawrence D.Peterson rescued by USAF helicopter. 24-02-67 F-4C 64-0801(12th TFW 391st TFS)shot down during fourth strafing run near Vinh Binh/Kien Long, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt S.B.Hudson and 1th Lt H.G.Floyd rescued by USAF helicopter. 28-02-67 F-4C 64-0764(12th TFW, 391st TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Kale, Laos. Crew eject. Maj J.F.Clayton and Lt K.C.Simonin rescued by HH-3E helicopter. 03-03-67 F-4C 63-7656(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ba Don, Quang Binh Province, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol Charles D.Roby MIA. Maj Floyd W.Richardson MIA. Crew remains repatriated 15-12-88. 10-03-67 F-4C 63-7653(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)damaged by AAA over Hanoi and crashed near Poungthak, Laos due to battle damage. Cap Earl D.Aman and Lt Robert W.Houghton ejected. 10-03-67 F-4C 64-0839(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by AAA over Hanoi, causing fuel leak. Crew ejected over northeast Laos. Capt John R.Pardo and 1th Stephen A Wayne recovered. 21-03-67 F-4C 64-0788(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)collided in midair with F-4C 63-7586 and crashed near Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew eject. Maj C.W.Hetherington and Lt L.R.Egea recovered. 63-7586 landed safely. 26-03-67 F-4C 64-0849(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Xom Lom/Son Tay, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Frederick A.Crow Jr.POW. Col Henry P.Fowler Jr.poss recovered. 27-03-67 F-4C 64-0769(12th TFW, 558th TFS)written-off after ran off runway into sea following aborted take-off at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Crew survived. 31-03-67 F-4C 64-0733(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down by machine gun fire while attempting to land at Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Kenny Cobb and Lt Lawrence D.Peterson recovered. 01-04-67 F-4C 64-0746(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Phuoc Tuy/Tam Ky, South Vietnam. Capt George H.Joudenais KIA. 1th lt Robert W.Stanley KIA. 23-04-67 F-4C 64-0756(366th TFW, 389th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Thai Nguyen/Yen Bai, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt W.L.Mekkers and 1th J.B.Millhollon rescued by HH-3 helicopter. 24-04-67 F-4C 63-7641(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)took direct AAA hit and exploded, E of Hanoi. Maj Herman L.Knapp MIA. 1th Lt Charles D.Austin MIA. 28-04-67 F-4C 64-0720(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)crashed due fire and explosion during takeoff roll at Ubon AB, Thailand. Suspect engine failure due to ruptured fuel cell. Maj V.Christian and Capt Bodahl survived. 29-04-67 F-4C 64-0670(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by VPAF MiG-17 and AAA 15 miles W of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Loren H.Torkelson POW. 1th Lt George J.Pollin KIA. 02-05-67 F-4C 64-0689(12th TFW, 558th TFS)engine caught fire in take-off and crashed at Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam. Crew survived. 09-05-67 F-4C 63-7652(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)left main gear tire blew on takeoff at Ubon AB, Thailand and plane caught fire. Maj R.B.Wettington survived. Lt L.W.Crane survied but wounded with 3rd degree burns. 12-05-67 F-4C 63-7614(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA, then shot down by VPAF MiG-17 SW of Hanoi over North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Norman C.Gaddis POW. Lt James M.Jefferson KIA. 20-05-67 F-4C 63-7669(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Huu Lung, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Jack L.van Loan POW. 1th Joseph E.Milligan POW. 22-05-67 F-4C 63-7692(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by ground fire over near Long Cha Lake, NVN. Crew eject. Maj Richard D.Vogel POW. 1th Lt David L.Baldwin rescued by USN helicopter. 22-05-67 F-4C 64-0708(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by AAA near Nam Dinh, NVN. Crew eject. Capt Elton L.Perrine MIA. 1th Lt Kenneth F.Backus MIA. 25-05-67 F-4C 64-0714(12th TFW, 557th TFS)hit by AAA during attack on target in NVN. Crew eject over Gulf of Tonkin. Maj C.C.Rhymes and Lt R.E.Randolph rescued by USAF helicopter and USN ship. 30-05-67 F-4C 64-0668(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA near Tho Ngoa. Crashed 15 miles of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj W.C.Schrupp and Capt T.R.Macdougall recovered. 31-05-67 F-4C 63-7603(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by AAA during attack on barracks at Kep. Ditched 45 miles off Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj M.C.Fulcher and Capt A.W.Wolff rescued by helicopter and USN ship. 02-06-67 F-4C 63-7548(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by AAA near Tu Loan, North Vietnam. Capt Alton C.Rockett Jr.KIA. 1th Lt Daniel L.Carrier KIA. 08-06-67 F-4C 63-7425(366th TFW, 389th TFS)control and hydraulic problems reported. Lost over North Vietnam. Capt Victor J.Apodaca Jr.KIA. Capt Jon T.Busch KIA. 09-06-67 F-4C 64-0667(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Chap Le, North Vietnam. Ditched. Crew eject. Maj C.A.Colton and 1th Lt R.D.Franks rescued by USAF helicopter. 10-06-67 F-4D 66-0236(8th TFW, 555th TFS)fuel problems, both engines flamed out and crashed in approach near Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew eject. Maj C.H.Allen and Lt B.Becker recovered. 11-06-67 F-4C 64-0786(366th TFW, 390th TFS)MIGCAP mission northeast of Kep. Midair collision with 63-7706. Crew eject. Col Hervey S.Stockman(CO 390th TFS)POW. Col Ronald J.Webb POW. 11-06-67 F-4C 63-7706(366th TFW, 389th TFS)MIGCAP mission northeast of Kep. Midair collision with 64-0786. Crashed near Bac Giang/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Maj Donald M.Klemm KIA. 1th Lt Robert H.Pearson MIA. 11-06-67 F-4C 63-7710(8th TFW, 555th TFS)lost hydraulics after take-off and crashed near Ubon AFB. Crew eject. Capt Martin G.Slapikas and Lt T.R.Bongartz recovered. 12-06-67 F-4C 63-7673(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed at sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj V.D.Fulgram and Capt William K.Harding rescued by USMC helicopter. 12-06-67 F-4C 64-0662(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Truc Giang, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Capt Edward A.Lapierre KIA. 1th Lt Lawrence J.Silver KIA. 14-06-67 F-4C 64-0778(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by ground fire 30 miles NE of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Kevin J.McManus POW. Lt Edward J.Mechenbier POW. 26-06-67 F-4C 63-7577(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down near Hainan Island by unidentified PLAAF fighter while on ferry flight from Philippines. Crew eject. Maj J.C.Blandford and 1th Lt J.M.Jarvis recovered. 06-07-67 F-4C 63-7698(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA near Huong Vi railway yard, NW of Kep, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Kenneth R.Hughey POW. 1th Lt Melvin Pollack POW. 12-07-67 F-4C 64-0718(12th TFW, 391st TFS)CAS mission and shot down by ground fire NW of Bien Hoa. Crew eject. Maj James A.Rainwater Jr.KIA. 1th Lt T.H.Plank recovered. 15-07-67 F-4C 63-7535 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 15-07-67 F-4C 63-7558 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 15-07-67 F-4C 63-7573 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 15-07-67 F-4C 63-7659 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 15-07-67 F-4C 64-0734 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 15-07-67 F-4C 64-0762 destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang AB. 18-07-67 F-4D 66-0248(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire, near Xom Duong Quan. Crew eject. Capt R.R.Headley and 1th Lt G.A.Kuehner rescued by HH-3 helicopter. 24-07-67 F-4C 63-7488(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down in night armed reconnaissance near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Maj Herbert L.Lunsford KIA. 1th Lt Jeremy M.Jarvis KIA. 26-07-67 F-4C 64-0848(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)night armed reconnaissance mission. Destroyed by blast from own ordinance over Mu Gia Pass, NVN.Capt Richard A.Clafin KIA. 1th Lt Richard Brazik KIA. 30-07-67 F-4C 64-0693(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down in night reconnaisance mission near Ba Binh, North Vietnam. Capt Thomas R.Allen MIA. 1th Lt Ronald L.Packard MIA. Crew remains identified in 1997. 03-08-67 F-4C 64-0719(12th TFW, 558th TFS)crashed into a lighting array after aborted takeoff at Cam Ranh Bay, SVN. Maj John A.De Bock KIA. 1th Lt Ron Flake recovered. 06-08-67 F-4C 63-7639(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA during second pass over target at night. Crew eject. Maj D.R.Conway and 1th F.W.Dahl recovered. 06-08-67 F-4C 64-0752(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin off Thach Ban, North Vietnam. Capt Albert L.Page KIA. 1th lt Donald R.Kemmerer KIA. 07-08-67 F-4C 64-0656(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down near Ban Xuan/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Glenn H.Wilson POW. 1th Lt Carl D.Chambers POW. 08-08-67 F-4C 64-0703(12th TFW, 558th TFS)crashed on takeoff from Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam. Crew survived. 11-08-67 F-4C 63-7634(366th TFW, 389th TFS)crashed while landing at Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Maj Kenneth R.Hugues KIA. 1th Lt B.Cox survived. 12-08-67 F-4C 63-7593(366th TFW, 390th FTS)hit by 57mm AAA during attack on a truck convoy. Ditched off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.Dilger and Lt G.L.Rawlings rescued by helicopter. 22-08-67 F-4D 66-7517(8th TFW, 555th TFS)struck by AAA and disintegrated 25 mi SW of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Francis B.Midnight MIA. 1th Lt Albert M.Silva wounded and rescued. 23-08-67 F-4D 66-0260(8th TFW, 555th TFS)ran out of fuel near Wanon Niwat, Thailand while providing CAP for downed flyers. Crew eject. Maj C.B.Demarque and 1th Lt J.M.Piet rescued by helicopter. 23-08-67 F-4D 66-0247(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21. Crew eject. Capt Larry E.Carrigan POW. 1th Lt Charles Lane KIA. 23-08-67 F-4D 66-0238(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Yen Vien/Hanoi. Crew eject. Capt Charles R.Tyler POW. Capt Ronald N.Sittner KIA. 23-08-67 F-4D 65-0726(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Lac Duo/Gia Lan/Yen Vien, North Vietnam. Col Robert R.Sawhill MIA. Lt Gerald L.Gerndt recovered. 26-08-67 F-4C 64-0692(12th TFW, 558th TFS)shot down by AAA 40 km SE of Dong Hoi, crashed near Xom Quan, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt William O.Fuller MIA. 1th Lt Thomas M.Kilcullen MIA. 05-09-67 F-4D 65-0723(8th TFW, 555th TFS)failed to pull out during rocket run near Mai Xa Ha, North Vietnam. Maj Carl D.Miller KIA. 1th Lt Thomas P.Hanson KIA. 05-09-67 F-4C 63-7547(12th TFW, 557th TFS)hit by ground fire while attacking truck park near Thou Cam, North Vietnam. Capt Donald W.Downing MIA. 1th Lt Paul D.Raymond MIA. 09-09-67 F-4D 66-7516(8th TFW, 435th TFS)suffered double flame out and the crew ejected over Thailand. Crew eject. Maj Ivan D.Appleby and Lt J.Silliman recovered. 09-09-67 F-4C 64-0835(366th TFW, 480th TFS)tyre blew out and takeoff accident at Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew survived. 17-09-67 F-4D 66-7533(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by 57mm AAA, 10 miles N of Phuc Yen. Crew ejected over N.Thailand. Maj L Boothby and 1th Lt George H.Kinney Jr.recovered. Was the 2000th Phantom. 26-09-67 F-4D 66-7534(8th TFW, 435th TFS)suffered loss of electrical power during takeoff from Ubon AB, Thailand and crashed. Crew eject. Capt D.J.Ackenny and 1th Lt J.D.Mynar recovered. 03-10-67 F-4D 66-7564(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Cao Bang road bridge. Crew eject in the Laos border. Maj Joseph D.Moore and 1th Lt Stephen D.Gulbrandson rescued. 06-10-67 F-4C 63-7612(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)loss of power in take off and crashed at Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew eject. 1th Lt J.L.Fuller and 1th Lt J.E.Nicholson recovered. 07-10-67 F-4D 65-0727(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by SA-2 near Suoi Rut/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Maj Ivan D.Appleby MIA. Capt William R.Austin POW. 08-10-67 F-4C 63-7499(12th TFW, 557th TFS)suffered dual engine flameout and crashed over Binh Dinh province, SVN. Crew eject. 1th David E.Wieland KIA. LtCol E.G.Weaver survived. 08-10-67 F-4C 63-7645(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)crashed after mid-air collision with F-4 63-7499 over Thailand. Crew eject. Capt D.R.Calvert and Lt J.V.Macnab recovered. 12-10-67 F-4C 64-0710(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire during attack along route 101 near Xuan Hoa, North Vietnam. Capt Thomas G.Aseneth Derrickson KIA. 1th Lt John K.Hardy Jr.KIA. 15-10-67 F-4C 63-7538(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA and ditched into sea off Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Robert W.Maloy and Capt W.S.Paul rescued by HH-3E helicopter. 27-10-67 F-4D 66-7513(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by AAA near Viet tri/Phuc Yen, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Jon D.Black POW. 1th Lt Lorenza Conner KIA. 04-11-67 F-4C 64-0795(366th TFW, 390th TFS)Hit by small arms fire while providing close air support just south of the DMZ. Crew eject. Maj R.R.Lester and Lt G.L.Rawlings rescued by US Army helicopter. 07-11-67 F-4C 63-7600(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 57mm AAA near Tho Ngoa/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Kenneth Fisher POW. 1th Lt Leon F.Ellis POW. 08-11-67 F-4D 66-0250(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Lao Phou Van/Yen Bai, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt William S.Gordon rescued. Lt Richard C.Brenneman POW. 09-11-67 F-4C 64-0751(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down by ground fire at Ban Loboy, Laos. LtCol John W.Amstrong MIA. 1th Lance P.Sijan(killed in captivity). 10-11-67 F-4C 64-0669(366th TFW, 389th TFS)crashed after collision with 64-0834 near Gia Ninh, North Vietnam. Maj James S.Morgan KIA. 1th Lt Charles J.Huneycoutt Jr.KIA. 10-11-67 F-4C 64-0834(366th TFW, 389th TFS)crashed after colission with 64-0669 near Gia Ninh, North Vietnam. LtCol Kelly F.Cook KIA. 1th Lt James A.Crew KIA. 19-11-67 F-4C 64-0696(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down by ground fire E of Dak To, SVN. Crew eject. 1th Lt Charles C.Nelson KIA. 1th Lt Steve Marenka rescued by US Army helicopter. 20-11-67 F-4C 63-7680(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down by AAA while attacking suspected SAM site. Capt John M.Martin MIA. 1th Lt James Lindsay Badley eject and recovered. 26-11-67 F-4C 64-0697(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down while attacking a bridge about 20 miles west of Dong Hoi along Route 137E. Col Herbert O.Brennan KIA. 1th Lt Douglas C.Condit KIA. 29-11-67 F-4C 64-0701(12th TFW, 558th TFS)shot down by ground fire over Laos. One crew member bailed out and was rescued. Maj Louis F.Jones KIA. 1th Lt J.L.Lemoine eject and recovered. 07-12-67 F-4C 64-0768(12th TFW, 391st TFS)shot down near Ban Talan/Nua, Laos. Crew eject. Maj R.B.Ray and 1th Lt F.M.Cerrato rescued by USAF helicopter. 10-12-67 F-4C 64-0807(366th TFW, 389th TFS)shot down at 15 miles in approach to Da Nang, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj G.L.Nordin and 1th Lt R.R.Riddick rescued by US Army helicopter. 13-12-67 F-4C 64-0774(12th TFW, 558th TFS)shot down over Song Co Chien river, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Robert E.Bennett KIA. Capt W.T.Sakahara recovered. 16-12-67 F-4D 66-7631(8th TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Kep/Haiphong, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj James F.Low POW. Capt Howard J.Hill POW. 17-12-67 F-4C 64-0782(12th TFW, 559th TFS)hit by 57mm AAA near Vinh Linh. Crew eject. Col C.Brett rescued by HH-3E. 1th Lt Myron F.Smith KIA. 17-12-67 F-4D 66-7757(8th TFW, 497th TFS)lost to ground fire over NVN while attacking the Hau Hung Ferry. Ditched at sea. Crew eject. Maj Laird Guttersen and Lt S.P.Box rescued by helicopter. 17-12-67 F-4D 66-7774(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Lang Lau rairoad bridge. Crew eject. Col K.R.Fleenor POW. Capt T.L.Boyer POW. 27-12-67 F-4C 63-7489(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by SA-2 in night strike over North Vietnam. Ditched into sea off Tho Ngoa, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj H.W.Miller rescued by HH-3E. 1th Lt Sammy A.Martin fell out of harness and drowned. 28-12-67 F-4D 66-7521(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA over Laos atacking nine trucks along route 911. Crew eject. Capt R.W.Coburn and Capt H.Altmann recovered. 30-12-67 F-4C 63-7658(366th TFW, 480th TFS)impact ground about 25 miles SW of Ban Karai Pass, Laos. Maj Smith J.Sword KIA. 1th Lt Murray L.Wortham KIA. 31-12-67 F-4C 63-7621(366th TFW, 390th TFS)lost in a escort mission for a defoliation flight of C-123s. Maj J.L.Sorensen and 1th Lt J.C.Aarni survived. 09-01-68 F-4D 66-8729(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Kapay/Ban Naba, Laos. LtCol Norman M.Green KIA. 1th Lt Wayne C.Irsch KIA. 10-01-68 F-4D 66-8704(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)SA-2 near miss over Laos. Crew eject. Capt Keith N.Hall POW. 1th Lt Earl P.Hopper KIA. 16-01-68 F-4C 64-0927(366th TFW, 480th TFS)the bombs exploded after releasing and crashed near Mu Gia Pass, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj C.E.Lewis and 1th Lt J.L.Kelly recovered. 16-01-68 F-4D 66-8706(366th TFW, 480th TFS)crashed near the Mu Gia Pass, North Vietnam after being caught in a premature explosion of a bomb carried by nearby F-4C 64-0927. Crew eject. Capt Scott B.Stovin recovered. 1th Lt Thomas N.Moe POW. 18-01-68 F-4D 66-8720(8th TFW, 435th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Bac Giang power plant/near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Kenneth A.Simonet POW. 1th Lt Wayne O.Smith POW. 18-01-68 F-4D 66-7581(8th TFW, 435th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Bac Giang power Plant 15 miles SE of Kep, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Robert B.Hinckley POW. 1th Lt Robert C.Jones POW. 20-01-68 F-4C 64-0797(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA 15 miles NW of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Capt Tilden S.Holly KIA. 1th Lt James A.Ketterer KIA. 27-01-68 F-4C 63-7668(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Deng Hoi. Ditched into sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.W.Phillips and 1th Lt B.R Core rescued by USAF helicopter. 30-01-68 F-4C 64-0826(366th TFW)destroyed by Viet Cong shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN. 02-02-68 F-4C 63-7580(366th TFW)destroyed by Viet Cong shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN. 08-02-68 F-4D 66-7769(8th TFW, 555th TFS)hit by AAA during attack run over Phuc Yen airfield. Crashed, 30 Miles W of Sam Neua, Laos. Crew eject. Capt T.K.Dorsett and Capt J.A.Corder rescued by USAF HH-3. 11-02-68 F-4C 63-7663(8th TFW, 555th TFS)destroyed by Viet Cong rocket attack at Bin Hoa AB, SVN. 15-02-68 F-4D 66-7586(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Joseph V.Carpenter POW. Capt Lawrence D.Writer POW. 19-02-68 F-4C 64-0803(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by ground fire shortly after take-off from Da Nang AB and crashed in the A Shau Valley. Crew eject. Capt P.A.Brandt and 1th Lt P.J.Seiler rescued by USAF helicopter. 23-02-68 F-4D 66-8725(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 N of Hon Gay, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Laird Guttersen POW. 1th Lt Myron L.Donald POW. 29-02-68 F-4D 66-7528(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed in landing at Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew eject. LtCol C.D.Smith badly injured(parachute not full deployed). 1th Lt Francis M.Driscoll KIA. 11-03-68 F-4D 66-7719(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down 15 miles S of Mu Ron Ma, South Vietnam. Maj Ernest A.Olds KIA. 1th Lt Albert E.Rodríguez KIA. 14-03-68 F-4D 66-7508(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by AAA 15 miles SW of Hue, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Gary L.Tresemer rescued. 1th Lt James E.Hamm killed on ground. 15-03-68 F-4C 63-7701(12th TFW, 391st TFS)hit by AAA while attacking a truck park in southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt R.C.Fairlamb and 1th Lt P.E.Huber rescued by USAF HH-3. 17-03-68 F-4D 66-8780(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA and ditched into the Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Maj P.D.Lambridges and 1th Lt J.L.Tavenner recovered. 21-03-68 F-4D 66-8767(366th TFW, 390th TFS)Hit by 37mm AAA during night strike mission over southern Laos. Crashed into mountain. 1th Lt Peter D.Hesford KIA. 1th Lt Aubrey E.Stowers KIA. 22-03-68 F-4C 64-0830(12th TFW, 559th TFS)premature own bomb explosion about 15 miles west of Khe Sanh in Laos. Crew eject. LtCol Theodore W.Guy POW. Maj Donavan L.Lyon killed on ground. 22-03-68 F-4C 63-7684(12th TFW 391st TFS)refuelling problems, engines flamed out and crashed near Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj J.G.Kondracki and Capt G.L.Butler recovered. 22-03-68 F-4C 64-0830(12th TFW, 559th TFS)explosion, possibly due to own bomb detonating, 15 miles W of Khe Sanh, inside Laos. Pilot POW. RIO KIA. 27-03-68 F-4D 66-8801(366th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Katoi, North Vietnam. Capt Richard L.Whitteker KIA. 1th Lt James L.Badley KIA. 21-04-68 F-4D 66-7600(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Maj C.R.Webster and 1th Lt N.C.Vasser rescued by USN helicopter. 21-04-68 F-4D 66-8778(366th TFW, 389th TFS)Hit by ground fire about seven miles southwest of Hue. Maj Robert P.Riggins KIA. 1th Lt William Chomyk KIA. 24-04-68 F-4D 66-7541(366th TFW, 480th TFS)crashed into the jungle during a night bombing mission near Van Loc, North Vietnam. LtCol Bobby G.Vinson KIA. 1th Lt Woodrow W.Parker KIA. 25-04-68 F-4D 66-8736(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down 20 miles NW of Dong Hoi during night strike against truck near Ha Loi. Maj Albert C.Mitchell KIA. 1th Lt Gregory J.Crossman KIA. 28-04-68 F-4D 66-8757(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by 85mm AAA over Quang Binh province, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol John S.Finlay POW. Capt Wesley L.Rumble injured and POW. 06-05-68 F-4D 66-8687(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)crashed upon landing during a severe thunderstorm 3 mi from end of runway at Ubon, Thailand. Crew ejected and were recovered. 16-05-68 F-4D 66-7630(8th TFW, 435th TFS)lost shortly after releasing ordinance 15 miles NW of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Maj David J.Rickel KIA. 1th Lt Gerald J.Crosson KIA. 18-05-68 F-4D 66-8695(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit ground in night bombing run 6 mi NE from Binh Tram, Laos. Capt Joseph E.Davies KIA. 1th Lt Glenn D.McCubbin KIA. 22-05-68 F-4D 66-0246(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by 85mm AAA during attack on truck convoy 20 miles W of Dong Hoi, NVN. Capt John H.Crews KIA. 1th Lt Dean P.St Pierre KIA. 25-05-68 F-4D 66-7569(8th TFW, 435th TFS)shot down during a strike on an anti-aircraft gun position near Xom Duong Quan. Crew eject over Laos. Capt D.J.Ankeny and 1th Lt A.A.Turner rescued by USAF helicopter. 01-06-68 F-4C 64-0779(12th TFW, 391st TFS)hit by AAA and crashed near Van Ninh, SVN. Crew eject. Maj Glenn T.Ciarfeo KIA. Capt M.P.Rhodes rescued with severe injuries. 09-06-68 F-4D 66-8746(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire and the crew ejected over Gulf of Tonkin. Maj William B.Bergmann and 1th Lt David A.Willett rescued by USAF HH-3E. 23-06-68 F-4D 66-8724(8th TFW, 497th TFS)lost to ground fire near Xom Sung, North Vietnam. LtCol Donald F.Casey KIA. 1th Lt James E.Booth KIA. 04-07-68 F-4C 63-7496(12th TFW, 391th TFS)hit in port engine by ground fire near Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj D.A.Hamilton and 1th Lt J.B.Jaeger rescued by US Army helicopter. 05-07-68 F-4D 66-7756(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by 37mm AAA during attack run near Van Loc, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol Carl B.Crumpler POW. 1th Lt Michael T.Burns POW. 05-07-68 F-4C 63-7713(12th TFW, 557th TFS)night attack on the Mi Le ferry, southeast of Dong Hoi. Maj Edward R.Silver KIA. 1th Lt Bruce E.Lawrence KIA. 08-07-68 F-4D 66-7671(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hydraulic failure after being hit by ground fire during rocket firing pass 12 Miles E of Me Gia pass, NVN. Crew eject. 1th Lt Charles W.Mosley and 1th Lt Don M.Hallenbeck rescued by helicopter. 23-07-68 F-4D 66-8716(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)complete hydraulic failure over Thailand during combat mission. Crew eject and recovered. 24-07-68 F-4D 66-7703(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by AAA over North Vietnam. Crash in emergency landing at Da Nang. Crew eject. Capt T.O.Gill and 1th Lt R.G.Pierce rescued by USAF helicopter and USN ship. 24-07-68 F-4D 66-7682(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire, ditched into the sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Capt Harley B.Hackett KIA. 1th Lt John R.Bush KIA. 01-08-68 F-4D 66-8822(366th TFW, 389th TFS)shot down near Ban Katoi, Laos. Maj William J.Thompson KIA. 1th lt Joseph S.Ross KIA. 16-08-68 F-4D 66-8754(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by small arms fire near Thon Binh/Da Nang, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj L.N.Cain and 1th Lt M.Metcalfe rescued by USAF helicopter. 17-08-68 F-4D 66-7565(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)hit by ground fire, 20 miles NW of Dong Hoi. Crew eject. Col Arthur T.Hoffson POW. 1th Lt William E.Powell KIA. 18-08-68 F-4D 66-8811(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit in fuselage by .50 cal gunfire near Cam Lo. Crew eject. Capt A.R.Thomas and 1th Lt G.M.Green rescued by US Army helicopter. 24-08-68 F-4D 66-8694(8th TFW, 497th TFS)Lost northwest of Dong Hoi on reconnaissance mission, flew into mountain peak and exploded at night. Maj Charles H.W Read KIA. 1th Lt Melvin E.Ladewig KIA. 26-08-68 F-4D 66-7532(366th TFW)hit by ground fire and ditched into sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Donald W.Pick KIA. 1th Lt SamuelF.Wilburn recovered. 31-08-68 F-4C 64-0837(12th TFW, 559th TFS)training flight and crashed into Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam due systems failure. Crew eject. LtCol P.A.Kauttu and 1th Lt G.A.D'Angelo recovered. 31-08-68 F-4D 66-8688(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)shot down 25 miles W of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt J.R.Wilson recovered. 1th Lt William L.Kinkade MIA. 03-09-68 F-4C 64-0681(12th TFW, 558th TFS)hit by small arms fire and crashed near Tan Son Nhut AB, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj T.E.Assalone and 1th Lt C.P.Parlatore recovered. 11-09-68 F-4D 66-8752(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA while attacking trucks on a road near Van Loc. Crew eject over the coast. Maj Larry E.Bustle injured and recovered by USAF helicopter. 1th Lt Richard H.Vandyke POW(died in captivity of his injuries). 18-09-68 F-4D 66-8692(8th TFW, 435th TFS)was on night final approach with no apparent problems when it fly into the ground 3.3 miles from Ubon, Thailand. Maj Roger O.Clemens KIA. 1th Lt Peter Nash eject through canopy, severely injured but survived. 05-10-68 F-4D 66-8751(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by .50 cal fire during attack run near Giang Hoa, 15 miles SW of Da Nang, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt S.L.Lustfield and 1th Lt R.E.Walkup rescued by USAF helicopter. 19-10-68 F-4D 66-7740(366th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA N of Dong Hoi and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin off Tiger Island, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol Donald R.D'Amico and 1th Lt Samuel F.Wilburn recovered. 24-10-68 F-4D 66-0264(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 57mm AAA near Phu Qui/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj George E.Tyler KIA. 1th Lt Darrel L.Richardson rescued by USAF HH-3 helicopter. 13-11-68 F-4C 64-0800(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down by ground fire N of Phu Giao, SVN. Maj Joseph W.Buchanan KIA. 1th Lt José C.Santos KIA. 19-11-68 F-4D 66-8807(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Maj Yale R.Davis KIA. 1th Lt John N.Reilly Jr.KIA. 25-11-68 F-4D 66-7523(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)hit by AAA over North Vietnam. Crashed near Ban Karai Pass. Crew eject and established radio contact. Maj Joseph C.Morrison KIA. 1th Lt San D.Francisco KIA. 28-11-68 F-4D 66-7646(366th TFW, 390th TFS)in take off from Da Nang AB, veered off the rwy and exploded. Maj Thomas L.Brattain KIA. RIO KIA. 03-12-68 F-4D 66-7499(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by AAA near Ban Senphan, southern Laos. Crew eject. Maj C.L.Gallanger and 1th Lt D.K.Chastain rescued by USAF HH-53 helicopter. 06-01-69 F-4D 66-8763(8th TFW, 435th TFS)on return to base the advised runway was closed due to emergency. Low on fuel and did not make tanker in time and crashed near Saudnet, Thailand. Crew eject. Capt R.B.Meyers and Capt S.Faulkner recovered. 07-01-69 F-4C 63-7590(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by small arms fire near Tan Sun Nhut, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt W.F.Needham and 1th Lt S.D.Adams rescued by HH-43 helicopter. 14-01-69 F-4E 67-0294(388th TFW, 469th TFS)crashed after takeoff from Korat AB, Thailand. Maj Emil E.Boado Jr.KIA. 1th Lt Joseph G.Wilson KIA. 17-01-69 F-4D 66-8773(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Tchepone, Ban Dong, Laos. Crew eject. Capt Victor A.Smith MIA. Lt James R.Fegan, injured and rescued by HH-53. 24-01-69 F-4C 64-0767(12th TFW, 558th TFS)shot down by small arms fire over A Shau Valley, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.D.Russ and 1th Lt R.J.Rybak rescued by USAF helicopter. 24-01-69 F-4D 65-0725(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by 37 mm AAA, 10 miles E of Ban Talan, Laos. Crew eject. LtCol R.W.Clement and Capt J.A.Nash rescued by HH-53B helicopter. 25-01-69 F-4C 64-0739(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Sap, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.P.Cushwa and 1th Lt W.J.Arland recovered. 25-01-68 F-4E 67-0286(388th TFW, 469th TFS9shot down in night mission by ground fire and crashed while attacking a target near Ban Kate, Bang Dong, Laos. Maj Russell K.Utley KIA. 1th Lt Daniel E.Singleton KIA. 27-01-69 F-4C 63-7441(12th TFW, 559th TFS)left runway, hit barrier in take off with one bomb exploded at Cam Ranh Bay, SVN. Maj Robert J.Cameron KIA. Capt Thomas G.Burge KIA. 28-01-69 F-4D 66-8690(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by 37 mm AAA fire near Ban Xam Tai, Laos. Crew eject. Capt G.M.Smith and 1th Lt H.R.Dobbs rescued by HH-53 helicopter. 29-01-69 F-4D 66-7474(8th TFW, 497th TFS)direct hit by 37mm AAA in central fuel tank and exploded over Mu Gia Pass, Laos. Maj William E.Campbell KIA. Capt Robert E.Holton KIA. 14-02-69 F-4D 65-0651(8th TFW, 497th TFS)lost to ground fire while pulling off target 32 km NE of Saravane, Laos. Crew eject. LtCol Stanley S.Clark KIA. 1th Lt Gordon K.Breault rescued by HH-53 helicopter. 22-02-69 F-4D 66-8717(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)in escort for B-52s. Shot down by ground fire near Ban Thuang/Xiangkhoang, Laos. Crew eject. Capt Wayne E.Pearson KIA. 1th Lt M.E.Heenan rescued by HH-53. 22-02-69 F-4C 63-7586(12th TFW, 558th TFS)shot down by small arms fire 5 miles S of Da Lat, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.C.Roth and 1th Lt C.H.Gray rescued by US Army helicopter. 01-03-69 F-4D 66-8814(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by AAA during attack near Ban Topen, Laos. Maj Wendell R.Keller KIA. 1th Lt Virgil K.Meroney KIA. 05-03-69 F-4D 66-7637(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by ground fire, 7 miles S of Da Nang AB. Ditched into sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Capt E.A.Davis and 1th Lt C.J.Wiles rescued by helicopter. 10-03-69 F-4D 65-0722(8th TFW, 435th TFS)lost to small arms fire near Ban Loumpoum/Ban Hai, Laos. Crew eject. LtCol Carter P.Luna KIA. Capt Aldis P.Rutyna rescued by helicopter. 28-03-69 F-4D 66-8764(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by ground fire near Bo Ho Su. Maj Robert A.Belcher KIA. 1th Lt Michael A.Miller KIA. 28-03-69 F-4D 66-8685(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Ban Naxa, Plain of Jars, northern Laos. Capt Robert D.Davenport KIA. Capt William P.Justice KIA. 29-03-69 F-4D 66-8809(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by small arms fire near Ban Topen, Laos. Crew eject. Capt W.J.Popendorf rescued by USAF helicopter. 1th Lt Frederick W.Hess KIA. 02-04-69 F-4D 66-8771(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA and crashed 30 miles from Da Nang, South Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol C.G.Foster and 1th Lt J.P.McMahon rescued by USAF helicopter. 05-04-69 F-4D 66-0233(8th TFW, 497th TFS)lost to ground fire over Laos. Crew eject. Capt R.Brandt and 1th Lt C.R.Koster rescued by helicopter. 12-04-69 F-4D 66-8766(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by ground fire 10 miles SW of Katum, Cambodia. Maj Ernest L.Desoto KIA. 1th Lt Frederick M.Hall KIA. 16-04-69 F-4D 66-8796(8th TFW, 25th TFS)hit by ground fire in Laos, crew made it back to Thailand and eject. Maj D.W.Winkels and Capt R.P.Andersen rescued by HH-3E helicopter. 17-04-69 F-4C 64-0843(12th TFW, 588th TFS)hit by small arms fire 15 miles SW of Katum. Flew to Tan Son Nhut but had to abandon aircraft. Crew eject. Capt J.L.Beavers and 1th Lt G.K.Muellner rescued by US Army helicopter. 17-04-69 F-4D 65-0649(37th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA during bomb run 15 miles E of Ban Talan, Laos. LtCol Walter S.Van Cleave KIA. 1th Lt Vincent C.Scott KIA. 07-05-69 F-4C 64-0805(12th TFW, 559th TFS)hit by ground fire, burst into flames and crashed at Tonghe Gnai, Laos. Crew eject. Maj William J.Brashear KIA. 1th Lt Henry G.Mundt KIA. 10-06-69 F-4D 66-7493(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by small arms fire during target run near Hiep Duc/Tam Ky, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj C.Thomas and Maj W.R.Deans rescued by USAF helicopter. 14-06-69 F-4D 66-7574(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire near Ban Kapay, southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt James W.Grace KIA. 1th Lt Wayne J.Karas recovered. 16-06-69 F-4D 66-7510(366th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by AAA near Duc Pho. Crew eject off the coast near Chu Lai. Maj G.G.Fulghom and 1th Lt Harmon Polster rescued by US Army helicopter. 12-07-69 F-4D 66-7697(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit mountain top while in bad weather S of Ban Nathon, Laos. Maj Paul W.Bannon KIA. 1th Lt Peter X.Pike KIA. 15-07-69 F-4D 66-7603(37th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by AAA near Ban Dakvo, southern Laos. Capt Michael S.Walker KIA. 1th Lt Harmon Harmon Polster KIA. 01-08-69 F-4E 67-0323(366th TFW, 421st TFS)hit by ground fire about 20 miles SW of Quang Ngai, South Vietnam. Capt Tommy L.Callies KIA. 1th Lt Douglas G.Burd KIA. 03-08-69 F-4D 66-7599(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by AAA about 20 miles west of Khe Sanh in southern Laos. Crew eject near Ubon AB, Thailand. Capt A.C.Stripe and 1th Lt A.G.Hendrick recovered. 03-08-69 F-4E 67-0291(366th TFW, 4th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Da Nang, South Vietnam. Capt James E.Morton Jr.KIA. Capt James D.White KIA. 04-08-69 F-4E 67-0325(366th TFW, 421st TFS)hit by ground fire 10 miles NW of Quang Ngai,South Vietnam. Col George S.Dorman KIA. 1th Lt Roy D.Bratton KIA. 09-08-69 F-4E 67-0261(388th TFW, 34th TFS)hit by ground fire near Nam Ngum Reservoir/Muong Soumi, Laos. Crew eject. Capt P.M.Lang and Capt C.W.Magsig rescued by USAF helicopter. 27-08-69 F-4D 65-0634(37th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by ground fire near Duc Pho. Crew eject after the coast. Capt C.J.Wingert and Maj J.J.Baick rescued by US Army helicopter. 03-09-69 F-4D 66-8791(8th TFW, 25th TFS)hit by heavy caliber AAA over northern Laos. Crew eject near Udorn AB. Col D.N.Stanfield and 1th Lt rescued by HH-43 helicopter. 09-09-69 F-4D 66-7686(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)crashed while landing at Udorn AB, Thailand. Crew survived. 11-09-69 F-4D 66-7530(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by ground fire in southern Laos. Capt Roger D.Helwig and Capt Roger H.Stearns recovered. 01-10-69 F-4D 66-7546(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA east of Ban Ban. Crew eject near the Thai border. Capt R.A.Gieleghem and 1th Lt G.R.Zesinger rescued by USAF helicopter. 02-10-69 F-4C 63-7708(12th TFW, 559th TFS)exploded on pull-of from bombing W of Thien Giao, SVN. Capt John A.Quinn KIA. Capt P.E.Rider eject and recovered. 02-10-69 F-4D 66-8697(432nd TFW, 13th TFS)damaged by AA A near Ban Ban, Laos. Crashed on landing at Udorn AB. 1th Lt R.D.Ballentine and 1th Lt M.E.Stone survived. 08-10-69 F-4C 63-7498(12th TFW, 558th TFS)hit by ground over southern Laos. Crew eject off Hon Giai Island, Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Capt N.A.Jacobs and Capt D.L.Stevenson recovered. 25-10-69 F-4D 65-0751(8th TFW, 435th TFS)crashed after rocket attack run at Ban Karai Pass, Laos. Capt Gray D.Warren KIA. 1th Lt Neil S.Bynum KIA. 03-11-69 F-4C 63-7528(12th TFW, 557th TFS)shot down near Ban Soppeng, 10 miles S of the Mu Gia Pass. Capt Stanley L.Adams KIA. 1th Lt William D.Smith KIA. 05-11-69 F-4D 66-7748(8th TFW, 497th TFS)lost on night mission near the Mi Gia Pass, Laos. Capt Douglas P.Lefever KIA. Capt Joseph Y.Echanis KIA. 05-11-69 F-4C 63-7604(12th TFW, 559th TFS)crashed in approach to Cam Ranh Bay AB, SVN. Capt Wade A.Greer KIA. 1th Lt Frederick J.Carter KIA. 11-11-69 F-4D 65-0645(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by AAA over Mu Gia Pass, Laos. Crew eject. Maj C.W.Killen and 1th Lt J.G.Hoyler rescued by HH-53 helicopter. 12-11-69 F-4D 66-8718(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)hit by AAA while attacking trucks near Ban Soppeng, Laos. Capt Robert L.Tucci KIA. Maj James E.Dennany MIA. Wreckage and remains of crew recovered 2009 at Ban Soppeng, Laos. 12-11-69 F-4E 67-0219(388th TFW, 34th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Bam Senphan, Laos. Capt Jon K.Bodahl MIA. Capt Harry W.Smith MIA. 16-11-69 F-4C 64-0842(12th TFW, 557th TFS)hit by ground fire near Ban Lenphan, Laos. Crew eject. Maj L.L.Davis and 1th Lt A.A.Ernst recovered. 17-11-69 F-4D 66-7567(366th TFW, 390th TFS)crashed short of the runway returning from from mission in southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt J.J.Rabeni and Maj D.A.Bowie recovered. 22-11-69 F-4E 67-0314(366th TFW, 4th TFS)hit by ground fire near Quang Ngai. Crew eject over the coast 5 miles from Da Nang AB. Capt C.E.Williams and Capt J.T.Harrison recovered. 25-11-69 F-4D 66-7562(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Ban Xow, northern Laos. Crew eject. Capt G.J.Skaret and 1th Lt D.M.Tye recovered. 01-12-69 F-4C 63-7438(12th TFW, 559th TFS)shot down by ground fire NE of Phouc Hoa, SVN. Capt Frederick W.Seibert KIA. Capt Patrick T.Hayes KIA. 03-12-69 F-4D 66-7763(8th TFW, 433th TFS)lost to ground fire near Ban Senphan, southern Laos. Crew eject. Maj Brad L.Sharp and 1t Lt J.C.Mangels recovered. 05-12-69 F-4C 63-7444(12th TFW, 558th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA over southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt Benjamin F.Danielson KIA. 1th Lt Woodrow J.Bergeron Jr.rescued after three days on ground. 05-12-69 F-4E 67-0300(388th TFW, 469th TFS)shot down near Ban Ban, Laos. Capt John C.Clark KIA. 1th Lt Patrick K.Harrold KIA. 19-12-69 F-4E 67-0253(366th TFW, 4th TFS)lost to ground fire near Ben Talon, Laos. Crew ejected and were recovered. 20-12-69 F-4D 66-7543(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit by 23mm ground fire near Ban Namm, southern Laos. Attempt to reach Ubon AB before force to eject. Capt D.S.Catchings and 1th Lt W.R.Daley recovered. 21-12-69 F-4C 63-7524(12th TFW, 558th TFS)fuel exhaustion in return to base and crashed near Cam Ranh Bay AB, South Vietnam. Crew survived. 30-12-69 F-4D 66-7590(432nd TRW, 555th FTS)hit by ground fire in northern Laos. Capt Fielding W.Featherston KIA. 1th Lt Douglas D.Ferguson KIA(remains recovered Apr 2013) 02-01-70 F-4D 66-8784(8th TFW, 25th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Tampanko/Ban Dong/Sepone River, Laos. Capt John T.West KIA. 1th Lt Ronnie G.Lindstrom KIA. 07-01-70 F-4E 67-0357(366th TFW, 421st TFS)crashed in training flight near Da Nang AB, South Vietnam. Capt Robert Ochab KIA. 1th Lt Campbell survived. 15-01-70 F-4D 66-8820(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down near Ban Kate, Laos. Maj Tommy R.Warren KIA. 1th Lt R.D.Leblanc eject and rescued by USAF helicopter. 18-02-70 F-4D 66-7526(8th TFW, 435th TFS)lost to AAA over eastern Laos. Maj Thomas E.Gillen KIA. Capt Robert S.Dotson eject and rescued by HH-53 helicopter. 18-02-70 F-4C 63-7671(12th TFW, 557th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA during night strike over Laos. Capt Thomas C.Daffron KIA. 1th Lt Charles F.Morley KIA. 09-03-70 F-4E 67-0282(366th TFW, 4th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Chanum in southern Laos. Capt Lothar G.Thomas Terla KIA. 1th Lt Larry W.Cotten KIA. 16-03-70 F-4D 66-7503(366th TFW)destroyed on ground at Da Nang, SVN by crashing EC-121M BuNo 145927 of VQ-1. 19-03-70 F-4D 66-8696(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by 37 mm AAA near Ban Senphan, Laos and crashed. Crew eject. Capt William A.Rash rescued by HH-53C helicopter. 1th Lt Denis G.Pugh KIA. 30-03-70 F-4D 66-8707(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)hit by AAA and crashed 4,5 mi of Nakhon Phanom, Thailand. Crew eject. LtCol W.E.Brown and LtCol L.L.Melton recovered. 06-04-70 F-4D 66-7695(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Ban, northern Laos. Crew eject. Maj R.S.Van Brunt and 1th Lt O.H.Loyd rescued by USAF HH-53 helicopter. 17-04-70 F-4D 66-7598(12th TFW, 389th TFS)hit by small arms fire 15 miles NW of Phu Cat. Maj Loel F.Rexroad KIA. 1th Lt Robert W.Smith KIA. 22-04-70 F-4D 66-8702(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA in northern Laos. Crew eject 10 miles S of Udorn AB. Maj T.A.Rush and Capt B.E.Foster recovered. 23-04-70 F-4D 66-7639(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by AAA near Ban Topen, Laos. Capt Alvin E.Lucki KIA. 1th Lt Robert A.Gomez KIA. 23-04-70 F-4D 66-8775(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hit in the fuselage by 23mm AAA near Tavouac, southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt M.W.Nelson and 1th Lt J.D.Holmquist rescued by USAF helicopter. 25-04-70 F-4E 67-0214(388th TFW, 34th TFS)hit by AAA about 7 miles SW of Ban Ban, Laos. Capt Charles K.Hackett KIA. 1th Lt S.R.Hancock eject and rescued by USAF helicopter. 02-05-70 F-4D 66-8721(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)shot down by AAA over Cambodia. Crew eject. Capt B.R.Bodenheim and 1th Lt G.R.Jackman rescued by USAF helicopter. 02-05-70 F-4D 65-0628(12th TFW, 480th TFS)shot down 12 miles W of Loc Ninh, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj T.Herring and Maj F.C.Peters recovered. 03-05-70 F-4D 66-7613(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by ground fire about 15 miles SE of Ban Ban, Laos. LtCol Lawrence Y.Conaway KIA. 1th Lt Carl R.Churchill KIA. 07-05-70 F-4E 67-0293(388th TFW, 469th TFS)hit by ground fire near Ban Ban, Laos. Crew eject. Capt T.G.Sweeting and 1th Lt D.L.Yates rescued by an Air America helicopter. 12-05-70 F-4D 66-7643(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hits by small arms fire 15 miles W of Plei Djereng, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt P.W.Harbison and 1th Lt J.E.Shelton rescued by US Army helicopter. 13-05-70 F-4D 65-0607(12th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA during a strike on a bridge just five miles inside Cambodia. Capt Alan R.Trent KIA. 1th Lt Eric J.Huberth KIA. 25-05-70 F-4D 66-0245(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by AAA in southern Laos. Ditched into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. 1th Lt G.M Rubus and 1th Lt J.T.Sornberger rescued by USAF helicopter. 27-05-70 F-4D 66-0275(12th TFW, 480th TFS)hit by AAA near Phum Chas Yang, Cambodia. 1th Lt Glen H.Nin Lee KIA. Capt George R.Keller KIA. 09-06-70 F-4E 67-0295(388th TFW, 469th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA near Tavouac, southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt R.L.Clingaman and Capt C.W.Ripple rescued by USAF helicopter. 12-06-70 F-4D 66-8770(8th TFW, 25th TFS)engine failure on approach and crash at Ubon AB, Thailand. Capt Richard D.Massari KIA. 1th Lt E.Payne eject and recovered. 18-06-70 F-4E 67-0297(366th TFW, 421st TFS)hit by small arms fire over Cambodia. Maj Harry L.McLamb KIA. Maj Carl W.Drake KIA. 30-06-70 F-4E 67-0279(388th TFW, 34th TFS)lost over Laos. Capt Mitchell O.Sadler KIA. 1th Lt Gordon C.Hill KIA. 25-07-70 F-4D 65-0693(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)night escort mission. Hit by 37mm AAA on second run at target near Ban Pha Bong­tai, Laos. Crew eject. LtCol Richard W.Pennington died from wounds sustained. Capt R.L.Rigel survived. 17-08-70 F-4E 67-0312(366th TFW)crashed near Da Nang AB, South Vietnam after collision with F-4E 67-0257. Capt David L.Ramsey KIA. Maj Phillip R.Wellons KIA. 17-08-70 F-4E 67-0257(366th TFW)crashed near Da Nang AB, South Vietnam after collision with F-4E 67-0312. Capt James W.Wood KIA. Capt Stephen B.Melnick KIA. 01-12-70 F-4E 67-0329(366th TFW)shot down in night armed reconnaissance sortie over southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt J.R.Robinson and 1th Lt D.A.Boulet recovered. 19-12-70 F-4D 66-7624(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)hit by ground fire about 10 miles S of Plain of Jars, Laos. Crew eject. Capt D.H.Rotz and 1th Lt W.K.Louis recovered. 02-01-71 F-4E 67-0359(388th TFW, 469th TFS)hit by AAA near Ban Ban, Laos. Crew eject. Capt H.Weir and Lt R.Brown rescued by USAF helicopter. 03-01-71 F-4E 66-0380(388th TFW)shot down near Ban Muang Sen/Ban Namalou, Laos. 03-01-71 F-4D 66-7628(8th TFW)Written off at Nakhon Phanom AB, Thailand. 17-01-71 F-4E 66-0288(366th TFW, 421st TFS)crashed into sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam due to battle damage. 20-01-71 F-4E 67-0267(366th TFW, 421st TFS)ditched into sea off Da Nang AB, South Vietnam due to battle damage. 03-02-71 F-4D 66-0263(432nd TRW)crashed on landing at Udorn, Thailand. Both crewmen killed. 03-02-71 F-4D 66-8777(8th TFW, 25th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Kantaloung, Laos. LtCol Robert L.Standerwick MIA. Maj Norbert A.Gotner POW. 11-02-71 F-4D 66-7473(12th TFW, 389th TFS)shot down by automatic weapons 12 mi SW Quang Tri, Vietnam. Capt M.W.Ford eject and rescued. 1th Lt Robert A.Eisenbeisz KIA. 16-02-71 F-4D 66-8750(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Thakkapang, Laos. Both crewmen were killed. 16-02-71 F-4D 66-8787(8th TFW, 25th TFS)hit by AAA over Ban Karai Pass, Laos. Crew eject. LtCol W.Cox and Cpt D.Warner recovered. 25-02-71 F-4D 66-8691(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Tampanko, Laos. 26-02-71 F-4D 66-8774(8th TFW, 25th TFS)crashed at Ban Main, 10 mi NE of Ubon, Thailand. Capt Rodney D.Collins KIA. RIO seriously injured and rescued. 22-03-71 F-4D 66-7655(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. 21-04-71 F-4D 66-7717(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down over Laos. Crew recovered. 25-04-71 F-4D 66-7616(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by AAA 21 mi NE of Ban Phon, Laos. Maj Jeffrey C.Lemon MIA. Capt W.H.III Sigafoos KIA. 06-05-71 F-4E 67-0335(366th TFW)shot down by ground fire near Maung Fangdeng/Tomle Kong River, Laos. 29-06-71 F-4D 66-8686(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by AAA. Crew eject over Gulf of Tonkin. Capt W.R.Ricks and 1th Lt B.D.Buffkin recovered. 02-09-71 F-4D 66-8731(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Len, Laos. 10-09-71 F-4D 66-8712(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Ban/Xiangkhoang, Laos. Both crewmen were killed 30-09-71 F-4E 68-0316(366th TFW, 421st TFS)crashed in A Shau Valley, South Vietnam. 23-11-71 F-4E 69-7562(366th FFW, 4th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Ban Phak-Houay, Laos. Capt Robert W.Altus KIA. Capt William Phelps KIA. 26-11-71 F-4D 66-7752(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down in Savannakhet Province, Laos. Capt James E.Steadman MIA. 1th Lt Robert D.Beutel MIA. 16-12-71 F-4D 66-8744(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by AAA near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Maj K.S.Morris and 1th Lt W.J.King recovered. 17-12-71 F-4E 69-7559(366th TFW, 4th TFS)shot down by SAM over Mua Gia Pass, Laos. 18-12-71 F-4D 65-0799(432th TFW, 13th TFS)damaged by R-3S missile launched by VPAF MiG-21. Ran out of fuel and crashed near Ban Poung Ban, Laos. 18-12-71 F-4D 66-0241(555th TFS 432th TRW)shot down by ground fire near Bac Giant/Xom Quan, North Vietnam. Crew LtCol Kenneth Johnson and WSO Sam Vaughan eject. 19-12-71 F-4D 66-0237(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)crashed in the Plain of Jars, Laos. One crewmen KIA. 26-12-71 F-4D 66-8818(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Thanh Hoa, North Vietnam. Maj Lawrence G.Stolz KIA. 1th Lt Dale F.Koons KIA. 31-12-71 F-4D 66-7573(8th TFW, 497th TFS)shot down near Ban Na Phao/Ban Sephan, Laos. Maj William Y.Duggan MIA. Capt Frederick J.Sutter MIA. 20-01-72 F-4E 67-0247(366th TFW, 421st TFS)hit by 23mm AAA near Khe Sanh. Crew eject. Capt C.J.Davis and Capt R.K.Venables rescued by US Army helicopter. 01-02-72 F-4D 66-8703(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)crashed on takeoff from Udorn AB, Thailand. Pilot Paul Bast eject too late and was killed. Capt Leste O'Brien eject and survived. 10-02-72 F-4E 66-0371(388th TFW, 34th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Muang Fangdeng, southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt John S.Murphy and 1th Lt Thomas W.Dobson rescued by HH-53C helicopter. 13-02-72 F-4D 66-8741(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hydraulic failure and crashed at Ubon AB, Thailand. 1th Lt J.F.McCarthy and Capt G.Profitt survived. 16-02-72 F-4D 66-7601(8th TFW, 25th TFS)shot down by two SA-2 over North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt William R.Schwertfeger POW. 1th Ralph W.Galati POW. 17-02-72 F-4D 66-8742(432nd TRW)hit by ground fire and crashed into sea off Xom Quan Island, North Vietnam. Maj Robert H.Irwin KIA. Capt Edwin A.Hawley Jr.POW. 07-03-72 F-4E 69-7552(366th TFW, 421st TFS)Shot down by AAA near Ban Muong, Laos. 1th Lt Carter A.Howell KIA. 1th Lt Stephen A.Rusch KIA. 23-03-72 F-4D 66-8792(8th TFW, 25th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Tavouac, Laos. Maj James E.Whitt MIA. Capt James T.Jackson MIA. 09-04-72 F-4D 66-7764(8th TFW, 25th TFS)lost to ground fire near Ban Kate, Laos. Crew eject. Capt Billy Banks and Capt M.Jacobs recovered. 15-04-72 F-4E 66-0324(366th TFW, 421st TFS)hit by SA-2 near Dong Hoi. LtCol Gale A.Despeigler POW. 1th Lt Larry A.Trimble KIA. 16-04-72 F-4D 65-0771(366th TFW, 390th TFS)hydraulic failure and crashed in North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt V.Parkhurst and 1th Lt M.De-Long recovered. 20-04-72 F-4D 65-0602(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by AAA at the Laotian border with SVN. Capt Thomas H.Amos KIA. Capt Mason I.Burnham KIA. 21-04-72 F-4D 66-7494(8th TFW, 334th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Thanh Hoa, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt D.P.Brown and Capt Larry W.Peters rescued by HH-3A helicopter. 23-04-72 F-4E 69-7564(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Trung Ngia, Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj C.E.Hall and Lt L.R.Boughner rescued by USN HH-3A helicopter. 28-04-72 F-4E 68-0306(366th TFW)damaged by ground fire during armed reconnaissance mission. Crew eject. Capt A.S.Arthur and Capt M.C.Francisco rescued by USAF helicopter. 03-05-72 F-4E 69-7221(8th TFW, 334th TFS)hit by AAA, N of Then Cam Son. Maj Theodore Sienicki POW. 1th Lt Timothy R.Ayres POW. 05-05-72 F-4E 69-7230(8th TFW, 334th TFS)hit by AAA near Ba Long, 10 miles SW of Quang Tri. Crew eject. Capt R.W.Comstock and Capt P.G.Kulzer recovered. 06-05-72 F-4D 66-7622(366th TFW)written-off. 10-05-72 F-4D 65-0784(432nd TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-19 near Tuyen Quang. Maj Robert A.Lodge KIA. Capt Roger C.Locher eject and rescued. 10-05-72 F-4E 67-0386(432nd TFW, 58th TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-19, NE of Yen Bai. Capt Jeffrey L.Harris KIA. Capt Dennis E.Wilkinson KIA. 11-05-72 F-4D 66-0230(432nd TFW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3 Missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, 10 km NW of Thai Nguyen. LtCol Joseph W.Kittinger POW. LtCol William J.Reich POW. 12-05-72 F-4D 66-8799(8th TFW, 435th TFS)contact lost near the Ban Karai Pass. Capt Lonnie P.Bogard KIA. 1th Lt William H.Ostermeyer KIA. 12-05-72 F-4E 66-0299(366th TFW, 390th TFS)shot down near Dong Ha, North Vietnam. Capt Samuel Y.Adair KIA. 1th Lt Denis C.Cressey KIA. 18-05-72 F-4D 66-7612(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by VPAF MiG-17 near Bac Giang. 1th Lt W.D.Ratzel MIA. 1th Lt J.B.Bednarek MIA. 20-05-72 F-4D 65-0600(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched by VPAF MiG-21, 50 miles W of Hanoi. Crew eject. 1th Lt John D.Markle rescued by HH-53 helicopter. LtCol James W.Williams POW. 21-05-72 F-4E 67-0358(366th TRW, 4th TFS)hit by 23mm AA 10 miles W of Quang Tri in mining mission. Pilot tried to reach Da Nang. Crashed at South China Sea, 25 miles N of Da Nang. Crew eject. LtCol R.E.Ross and 1th Lt W.N Key rescued by US Navy ship. 22-05-72 F-4D 66-7462(366th TFW, 35th TFS)shot down by ground fire or SA-7 near Quang Tri, South Vietnam. Crew eject and recovered. 23-05-72 F-4D 66-8726(8th TFW, 435th TFS)hit by AAA during mission as forward air control near Tang Ky. Col William G.Byrns POW. Col William R.Bean POW. 26-05-72 F-4D 66-7621(366th TFW)hit by AAA, S of Khe Sanh, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt A.N.Arnold and Capt T.F.Kincaid recovered. 01-06-72 F-4E 69-7299(31st TFW, 308th TFS)damaged by SA-2 S of Yen Bai and crashed near Udorn AB. Crew eject. Capt G.W.Hawks and Capt David B.Dingee recovered. 06-06-72 F-4D 66-0232(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Yen Bai, North Vietnam. Maj James A.Fowler KIA. Capt John W.Seuell KIA. 08-06-72 F-4E 67-0303(388th TFW, 34th TFS)hit by ground fire and ditched into Gulf of Tonkin off Vinh Moc, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt John S.Murphy POW. 1th Lt Larry Johnson recovered. 13-06-72 F-4E 67-0365(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, 25 miles NE of Yen Bai, North Vietnam. Crew eject. 1th Lt Gregg O.Hanson POW. 1th Lt Richard J.Fulton POW. 21-06-72 F-4E 69-0282(8th TFW, 334th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Piu Tho/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol George A.Rose POW. LtCol Peter A.Callaghan POW. 24-06-72 F-4D 66-7636(8th TFW, 25th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Thai Nguyen, North Vietnam. 1th Lt James L.McCarty MIA. Lt Charles A.Jackson POW. 24-06-72 F-4E 68-0315(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Thai Nguyen, North Vietnam. Capt David B.Grant POW. LtCol William D.Beekman POW. 27-06-72 F-4E 67-0243(31th TFW, 308th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Bac Mai, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col David B.Dingee POW. 1th Lt John P.Cerak POW. 27-06-72 F-4E 68-0314(432nd TRW, 308th TFS)shot down by SA-2 over Gia Lam APT/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Lt Farrel J.Sullivan KIA. LtCol Richard L.Francis eject and POW. 27-06-72 F-4E 69-7271(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Lynn A.Aikman recovered. Capt Thomas J.Hanton POW. 27-06-72 F-4E 69-7296(366th TFW)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj R.C.Miller recovered. Lt Richard H.McDow POW. 01-07-72 F-4E 67-0277(388th TFW, 34th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Kep/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Col Paul K.Robinson POW. LtCol Kevin J.Cheney POW. 03-07-72 F-4E 69-0289(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)hit by ground fire near Ha Tinh, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Stephen H.Cuthbert KIA. LtCol Marion A.Marshall POW. 05-07-72 F-4E 67-0339(388th TFW, 34th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol William J.Elander POW. 1th Lt Donald K.Logan POW. 05-07-72 F-4E 67-0296(388th TFW, 469th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Kep AB/Hanoi. Crew eject. Col Brian Seek POW. LtCol William A.Spencer POW. 05-07-72 F-4D 66-7680(8th TFW, 433rd TFS)hit by SA-2 near Kep, North Vietnam. Ditched into the Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Maj Earl K.Johnson and Capt Michael D.Van Wagenen recovered. 06-07-72 F-4D 65-0800(8th TFW, 497th TFS)crashed during landing in heavy rainstorm at Ubon AB, Thailand. Maj Harland M.Davis Jr.KIA. 1th Lt Frederick M.Koss KIA. 08-07-72 F-4E 69-7563(366th TFW, 4th TFS)hit by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Hanoi. Crew eject N of Udorn AB. LtCol R.E.Ross and Capt Stanley.M.Imaye recovered. 10-07-72 F-4D 66-7707(8th TFW, 25th TFS)fire in take off at Ubon AB and crashed in flames. LtCol Brad L.Sharp and 1th Lt Mike Pomphrey survived. 12-07-72 F-4E 69-0302(8th TFW, 334th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Sou Giang/Dong Hoi/Ban Don, North Vietnam. Capt Samuel O'Donnell KIA. 1th Lt James L.Huard KIA. 17-07-72 F-4D 66-8772(8th TFW, 497th TFS)crashed after being caught in the blast of an errant Mk.82 bomb dropped by an A-7C near Tan My, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Wayne G.Brown KIA. 1th Lt Gordon K.Tushek rescued. 19-07-72 F-4D 66-0253(49th TFW, 7th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA E of Quang Tri. Ditched into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Capt H.D.Weir and 1th Lt K.Edwards recovered. 20-07-72 F-4D 66-0265(3th TFW, 35th TFS)hit by AAA in Gulf of Tonkin near Hon Gay island, NVN. Crew eject. Capt Joe L.Burns and 1th Lt Michael Nelson rescued by USN SH-3. 24-07-72 F-4E 66-0369(366th TFW, 421st TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAP MiG-21, near Kep. Crew eject. Capt.S.A.Hodnett and 1th Lt D.Fallert recovered. 29-07-72 F-4E 66-0367(366th TFW, 4th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, 15 miles NE of Kep. Crew eject. Capt James D.Kula POW. Capt Melvin V.Matsui POW. 30-07-72 F-4D 66-7576(8th TFW, 435th TFS)shot down by SA-2 near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol William J.Breckner Jr.POW. 1th Lt Larry D.Price POW. 30-07-72 F-4D 66-7770(432nd TRW, 523rd TFS)escort mission. Ran out of fuel and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Capt D.A.Crane and 1th Lt D.W.Petkunas recovered. 30-07-72 F-4D 66-7597(432nd TRW, 523th TFS)hit by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21. Crew eject, 35 miles E of Thanh Hoa. Capt G.B.Brooks and Capt J.M.McAdams recovered. 09-08-72 F-4D 65-0599(49th TFW, 7th TFS)hit by ground fire SW of Hue. Crew eject 15 miles N of Da Nang, South Vietnam. Capt J.L.Beavers and 1th Lt W.A.Haskell recovered. 10-08-72 F-4D 66-0281(8th TFW, 497th TFS)crashed on takeoff from Ubon AB, Thailand. Capt P.T.Mathews KIA. 1th Lt H.D.Stack KIA. 22-08-72 F-4E 68-0477(366th TFW, 421st TFS)Hit during air support mission in Quang Tri, SVN. Maj Lee M.Tigner KIA. 1th Lt William J.Crockett KIA. 25-08-72 F-4D 66-7482(432nd TRW 13th TFS)hit by 37mm AAA 30 miles N of Haiphong, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol Carl G.Bailey and Capt Jeffrey S.Feinstein rescued by USAF HH-53 helicopter. 02-09-72 F-4E 68-0335(366th TFW, 421st TFS)Shot down by ground fire near Lat Sen, Laos. Crew eject. Maj Robert R.Greenwood MIA. Capt William C.Wood MIA. 09-09-72 F-4E 69-7565(432nd TRW, 307th TFS)hit by AAA 10 miles N of Hanoi. Crew eject over Laos. Capt William J.Dalecky and Capt Terry M.Murphy rescued by USAF helicopter. 11-09-72 F-4E 69-0288(4th TFW, 335th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, near Kep/Huu Lung, North Vietnam. Capt Jerome D.Heeren POW. Capt Brian M.Ratzlaff POW. 12-09-72 F-4E 69-7266(4th TFW, 335th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Son Dong/Haiphong, North Vietnam. Capt Rudolph U.Zuberbuhler POW. Capt Fred C.McMurry POW. 16-09-72 F-4D 66-8785(432nd TRW, 523rd TFS)hit by AAA in strike on guns near Hon La. Crew eject over Gulf of Tonkin. Capt Frederick R.Cunliffe and Capt W.A.Kangas recovered. 17-09-72 F-4D 65-0593(35th TFW, 434th TFS)fire in cockpit caused by systems failure. Crashed while attempting to land at Ubon, Thailand. Crew eject. Capt E.B.Dyer and Capt D.E.Henneman recovered. 21-09-72 F-4D 66-8769(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Xiangkohang/Muang Pang, Laos. Both crewmen were killed. Remains of two crewmen recovered in 1994. 22-09-72 F-4E 67-0385(388th TFW, 34th TFS)ran off rwy during landing in thunderstorm at Korat AB, Thailand. Written-off due to damage. Capt G.A.Lentz and 1th Lt N.J.Holoviak survived. 05-10-72 F-4D 66-8738(4th TFW, 35th TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Yen Bai/Tuyen Quang, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Keith H.Lewis POW. Capt John H.Alpers Jr.POW. 06-10-72 F-4E 69-0287(4th TFW, 435th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Xom Quan/You Quan/My Thuy, North Vietnam. Crew eject. BGen James D.Latham POW. 1th Lt Rick L.Bates POW. 06-10-72 F-4E 69-7573(31th TFW, 307th TFS)hit by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21. Flamed out 60 miles NE of Udorn AB. Crew eject. Capt J.P.White and Capt A.G.Egge rescued by an Air America helicopter. 06-10-72 F-4E 69-7548(8th TFW, 25th TFS)hit by SA-2 near Yen Bai/Xom Lom, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol Robert D.Anderson MIA. 1th Lt George F.Latella POW. 10-10-72 F-4E 67-0254(432nd TRW, 307th TFS)in FAC mission, shot down near Quang Binh/Ba Don, North Vietnam. Capt Peter M.Cleary KIA. Capt Leonardo C.Leonor KIA. 12-10-72 F-4E 69-0276(388th TFW, 34th TFS)in escort mission, shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21 near Kep/Chi Lang, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Myron A.Young POW. 1th Lt Cecil H.Brunsom POW. 17-10-72 F-4D 66-8708(8th TFW, 435th TFS)return of FAC mission and crashed in approach to Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew recovered. 23-10-72 F-4D 65-0632(8th TFW, 435th TFS)crashed while landing at Ubon AB, Thailand. Crew recovered. 27-10-72 F-4E 69-7273(8th TFW, 25th TFS)in FAC mission, hit by ground fire near Xom Quan. Crashed 40 miles N of Hue. Crew eject. Capt E.L.Bleak and Capt R.B.Jones rescued by USAF helicopter. 20-11-72 F-4D 66-7501(432nd TRW, 555th TFS)crashed in training mission over Thailand. Capt Calvin B.Tibbet KIA. 1th Lt William S.Hargrove KIA. 28-11-72 F-4D 66-7678(432nd TRW)crashed on approach to Da Nang AB. Capt Jack R.Harvey KIA. Capt Bobby M.Jones KIA. 27-12-72 F-4E 67-0292(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)MIGCAP and shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, SW of Hanoi. Crew eject. Capt C.H.Jeffcoat POW. 1th Lt Jack R.Trimble POW. 27-12-72 F-4E 67-0234(432nd TRW, 421st TFS)shot down by R-3S missile launched from VPAF MiG-21, 30 miles W of Hanoi. Crew eject. 1th Lt Brian H.Ward POW. Capt John W.Anderson POW. 04-01-73 F-4D 65-0745(8th TFW, 497th TFS)hit by 23mm AAA in escort mission near Ban Xesavangh/Muang Phine, Savannakhet Province, Laos. Capt John R.Wallestedt rescued. Capt Steven B.Johnson KIA. 07-01-73 F-4D 66-8749(432nd TRW, 13th TFS)mechanical failure and crashed near Udorn AB. Crew eject. Capt T.Wiles and Maj G.B.Nuñez recovered. 18-04-73 F-4E 67-0281(432nd TRW, 421st TFS)shot down by ground fire near Lomphat/Phum Bunglung, Cambodia. Capt Douglas K.Martin KIA. Capt Samuel L.James KIA. 26-05-73 F-4D 65-0642(8th TFW, 308th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Kratie, Cambodia. Crew ejected. Maj J.Cox and Capt W.A.Hubbard rescued with minor injuries. 16-06-73 F-4E 67-0374(4th TFW, 336th TFS)shot down by ground fire near Lomphat, Cambodia. Capt Samuel B.Cornelius KIA. Capt John J.Smallwood KIA. 29-06-73 F-4D 66-8747(432nd TRW)engine failure and crash at Udorn AB, Thailand. Crew eject. 1th Lt S.H.Sandro and 1th Lt R.J.Snyder recovered. RF-4C 25-04-66 RF-4C 64-1045(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down in night photograph mission near Sou Giang River/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Capt Warren L.Anderson KIA. 1th Lt James H.Tucker KIA. 26-07-66 RF-4C 64-1040(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down by AAA near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Marvin C.Mayfiled and 1th Lt Robert D.Clark rescued by USN and USMC helicopters. 19-08-66 RF-4C 64-1054(460th TRW, 16th TRS)direct hit by AAA on night reconnaisance photo(dropping flares)near Cao Mai/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Pilot Edwin T.Hawks Jr.eject and recovered. 1th Lt Richard M.Milikin KIA. 26-09-66 RF-4C 65-0862(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down by ground fire in night photograpic reconnaisance mission near Ta Puong, Laos. Maj Joseph M.Stine KIA. 1th Lt Dyke A.Spilman KIA. 07-10-66 RF-4C 65-0885(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down in night-time photographic reconnaisance. Capt James A.Treece KIA. 1th Lt Harry D.Knight KIA. 02-12-66 RF-4C 65-0829(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by 57mm AAA near Yen Bai/Bac Giang. Crew eject about 40 miles SW of Yen Bai. Capt Robert R.Gregory POW(Died in captivity).1th Lt Leroy W. Stutz POW. 06-12-66 RF-4C 65-0819(432nd TRW, 11th TS)shot down by AAA 5 miles E of Dien Bien Phu, North Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol T.W.Dyke and Capt William R.Fannemel rescued by USAF HH-3. 06-01-67 RF-4C 64-1078(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by AAA near Bao Ha, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt William J.Groves and Lt Larry N.Martin rescued by Jolly Greens helicopters. 16-01-67 RF-4C 65-0883(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by SA-2 near Viet Tri/Song Lo River, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Robert J.Welch KIA. Capt Michael S.Kerr POW. 16-01-67 RF-4C 65-0818(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by AAA 25 miles N of Kep, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Thomas G.Storey POW. 1th Lt Ronald L.Mastin POW. 17-01-67 RF-4C 65-0888(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down 18 miles SW of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Col Gary G.Wright KIA. Maj Frederick J.Wozniak MIA. 12-03-67 RF-4C 65-0877(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by AAA 7 miles S of Van Yen, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt John W.Clark POW. Capt Edwin R.Goodrich Jr.KIA(remains returned 18-04-85) 29-04-67 RF-4C 65-0872(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)crashed in trees in SA-2 evasion maneuver near Hanoi, North Vietnam. Maj L.Mark Stephensen KIA. 1th Lt Gary R.Sigler eject and POW. 06-06-67 RF-4C 65-0834(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down over Plain of Jars, Laos. Maj Joy L.Owens KIA. 1th Lt Howard R.Sale KIA. 22-06-67 RF-4C 65-0861(460th TRW, 12th TRS)mid-air collision with L1049G N6936C over Saigon. Crew eject. Capt A.T.Dardeau and 1th lt A.J.Lundell recovered. 27-07-67 RF-4C 64-1042(460th TRW, 16th TRS)returning from photographic reconnaissance. Shot down 5 miles SW of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Col Gilland W.Corbitt KIA. Maj William O.Bare KIA. 02-08-67 RF-4C 65-0848(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by small arms fire during daylight photo-recon mission along Route 15 near Vinh, North Vietnam. Col Wallace G.Hynds Jr.KIA. Capt Carey A.Cunningham KIA. 07-08-67 RF-4C 65-0839(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by groundfire near Laotian-North Vietnam border. Crew eject over Laos. Capt N.J.Otto and 1th Lt L.E.Meeks rescued by HH-3E helicopter. 09-08-67 RF-4C 64-1059(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down by AAA near Hoa Binh/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Lauren R.Lengyel POW. 1th Lt Glenn L.Myers POW. 12-08-67 RF-4C 65-0882(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by SA-2 7 miles NE of Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Edwin L.Atterberry POW(Died from torture in 1969 after making an abortive escape).Capt Thomas V.Parrot POW. 05-09-67 RF-4C 66-0387(460th TRW, 16th TRS)aborted takeoff, left runway and caught fire at Tan Son Nhut AB, South Vietnam. Both crew survived. 12-09-67 RF-4C 65-0857(460th TRW, 12th TRS)hit by AAA and ditched into Gulf of Tonkin off Bo Trach/Quang Tri, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt J.E.Birmingham and Lt R.A.Kopp rescued by USAF helicopter. 16-09-67 RF-4C 64-1037(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down by ground fire during night mission over North Vietnam. Maj William L.Nellans KIA. 1th Lt Peter A.Grubb KIA. 17-09-67 RF-4C 65-0894(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by SA-2 near Hoang Lien/Hanoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj John E.Stavast POW. Lt Gerald S.Venanzi POW. 02-10-67 RF-4C 66-0403(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)engines flamed out due to fuel system malfunction and crash near Udorn AB, Thailand. Crew eject. Maj L.Browne and Maj D.M.Miller recovered. 15-10-67 RF-4C 65-0855(460th TRW, 12th TRS)Contact lost over Saravane province, Laos. Capt Richard D.Appelhans KIA. Capt George W.Clarke POW(died later). 15-11-67 RF-4C 65-0899(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by SA-2 when returning from photographic reconnaissance mission to Bac Giang. Crew eject over the Gulf of Tonkin. Maj R.E.Ross and Capt F.L.Hobbs rescued by USN helicopter. 19-11-67 RF-4C 65-0880(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by SAM near Phuc Yen/Hanoi, North Vietnam. LtCol Vern P.Ligon Jr.POW. Capt David E.Ford POW. 20-11-67 RF-4C 66-0394(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by 85mm AAA near Hanoi. Crew eject near the Laotian border. LtCol John C.Scholtz and Capt J.Ciminero rescued by helicopter. 24-11-67 RF-4C 65-0844(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)lost in night time weather reconnaisance flight near Muang Huang, North Vietnam. Maj Brendan P.Foley KIA. Lt Ronald M.Mayercik KIA. 05-01-68 RF-4C 65-0865(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by AAA about 10 miles W of Phuc Yen airfield. Crashed in Thailand. Crew eject. LtCol W.T.Rodenbach and Lt E.T.Pizzo recovered. 07-01-68 RF-4C 65-0913(460th TRW, 16th TRS)lost in mission over Laos. Capt Hallie W.Smith KIA. 1th Lt Charles L.Bifolchi KIA. 04-02-68 RF-4C 66-0443(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)lost in mission over southern Laos. 1th Lt William T.Potter KIA. 1th Lt Robert J.Edgar KIA. 17-02-68 RF-4C 63-7749(460th TRW)destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Tan Son Nhut. 18-02-68 RF-4C 64-1043(460th TRW)destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Tan Son Nhut. 18-02-68 RF-4C 66-0391(460th TRW)destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack at Tan Son Nhut. 19-02-68 RF-4C 65-0842(460th TRW)destroyed in Viet Cong rocket attack on Tan Son Nhut. 27-02-68 RF-4C 66-0431(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)photo-reconnaissance mission over Quang Binh, North Vietnam. Lost over southern Laos. Maj Gilbert S.Palmer KIA. Capt Thomas T.Wright KIA. 03-04-68 RF-4C 65-0909(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)lost in combat mission over North Vietnam. Capt Ronald R.Rexroad KIA. Capt John C.Hardy KIA. 13-04-68 RF-4C 66-0383(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down by AAA along route 165 over Laos. Crew eject. Maj Walter M.Stischer POW. Capt D.L.Verhees rescued by helicopter. 28-04-68 RF-4C 66-0398(460th TRW, 16th TRS)shot down near Quang Tin, South Vietnam. LtCol William R.Cook KIA. Maj Joseph C.Bors KIA. 18-05-68 RF-4C 66-0442(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col Terry J.Uyeyama POW. Capt Tommy E.Gist KIA. 25-06-68 RF-4C 63-7755(432rd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by AAA in night mission near Ban Nakok, Laos. Crew eject. Capt M.S.Jones and Maj F.J.McKenna recovered by USAF HH-3E. 23-07-68 RF-4C 65-0895(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down by AAA near Hue, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Gen Robert F.Worley KIA. Maj Robert F.Brodman survived. 15-08-68 RF-4C 66-0447(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down by AAA near Ban Don/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt Terrin D.Hicks killed on ground during evasion. Capt Joseph F.Shanahan POW. 23-08-68 RF-4C 66-0466(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down in night mission near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. 1th Lt Francis L.Setterquist KIA. 1th Lt Charles L.Bergevin KIA. 31-08-68 RF-4C 65-0858(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down by AAA near Kham Duc, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Capt T.G.Dorsett and Capt D.G.Kenny rescued by US Army helicopter. 17-09-68 RF-4C 65-0915(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by ground fire over southern Laos. Crew eject. Capt L.L.Paul recovered. Capt Edgard F.Davies KIA. 27-10-68 RF-4C 65-0846(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down in night mission near Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Capt William H.Stroven KIA. Capt Kenneth A.Stonebraker KIA. 30-10-68 RF-4C 66-0457(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)engine failure and crashed at Udorn AB Thailand. Maj R.E.Boucher and Capt R.D.Smith survived. 21-11-68 RF-4C 66-0432(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)ran out of fuel, both engines flamed out and crashed at Udorn AB, Thailand. Crew eject. Capt P.N.Shiraishi and Capt E.U.Larue recovered. 23-11-68 RF-4C 66-0445(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by ground fire near Van Loc/Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Capt Bradley G.Cuthbert MIA. Capt Mark J.Ruhling POW. 09-12-68 RF-4C 64-1048(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA, 25 miles NW of Dong Hoi and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin. Crew eject. Maj R.I.McCann and Capt J.B.Koebberling rescued by USAF helicopter. 11-12-68 RF-4C 65-0820(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)shot down by ground fire in night mission over Laos. Crew eject. Capt Harlan J.Drewry rescued by HH-3 helicopter. Capt Russell D.Galbraith MIA. 22-12-68 RF-4C 65-0906(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by AAA over southern Laos and crash in approach to Udorn AB, Thailand. Capt Terry L.Greenhalgh KIA. 1th Lt R.E.Hoffman survived. 29-01-69 RF-4C 67-0447(460th TRW, 16th TRS)lost in mission S of Nha Trang, South Vietnam. Maj Harper B.Keeler KIA. Maj Ludwing G.Baumann KIA. 12-04-69 RF-4C 67-0446(460th TRW, 16th TRS)crashed due spatial disorentiation at Lam Dong Province, South Vietnam. Capt Arnold W.Lamp KIA. Capt C.E.Mattern eject and recovered. 17-04-69 RF-4C 66-0405(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by ground fire near Ban Topen, Laos. Crew eject. Capt R.Bartholomew and Capt B.F.Doyle recovered. 30-04-69 RF-4C 66-0390(460th TRW, 16th TRS)hit by ground fire over Laos and crashed at Da Nang. Maj Glenn A.Cordon KIA. Maj Francis E.Stewart KIA. 05-06-69 RF-4C 66-0388(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by 57mm AAA W of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam. Crew eject. Col R.F.Findlay and Capt D.M.Moy recovered. 18-08-69 RF-4C 65-0921(460th TRW, 16th TRS)crashed on takeoff from Tan Son Nhut, South Vietnam. Crew eject. Maj Wolf and Capt R.Richardson recovered. 16-11-69 RF-4C 66-0468(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA over northern Laos. Crew ejected safely over Udorn AB, Thailand. Capt C.P.Sloan and 1th Lt A.L.Guise recovered. 16-11-69 RF-4C 65-0916(460th TRW, 16th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA over southern Laos. Crew eject over the Gulf of Tonkin. Maj E.P.Morphew and Capt R.C.Cotton recovered. 22-11-69 RF-4C 66-0441(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down during reconnaissance over southern Laos. Capt L.P.Wright and 1th Lt F.O.Paige recovered. 21-12-69 RF-4C 66-0396(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA 20 miles SE of Ban Ban. Crew eject. Capt C.P.Sloan and 1th Lt A.L.Guise recovered. 10-04-70 RF-4C 65-0863(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by AAA over northern Laos. Controls failed in approach to Udorn AB and crew was forced to eject. Aircraft hit Armed Forces Thailand Network radio station. 9 people on ground killed. Maj John L.Leaphart and Capt Joseph C.Bernholtz injured but survived. 16-04-70 RF-4C 66-0409(460th TRW 12th TRS)lost over Laos. Maj Richard L.Ayers KIA. Capt Robert E.Rausch KIA. 05-05-70 RF-4C 65-0914(460th TRW, 12th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA 25 miles SW of Hue, South Vietnam. Crew eject. LtCol D.A.Kellum and Maj R.E.Moffit rescued by USAF helicopter. 19-05-70 RF-4C 65-0827(432nd TRW, 11th TRS)hit by ground fire in the Ban Ban valley, Plain of Jars, Laos. Crew eject. Maj C.A.Crawford and Capt F.P.Norton rescued by an Air America helicopter. 04-06-70 RF-4C 66-0385(460th TRW, 12th TRS)lost in night-time photographic reconnaissance sortie in South Vietnam. Maj Bobby G.Huggins KIA. Maj Alvin E.Mather KIA. 29-07-70 RF-4C 66-0436(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)lost in night photographic reconnaissance mission over southern Laos. Capt Gary A.Chavez KIA. Capt Donald A.Brown KIA. 08-10-70 RF-4C 68-0610(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down during photographic reconnaissance over Laos. Capt William A.Ott KIA. Capt Donald E.Shay KIA. 13-11-70 RF-4C 66-0420(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by 37mm AAA near Ha Tinh, North Vietnam. Maj David I.Wright KIA. 1th Lt William W.Bancroft KIA. 21-12-70 RF-4C 68-0601(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by AAA during photographic mission in southern Laos. Crew eject. Maj A.F.Rusch and 1th Lt M.M.Mullis rescued by USAF helicopter. 10-07-71 RF-4C 66-0392(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down by AAA over Stoeng Treng, Cambodia. Both crew rescued. 22-07-71 RF-4C 65-0847(460th TRW, 12th TRS)shot down by AAA over Cambodia. 01-10-71 RF-4C 66-0439(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down by AAA near An Loc, South Vietnam. Pilot KIA, WSO rescued. 20-01-72 RF-4C 68-0573(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down by AAA 15 miles S of Ban Ban, Laos. Crew eject. Maj R.K.Mock and 1th Lt J.L.Stiles rescued by an Air America helicopter. 20-04-72 RF-4C 68-0598(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by SA-2 near Dong Hoi. Crew eject. Maj Edward K.Elias POW. 1th Lt Ernest S.Clark recovered. 13-08-72 RF-4C 68-0604(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)shot down by 57mm AAA near Kinh Mon. Crew eject. Capt William A.Gaunt POW. 1th Lt Francis W.Towsend KIA. 19-08-72 RF-4C 69-0355(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by SA-2 NE of Kep, North Vietnam. Capt Roger E.Behnfeldt KIA. Maj Tomatsu Shingaki eject and POW. 22-09-72 RF-4C 69-0351(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by AAA near Xuan Noe, Laos. Crew eject. Capt J.G.Watts and 1th Lt J.H.Pomeroy rescued by USAF helicopter. 09-12-72 RF-4C 68-0597(432nd TRW, 14th TRS)hit by SA-2 near Ngai Hung, North Vietnam. Maj Billie J.Williams KIA. 1th Lt Hector M.Acosta eject and POW.
  7. Nieuport 11 add-on plane

    Excelent. Many thanks.
    Good idea this map. But, where we can find all this missing objects(not included)like: Airfield, AlbatrosD3, Ballon, Be2c, Church1, Church2,DebrisLarge2, DebrisSmall2, DebrisSmall3, Fort6, GermanParabellumAAA, Hangar5, Hangar6, Hangar9, ItalianPatrol, Schack1, Schack2, Schack3, Schack4, Schornstein2, Tent2, town3, town4, Tree3c, Village1, Village2, Watertower1, Watertower2? Maybe some extra library objects had this items? Thanks
  8. Airco Dh.2 for First Eagles

    Excelent. Good job. Many thanks.
  9. Armored Cars

    Excelent idea this addon and good work.many thanks.
  10. Version 1.0


    USMC VMF-312 F4U-4B Korean War CVL-29 Bataan(Apr 1951) For Strike Fighters 2 NA with Korea Terrain(Korea3). This campaign with some 28 missions cover the operations of the VMF-312 aboard of CVL-29 Bataan in the periode Apr 9 to Apr 16, 1951 in the Korean War. Naval Campaign mode. On Apr 8, 1951, CVL-29 Bataan with VMF-312 embarked(23 F4U-4B Corsair)depart Sasebo for the Korean Theater of Operations in the Sea of Japan. Task Force 77 was engaged in the Strait of Formosa and CVL-29 Bataan formed with the HMS Theseus the Task Force 95.11, operating temporaly the only two carriers in Korean Waters. The escort was provided by the destroyers DD-696 English, DD-704 Sperry, Royal Navy destroyer HMS Consort, Royal Australian Navy destroyer HMAS Bataan and the Royal Canadian Navy destroyers HMCS Athabaksan and HMCS Huron. Air operations began at the early morning 9 April and continued through 15 April consisting of interdiction strikes, armed reconnaissance, air observation for naval gun-fire and CAP. Main target was the truck traffic Wonsan, Hamhung and Songjin. On Apr 10, 1951 VMF-312 encountered ID problems and Corsairs attack and damaged two RN Sea Fury(despite the black and white id markings).One "La-9" was claimed as shot down. In the Task Force 95.11 periode of deployment, one pilot and five aircraft(3 Sea Fury, 1 Firefly and 1 Corsair)were lost to enemy action. CVL-29 Bataan launched 224 sorties, of which 26 were CAP. On Apr 15, 1951 at 16.30, CVL-29 Bataan was detached of the Task Force and depart operative area for Sasebo, Japan. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by Apr 9 to Apr 15, 1951. Campaign need Expansion Packs 1 and 2 for some aircrafts, weapons, tanks, textures, etc. Included textures and decals for the VMF-312. See readme for other details. Thanks and credits Wrench for Korea3 terrain and Cavalier destroyer Do335 for Pack 1 and Pack "Wings over Korea" ErikGen for the base model for the RF-80A Update Jul 1, 2017 Revised ground units deployment
  11. Version 1.0


    Tainan Kokutai New Guinea 1942 campaign(Part 1) For Strike Fighters 2 with New Guinea Terrain(NewGuinea2)(PTO). This campaign with some 40 missions cover the operations of the Tainan Kokutai between Mar 21 and Apr 20, 1942. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by the mentioned periode. Included A6M2 with textures and decals for Tainan Kokutai and 4th Kokutai. Included also G4M1 bomber. Textures and decals for USAAC with old insignia(Pre May 1942 red center disc). See readme for other details. Breve chronology of the Tainan Kokutai. Jan 22, 1942 Australian forces evacuated Lae. Feb 17, 1942 Shoho delivers six A6M2 Zeros to Lakunai Airfield near Rabaul. Assigned to the 4th Kokutai. Mar 3, 1942 Lae airfield occupied by the Japanese and developed into a forward airfield. Mar 8, 1942 Japanese troops occuped Lae and Salamaua. Mar 9, 1942 Shoho made another delivery of nineteen A6M2 Model 21 Zeros to Lakunai Airfield near Rabaul. These Zeros were assigned to the 4th Kokutai and later the Tainan Kokutai. Mar 10, 1942 Tainan Kokutai deployed at Lae. Eleven A6M2 availables. Apr 1, 1942 All 4th Kokutai A6M2 pilots at Rabaul transfered to the Tainan Kokutai. Apr 11, 1942 20 A6M2 delivered by Kasuga Maru to Tainan Kokutai. Jun 15, 1942 Mitsubishi produced the A6M3 Model 32.First unit served with the new model were the 2th Kokutai and the Tainan Kokutai.Grey paint scheme. Jul 30, 1942 20 A6M3 Model 32 arrived to Rabaul for deliver to Tainan Kokutai. Aug 3, 1942 Tainan Kokutai move from Lae to Lakunai Rabaul. Nov 1, 1942 Tainan Kokutai renamed as the 251th Kokutai. Nov 15, 1942 251th Kokutai recalled to Toyohashi air base in Japan to replace its losses. The campaing need the following aircrafts: sf2_a24-dauntless_pak sf2_pto_g3m_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b17e_v2k_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b25c_pak sf2_ww2_pto_b26_pak sf2_ww2_pto_p39d-v2k_pak sf2_ww2_pto_p400-v2k_pak sf2_ww2_raaf_kittyhawk_pak Thanks and credits: Wrench for NewGuinea3 terrain and several of the re-packing of aircrafts ArmorDave for the A6M2 Author of the base G4M2(SF1) Raven for the P-40E Kittyhawk. Veltro2K for the B-17E Veltro2K for the B-25C Veltro2K for the B-26 Veltro2K for the G3M Veltro2k for the P-39D Veltro2k for the P-400 Wolf257 for the SBD(A-24) Happy flights.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Campaign RJAF No.1 Sqn Six Days war(Hunter 6) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 11 missions for the RJAF No.1 Sqn with Hunter 6 cover the periode from Jun 5 to Jun 10, 1967. Historical accurate with the main units, number of aircrafts and RJAF deployment by Jun 5, 1967. Added to the campaign and included textures for IrAF No.17 MiG-21FL, No.10 Sqn detachment with Tu-16 and SyAAF No.19 Sqn IL-28s. Revised ground forces and add AMX-13, Su-100, BTR-50PK, M16Quad, M113, PZKW-IVA, 37InchAA, and two Bofors type AAA. RJAF and Hunter 6 The RJAF introduced the Hunter 6 in service in Nov 1958. With the 11 jets delivered arrived also a group of British instructors led by Wg Cdr Bennet, RAF, to support the RJAF through the process of introducting this type into service. Introduction process faced a number of problems, resulting in heavy attrition of the Hunter fleet and even pilot losses. Lt Marwan Jamil Zakaria was killed in the crash of a Junter F.6 on Oct 7, 1959, and another Hunter was lost in a crash on Jul 1, 1960, although its pilot ejected safely. Only two months later, on Sep 10, 1960, Lt Ali Saleem al-Omari was killed in another crash. This series of incidents prompted the RJAF to order three newly builded Hunter T.66B for almost immediately delivery, in order to ease the process of converting its young pilots to the type. The same year were acquired two Hunters equipped for reconnaissance purposes, two ex-RAF FR.10s. In 1961, following acquisition of MiGs by Iraq, King Hussein decided to replace the Vampires flown by No.2 Sqn and ordered another batch of 12 ex RAF F.6s. Deliveries of these aircrafts began in April 1962, and resulted in the retirement of Jordan remaning Vampires on Apr 17, 1962. In November 1962, the RJAF lost six pilots for defection to Egypt.. Same month, RJAF Hunters were re-deployed to Arabia Saudita for 10 days. By 1963, the RJAF had 20 Hawker Hunter F.6 on strenght, two FR.10 reconnaissance type and three training type T.66B. No.2 Sqn was disbanded, its personnal and equipment being amalgamated into No.1 Sqn. During the same year was created a display team, named Hashemite Diamond. Two Hunters were lost in separate accidents in 1964-1965, including T.66B with serial number 714 written off in a crash that killed both of its pilots, on Aug 15, 1965. This same year, the former F.6s of No.2 Sqn were returned to the UK for conversion to FGA.9 standard and designated FGA.73. By May 1967, work of eight Hunters was complete and six of the aircraft returned to Jordan. At the eve of the Six Days War, Jun 5, 1967, RJAF No.1 Sqn had only 21 Hunters on hand, with 18 combat ready. The unit was based at Mafraq AB, with 14 pilots and his mission was interception and close support duties The units was also in reorganisation for conversion in F-104 Starfighter and most of the pilots were in USA and only 14 pilots were availables. Two Pakistanies instructors were added to the roster of pilots. No.1 Squadron RJAF was among the first Jordanian military units to be alerted for action, at 05.00 local time on the morning of Jun 5, 1967, and its pilots expected to take off as soon as the new came that the war had started. Maj Firas Ajlouni, CO No.1 Squadron, gathered his pilots for a briefing, instruction seven of them to prepare for air defense sorties, while he was to lead the others into an attack on Israeli airfields. RJAF Hunters were launched between 11.50 and 11.55 to strike“Netanya Air Base“ a small airfield east of Haifa used by civilians only. The three Hunters formation dont finded the target and after Israeli reports attack with HSI rockets ABIC Pharmaceutics factory. On the way back towards Mafraq AB their formations was nearly intercepted by a pair of Mirages from No.117 Squadrons, scrambled from Ramat David and vectored to intercept Iraqi Hunters. The GCI give a vector to intercept the three RJAF Hunters and near Ramleh the Mirages sighted the Jordanians. However, the only Shafrir 1 missile the Israelis managed to fire missed its low-flying target, and the pilots were then vectored to intercept another target. The three RJAF Hunters returned to Mafraq undisturbed. Other RJAF four Hunters patrol near the border was not so lucky. Four IDF/AF Mirages of the No.117 Sqn sighted the Jordanians and went to intercept. No.1 Sqn Hunters dive to the ground and take the heading to Mafraq, but Capt Wasfi Ammari was pursued by O.Sagee flying Mirage IIICJ No.44. Sagee launched a Shafrir 1 but this one dropped downwards, below the enemy engine; he switch to cannon and at 200m shot down the Hunter after crossing the Jordan river. Wasfi Ammari ejected, was wounded and recovered. At 13.48 hours(Jordanian time)four Super Mystere B2 from No.109 Sqn destroyed the main Jordan radar at Ajloun. The alert was gived at Amman but was too late. One of the two Pakistani instructors took off from Mafraq AB with a Jordanian pilot, Lt Ishan Chourdom, for interception of No.109th Sqn Super Mysteres and one minute later, Mafraq was under attack by eight Mystere IVA of the 116th Sqn. Two Hunters in preparation for take off were quickly engaged. Both fighters were destroyed at ground and one pilot, Maj Firass al-Journi was KIA. The Israelians damaged the runway and claims the destruction of three Hunters on the ground. One Mystere IVA was damaged by AAA. The Pakistani instructors, Lt Saif-oul-Azam , engaged a formation of four Mystere and hit the No.4. The Mystere loss sobre debris and Azam engaged then two other Mystere. A 200m a burst of his cannon hit one of the Mystere and the Israelian fighter start to descend. Azam was credited with one victory. IDF/AF admitted the loss of Mystere IVA No.94 of the 116th Sqn, flown by Lt. H.Bola(KIA). The Israelians claims 24 Hawker Hunter destroyed on the ground at Mafraq AB, but actually were destroyed or badly damaged 13 Jordanian fighters. Azam and Chourdom returned to Mafraq AB but with the rwy damaged, were forced to divert and land at Amman AB. At 14.00 hours Mafraq was again attacked, this time by four Ouragans of No.113th Sqn. They encountered no opposition other than AAA fire and flew three attack patterns to claim the destruction of two Hunters on the ground. Two Ouragan were damaged by the AAA and the No.4, failed to respond to calls from other formation members and enter striaght into the “no-fly zone“ over the Dimona complex. He was finally shot down by one Israelian missile Hawk when his fly too near of Dimona nuclear plant. At 14.07 Mafraq receive a third strike by the Mystere IVA of 116th Sqn . The base was again attacked by Ouragans at 14.22 and 14.30 and eight Vampire and at least two helicopters were destroyed. One Ouragan was hit by AAA and his pilot ejected safely over the Mediterranean Sea. At 14.39 Amman AB was attacked by four Mirages from No.119 Sqn. The Mirages first bombed the runway then returned to strafe aircrafts on ground, destroying the last Hunters, the UN C-47, one RJAF Westland Widgeon, the DH Dove of the British Attaché and one Beech Bonanza. One RJAF DH Dove was also damaged. Four Hunters(including Azam and Chourdom fighters)were destroyed at the ground and the runway was damaged. By the end of the journey, 17 of the 21 RJAF Hawker Hunters were destroyed. Only four, but damaged, survived the Israelian attacks. Two pilots were KIA. Without fighters to fly, Lt Saif-oul-Azam and Lt Ishan Chourdom quit Jordan and travel by ground to Habbaniya AB in Iraq arriving there in the last hours of Jun 6, 1967. Tired after so a long travel, were again combat ready by 04.00 hours and were instructed to prepare a cover protection mission for H-3 Al-Walid. Four Hunters 59 took-off from Habbaniya(formation included also IrAF pilots Lt Samir Yousif Zainal and Galeb al-Hamid al-Qaysi)and in route were vectored to intercept the 3th IDF/AF strike underway to attack H-3 Al-Wallid. (The Israelian make the mistake of use the same path used in his failed 2th attack and were easily spotted by observers deployed in the desert). If the 2th strike againt H-3 Al-walid was a failure for the IDF/AF, the third was a disaster. The IDF/AF formation was composed with 4 Vautour of the No.110th Sqn with the escort of 4 Mirage IIICJ of the 117th Sqn. The Mirage were armed with bombs to destroy H-3 rwy. At 11.30 the Israelian began the attack on H-3 but were intercepted some two minutes later by the IrAF Hunters. One Hunter was shot down by Capt G.Dror in Mirage IIICJ No.60(pilot Galeb al-Hamid al-Qaysi was KIA). But Dror had not time to celebrate his victory, some second after his Mirage was hit by the 30mm rounds of Saif-oul-Azam and was forced to eject and became POW. After shot down Dror, Saif-oul-Azam, manouevre, evaded a burst of Ezra Dothan and hit the Vautour fly by Cne Glant-Golan. He eject also to became POW. That was Azam´s 3th victory in the Six Days War. Near at the same time, Azam´s No.3, Lt Zainal, evaded another burst of Ezra Dothan and hit another Vautour. The Jet start to smoke and the two crew eject but the Vautour exploded flamming the two parachutes. By this moment the CO of the IDF/AF Somech ordered to disengaged but Zainal continued his attack and went behind the two last two Vautours. He hit again another and the jet start to smoke and finally was forced to broke the contact over Jordania, short of fuel and land at H-3. Azam and Chourdom succeded in return with the last drops of fuel to Habbaniya AB. Zainal, after refuelling at H-3, returned to Habbaniya one hour after. In the returning flight the surviving Israelians were taked in chase by two SyAAF MiG-21FL of No.67 Sqn. The Syrians launched four R-3S but only one find the target and hit the Mirage flown by Maj E.Dothan(No.29). Dothan succeded in return and safely land his damaged Mirage at Megido AB. Install Follow readme instructions and other additional information. Thanks and credits: Paulopanz for the MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod, MiG-15UTI and Ouragan. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" Supersonic Fighters Vol 2 and The June 1967 War Vol 3 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights.
  13. Version


    Campaign for the Syrian Air Force(SyAAF)No.8 Sqn with MiG-21MF , Ramadan War, Oct 1973. For Wings over Israel This campaign with 36 missions for the SyAAF No.8 Sqn cover the periode Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 23, 1973, the Ramadan War(or Yom Kippur). Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by Oct 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7 and Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973). Need MiG-17F "Fresco-C" EAF mod.(by paulopanz)and Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya"(by paulopanz) Sukhoi Su-20 included. Credits: Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. pauloPanz for MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod and the Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya" Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Campaign EAF No.51 Sqn Ramadan War(Sukhoi Su-7BMK) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 36 missions for the EAF No.51 Sqn(205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade)cover the periode from Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by and after October 6, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973)and three type of Bofors AAA. EAF No.51 Squadron and Sukhoi Su-7BMK By the Ramadan War, No.51 Squadron was one of three units of the EAF equipped with Su-7BMK. The more experienced No.55 Squadron was equipped with the new and vastly improved Su-20. The Su-7BMK was a simplified export version of Su-7BM, manufactured 1967-1971 with 441 built. The three Su-7BMK squadrons(No.51, No.52 and No.53)formed the 205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade with bases at Bilbeis, Bilbeis Qutamiyah and el-Mansourah. Full complement of the Brigade was 48 Su-7BMK. From the first days of the entry in service of the Su-7BMK, the EAF was dissapointed with the type. The powerful Lyuka Al-7F1 turbojet, was a thirsty engine and occuped almost two thirds of the fuselage increasing vulnerability. Range was limited and drop tanks were mandatory. Despite Sukhoi brochures "as capable of self protection from enemy interceptors", combat operations over the Sinai proved the contrary. However, with a skilled pilot this two 30mm with 70 rounds each can give devastador results. Other problems were the weapons and the limited number of tyres and drop tanks(six for each aircraft)supplied by the Soviets. Rockets S-3K proved incapable of penetrating even the relatively thin top-side armour of the Israeli tanks. Despite a good number of the requests of the EAF for improvements, Sukhoi only acceded in instaling the requested mirrors. The EAF was in his own and with the colaboration of Helwan factory, the type was continued improved from 1967. To increase the range, Helwan took the 500 liters drop tanks, cut him, inserted a strech section between and increase the capacity to 1050 liters. Because the Soviets refused to deliver enough replacement weapons, Helwan produced the bomb Kaakaa-100-105(based on the Soviet FAB-100-105), the Kaakaa-250(FAB-250M-54)and later the Nasr-250(FAB-250M-62). With Six Days War recovered and no exploded French bombs, Helwan developed one anti-rwy penetration bomb of 250 kg. The factory produced also the fuel-air explosive(FAE)of 200 kg, as well retarding fins for other GP weapons. By 1973, the Su-7BMK was vastly improved but pilots were only full satisfied with the arrivals of the Su-20s in the same year. EAF No.51 Squadron began operations in the Ramadan War by 13.48 hours on Oct 6, 1973. CO LtCol Hazem al-Gharby led 12 Su-7BMK and attacked Refidim AB and surrounding installations. Approaching at a very high speed and minimal altitude, the attack took the Israelis by surprise and the Su-7BMK holed the rwy in 10 places and destroyed the control tower. The third flight failed to find the HAWK site a Refidim and attacked as alternative the CP at Umm Qashiba. No.51 Sqn suffered no losses in his first mission of the war and Refidim, repaired was back in operations two days later. On Oct 11, 1973 four Su-7BMK of the No.51 Sqn destroyed the Israeli HAWK site near Baluza, opening the way for 12 MiG-17s in strike against tanks and vehicles, forward Israeli HQ and observation post at Um Hashiba. EAF´s Su-7BMK were used intensively by the Ramadan War suffering heavy losses with 20 jets downed(17 by IDF/AF interceptors, 2 by AAA and one by accident). In comparation SyAAF loss 14, the IrAF 15 and the QJJ one. Despite this limitation, some 50 Su-7BMK were still in service at the end of 1986. Campaign need the following extra aircrafts: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Campaign included a Su-7BMK ready to use.(Cockpit MiG-17. Sound default). Install Follow readme instructions and aditional informations Credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights
  15. View File RJAF No.1 Sqn Hunter 6 Six Days War Campaign RJAF No.1 Sqn Six Days war(Hunter 6) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 11 missions for the RJAF No.1 Sqn with Hunter 6 cover the periode from Jun 5 to Jun 10, 1967. Historical accurate with the main units, number of aircrafts and RJAF deployment by Jun 5, 1967. Added to the campaign and included textures for IrAF No.17 MiG-21FL, No.10 Sqn detachment with Tu-16 and SyAAF No.19 Sqn IL-28s. Revised ground forces and add AMX-13, Su-100, BTR-50PK, M16Quad, M113, PZKW-IVA, 37InchAA, and two Bofors type AAA. RJAF and Hunter 6 The RJAF introduced the Hunter 6 in service in Nov 1958. With the 11 jets delivered arrived also a group of British instructors led by Wg Cdr Bennet, RAF, to support the RJAF through the process of introducting this type into service. Introduction process faced a number of problems, resulting in heavy attrition of the Hunter fleet and even pilot losses. Lt Marwan Jamil Zakaria was killed in the crash of a Junter F.6 on Oct 7, 1959, and another Hunter was lost in a crash on Jul 1, 1960, although its pilot ejected safely. Only two months later, on Sep 10, 1960, Lt Ali Saleem al-Omari was killed in another crash. This series of incidents prompted the RJAF to order three newly builded Hunter T.66B for almost immediately delivery, in order to ease the process of converting its young pilots to the type. The same year were acquired two Hunters equipped for reconnaissance purposes, two ex-RAF FR.10s. In 1961, following acquisition of MiGs by Iraq, King Hussein decided to replace the Vampires flown by No.2 Sqn and ordered another batch of 12 ex RAF F.6s. Deliveries of these aircrafts began in April 1962, and resulted in the retirement of Jordan remaning Vampires on Apr 17, 1962. In November 1962, the RJAF lost six pilots for defection to Egypt.. Same month, RJAF Hunters were re-deployed to Arabia Saudita for 10 days. By 1963, the RJAF had 20 Hawker Hunter F.6 on strenght, two FR.10 reconnaissance type and three training type T.66B. No.2 Sqn was disbanded, its personnal and equipment being amalgamated into No.1 Sqn. During the same year was created a display team, named Hashemite Diamond. Two Hunters were lost in separate accidents in 1964-1965, including T.66B with serial number 714 written off in a crash that killed both of its pilots, on Aug 15, 1965. This same year, the former F.6s of No.2 Sqn were returned to the UK for conversion to FGA.9 standard and designated FGA.73. By May 1967, work of eight Hunters was complete and six of the aircraft returned to Jordan. At the eve of the Six Days War, Jun 5, 1967, RJAF No.1 Sqn had only 21 Hunters on hand, with 18 combat ready. The unit was based at Mafraq AB, with 14 pilots and his mission was interception and close support duties The units was also in reorganisation for conversion in F-104 Starfighter and most of the pilots were in USA and only 14 pilots were availables. Two Pakistanies instructors were added to the roster of pilots. No.1 Squadron RJAF was among the first Jordanian military units to be alerted for action, at 05.00 local time on the morning of Jun 5, 1967, and its pilots expected to take off as soon as the new came that the war had started. Maj Firas Ajlouni, CO No.1 Squadron, gathered his pilots for a briefing, instruction seven of them to prepare for air defense sorties, while he was to lead the others into an attack on Israeli airfields. RJAF Hunters were launched between 11.50 and 11.55 to strike“Netanya Air Base“ a small airfield east of Haifa used by civilians only. The three Hunters formation dont finded the target and after Israeli reports attack with HSI rockets ABIC Pharmaceutics factory. On the way back towards Mafraq AB their formations was nearly intercepted by a pair of Mirages from No.117 Squadrons, scrambled from Ramat David and vectored to intercept Iraqi Hunters. The GCI give a vector to intercept the three RJAF Hunters and near Ramleh the Mirages sighted the Jordanians. However, the only Shafrir 1 missile the Israelis managed to fire missed its low-flying target, and the pilots were then vectored to intercept another target. The three RJAF Hunters returned to Mafraq undisturbed. Other RJAF four Hunters patrol near the border was not so lucky. Four IDF/AF Mirages of the No.117 Sqn sighted the Jordanians and went to intercept. No.1 Sqn Hunters dive to the ground and take the heading to Mafraq, but Capt Wasfi Ammari was pursued by O.Sagee flying Mirage IIICJ No.44. Sagee launched a Shafrir 1 but this one dropped downwards, below the enemy engine; he switch to cannon and at 200m shot down the Hunter after crossing the Jordan river. Wasfi Ammari ejected, was wounded and recovered. At 13.48 hours(Jordanian time)four Super Mystere B2 from No.109 Sqn destroyed the main Jordan radar at Ajloun. The alert was gived at Amman but was too late. One of the two Pakistani instructors took off from Mafraq AB with a Jordanian pilot, Lt Ishan Chourdom, for interception of No.109th Sqn Super Mysteres and one minute later, Mafraq was under attack by eight Mystere IVA of the 116th Sqn. Two Hunters in preparation for take off were quickly engaged. Both fighters were destroyed at ground and one pilot, Maj Firass al-Journi was KIA. The Israelians damaged the runway and claims the destruction of three Hunters on the ground. One Mystere IVA was damaged by AAA. The Pakistani instructors, Lt Saif-oul-Azam , engaged a formation of four Mystere and hit the No.4. The Mystere loss sobre debris and Azam engaged then two other Mystere. A 200m a burst of his cannon hit one of the Mystere and the Israelian fighter start to descend. Azam was credited with one victory. IDF/AF admitted the loss of Mystere IVA No.94 of the 116th Sqn, flown by Lt. H.Bola(KIA). The Israelians claims 24 Hawker Hunter destroyed on the ground at Mafraq AB, but actually were destroyed or badly damaged 13 Jordanian fighters. Azam and Chourdom returned to Mafraq AB but with the rwy damaged, were forced to divert and land at Amman AB. At 14.00 hours Mafraq was again attacked, this time by four Ouragans of No.113th Sqn. They encountered no opposition other than AAA fire and flew three attack patterns to claim the destruction of two Hunters on the ground. Two Ouragan were damaged by the AAA and the No.4, failed to respond to calls from other formation members and enter striaght into the “no-fly zone“ over the Dimona complex. He was finally shot down by one Israelian missile Hawk when his fly too near of Dimona nuclear plant. At 14.07 Mafraq receive a third strike by the Mystere IVA of 116th Sqn . The base was again attacked by Ouragans at 14.22 and 14.30 and eight Vampire and at least two helicopters were destroyed. One Ouragan was hit by AAA and his pilot ejected safely over the Mediterranean Sea. At 14.39 Amman AB was attacked by four Mirages from No.119 Sqn. The Mirages first bombed the runway then returned to strafe aircrafts on ground, destroying the last Hunters, the UN C-47, one RJAF Westland Widgeon, the DH Dove of the British Attaché and one Beech Bonanza. One RJAF DH Dove was also damaged. Four Hunters(including Azam and Chourdom fighters)were destroyed at the ground and the runway was damaged. By the end of the journey, 17 of the 21 RJAF Hawker Hunters were destroyed. Only four, but damaged, survived the Israelian attacks. Two pilots were KIA. Without fighters to fly, Lt Saif-oul-Azam and Lt Ishan Chourdom quit Jordan and travel by ground to Habbaniya AB in Iraq arriving there in the last hours of Jun 6, 1967. Tired after so a long travel, were again combat ready by 04.00 hours and were instructed to prepare a cover protection mission for H-3 Al-Walid. Four Hunters 59 took-off from Habbaniya(formation included also IrAF pilots Lt Samir Yousif Zainal and Galeb al-Hamid al-Qaysi)and in route were vectored to intercept the 3th IDF/AF strike underway to attack H-3 Al-Wallid. (The Israelian make the mistake of use the same path used in his failed 2th attack and were easily spotted by observers deployed in the desert). If the 2th strike againt H-3 Al-walid was a failure for the IDF/AF, the third was a disaster. The IDF/AF formation was composed with 4 Vautour of the No.110th Sqn with the escort of 4 Mirage IIICJ of the 117th Sqn. The Mirage were armed with bombs to destroy H-3 rwy. At 11.30 the Israelian began the attack on H-3 but were intercepted some two minutes later by the IrAF Hunters. One Hunter was shot down by Capt G.Dror in Mirage IIICJ No.60(pilot Galeb al-Hamid al-Qaysi was KIA). But Dror had not time to celebrate his victory, some second after his Mirage was hit by the 30mm rounds of Saif-oul-Azam and was forced to eject and became POW. After shot down Dror, Saif-oul-Azam, manouevre, evaded a burst of Ezra Dothan and hit the Vautour fly by Cne Glant-Golan. He eject also to became POW. That was Azam´s 3th victory in the Six Days War. Near at the same time, Azam´s No.3, Lt Zainal, evaded another burst of Ezra Dothan and hit another Vautour. The Jet start to smoke and the two crew eject but the Vautour exploded flamming the two parachutes. By this moment the CO of the IDF/AF Somech ordered to disengaged but Zainal continued his attack and went behind the two last two Vautours. He hit again another and the jet start to smoke and finally was forced to broke the contact over Jordania, short of fuel and land at H-3. Azam and Chourdom succeded in return with the last drops of fuel to Habbaniya AB. Zainal, after refuelling at H-3, returned to Habbaniya one hour after. In the returning flight the surviving Israelians were taked in chase by two SyAAF MiG-21FL of No.67 Sqn. The Syrians launched four R-3S but only one find the target and hit the Mirage flown by Maj E.Dothan(No.29). Dothan succeded in return and safely land his damaged Mirage at Megido AB. Install Follow readme instructions and other additional information. Thanks and credits: Paulopanz for the MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod, MiG-15UTI and Ouragan. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" Supersonic Fighters Vol 2 and The June 1967 War Vol 3 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights. Submitter regula50 Submitted 08/31/2017 Category User Made Campaigns  
  16. View File EAF No.51 Sqn Sukhoi Su-7BMK Ramadan War Campaign EAF No.51 Sqn Ramadan War(Sukhoi Su-7BMK) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 36 missions for the EAF No.51 Sqn(205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade)cover the periode from Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by and after October 6, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973)and three type of Bofors AAA. EAF No.51 Squadron and Sukhoi Su-7BMK By the Ramadan War, No.51 Squadron was one of three units of the EAF equipped with Su-7BMK. The more experienced No.55 Squadron was equipped with the new and vastly improved Su-20. The Su-7BMK was a simplified export version of Su-7BM, manufactured 1967-1971 with 441 built. The three Su-7BMK squadrons(No.51, No.52 and No.53)formed the 205th Fighter-Bomber Brigade with bases at Bilbeis, Bilbeis Qutamiyah and el-Mansourah. Full complement of the Brigade was 48 Su-7BMK. From the first days of the entry in service of the Su-7BMK, the EAF was dissapointed with the type. The powerful Lyuka Al-7F1 turbojet, was a thirsty engine and occuped almost two thirds of the fuselage increasing vulnerability. Range was limited and drop tanks were mandatory. Despite Sukhoi brochures "as capable of self protection from enemy interceptors", combat operations over the Sinai proved the contrary. However, with a skilled pilot this two 30mm with 70 rounds each can give devastador results. Other problems were the weapons and the limited number of tyres and drop tanks(six for each aircraft)supplied by the Soviets. Rockets S-3K proved incapable of penetrating even the relatively thin top-side armour of the Israeli tanks. Despite a good number of the requests of the EAF for improvements, Sukhoi only acceded in instaling the requested mirrors. The EAF was in his own and with the colaboration of Helwan factory, the type was continued improved from 1967. To increase the range, Helwan took the 500 liters drop tanks, cut him, inserted a strech section between and increase the capacity to 1050 liters. Because the Soviets refused to deliver enough replacement weapons, Helwan produced the bomb Kaakaa-100-105(based on the Soviet FAB-100-105), the Kaakaa-250(FAB-250M-54)and later the Nasr-250(FAB-250M-62). With Six Days War recovered and no exploded French bombs, Helwan developed one anti-rwy penetration bomb of 250 kg. The factory produced also the fuel-air explosive(FAE)of 200 kg, as well retarding fins for other GP weapons. By 1973, the Su-7BMK was vastly improved but pilots were only full satisfied with the arrivals of the Su-20s in the same year. EAF No.51 Squadron began operations in the Ramadan War by 13.48 hours on Oct 6, 1973. CO LtCol Hazem al-Gharby led 12 Su-7BMK and attacked Refidim AB and surrounding installations. Approaching at a very high speed and minimal altitude, the attack took the Israelis by surprise and the Su-7BMK holed the rwy in 10 places and destroyed the control tower. The third flight failed to find the HAWK site a Refidim and attacked as alternative the CP at Umm Qashiba. No.51 Sqn suffered no losses in his first mission of the war and Refidim, repaired was back in operations two days later. On Oct 11, 1973 four Su-7BMK of the No.51 Sqn destroyed the Israeli HAWK site near Baluza, opening the way for 12 MiG-17s in strike against tanks and vehicles, forward Israeli HQ and observation post at Um Hashiba. EAF´s Su-7BMK were used intensively by the Ramadan War suffering heavy losses with 20 jets downed(17 by IDF/AF interceptors, 2 by AAA and one by accident). In comparation SyAAF loss 14, the IrAF 15 and the QJJ one. Despite this limitation, some 50 Su-7BMK were still in service at the end of 1986. Campaign need the following extra aircrafts: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Campaign included a Su-7BMK ready to use.(Cockpit MiG-17. Sound default). Install Follow readme instructions and aditional informations Credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights Submitter regula50 Submitted 08/26/2017 Category User Made Campaigns  
  17. View File EAF No.26 Sqn MiG-21F-13 Ramadan War Campaign EAF No.26 Sqn Ramadan War(MiG-21F-13) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 34 missions for the EAF No.26 Sqn cover the periode from Oct 7, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by and after October 7, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B(three launched on Oct 22, 1973)and three type of Bofors AAA. EAF No.26 "Black Ravens" Squadron No.26 Squadron was established in the autumn 1967. The Squadron was the first, following the Israelian example, to set aerial ambushes with two MiGs acting as baith and two or four others as shooters. First sucess coming in Oct 23, 1968 in the area Ismailiya-Suez Canal with two Mirages downed, one finded in May 1975 by the Egyptian Navy with the death pilot still in the cockpit. As usual, IDF/AF denied this losses. Based at Inchas AB during the War of Attrition, No.26 Squadron was the unit with the highest number of combat engagements in 1969-1970 and earned the reputation as the "best dogfighters" in the entire air arm. Pilots of the squadron introduce the practice of applying kill markings on their MiGs, and by 1973, at least two of the MiGs carried the unit insignia, a black raven with a white "26". The "Top Gun" of the unit was Reda el-Iraqi with three kills in the War of Attrition(all Mirages). The No.26 Squadron downed also IDF/AF ace Capt Giora Romm(5 victories)and became POW. By the Ramadan War, despite the availability of new variants like MiG-21MF or MiG-1PFM, the No.26 Squadron remained with the old MiG-21F-13. The aircraft was lighter and thus more manoeuvrable in comparison with recent variants. The single 30mm cannon with 60 rounds packed a more powerful punch than the 23mm GSh-23 installed in the MiG-21MF. Also, the F-13 was a dedicated interceptor and not a dual role like the MiG-21MF. No.25 Squadron follow the example of No.26 Squadron and give his MiG-21PFS to come back with the MiG-21F-13. Both Squadrons, forming the Air Brigade 102, had 30 MiG-21F-13 by the Ramadan War. The UARAF/EAF had taked in charge 90 MiG-21F-13(48 of the first batch delivered from Nov 1961 to 1963, 12 ex QJJ in Jun 1967 and 30 purchased with Aero-Vodochody in Czechoslovakia delivered in 1969). Last F-13s arriving by Dec 4, 1969. All this 30 jets were assigned to the Air Brigade 102. The SyAAF received during the Ramadan War, 11 MiG-21F-13 from Czechoslovaquia and 12 from Poland. The DDR deliver in the same periode 12 MiG-21M. Campaign need the following extra aircrafts: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Supplied a MiG-21F-13 ready to use with cockpit and sound. Camo2 Tiger Stripe. Very few F-13s carried Camo Nile Valley. Install Follow readme instructions and aditional informations Credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Authors of MiG-21F-13 cockpit and sound. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Happy flights Submitter regula50 Submitted 08/26/2017 Category User Made Campaigns  
  18. View File IrAF No.66 Sqn Hunter 59 Ramadan War Campaign IrAF No.66 Sqn Ramadan War(Hunter 59) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 36 missions for the Iraqi Air Force No.66 Sqn cover the periode from Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by October 6, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B and three type of Bofors AAA. . IrAF No.66 Sqn was formed with No.6 and No.29 Squadrons-with a total of 24 Hunter F.Mk 59 and 30 pilots and was deployed to Egypt via Saudia Arabia on Apr 24, 1973. CO was Maj Yusuf Muhammed Rasouli. No.66 Sqn flew his first mission on Oct 6, 1973. 12 Hunters flying at less than 20m cross the Canal exactly as ordered at 14.00 hours and began his attack at 14.10, striking Israelian vehicles, artillery and armour. One flight of Hunters went for a 175mm artillery battery and destroyed several of them(confirmed also by the same IDF). After expended all rockets, the Hunters dive to attack with his 30mm Aden cannons. A second flight attack the HAWK site near Gidi Defile. All 12 Hunters returned to base using the assigned SAM corridor over Ismailia. Install Follow readme instructions and other additional information. Thanks and credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. Submitter regula50 Submitted 08/22/2017 Category User Made Campaigns  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Campaign IrAF No.66 Sqn Ramadan War(Hunter 59) For Wings over Israel. This campaign with 36 missions for the Iraqi Air Force No.66 Sqn cover the periode from Oct 6, 1973 to Oct 24, 1973. Historical accurate with the main units and bases deployment by October 6, 1973. Revised ground forces and add tank Su-100, BTR-50PK infantry transport, FROG-7, Scud-B and three type of Bofors AAA. . IrAF No.66 Sqn was formed with No.6 and No.29 Squadrons-with a total of 24 Hunter F.Mk 59 and 30 pilots and was deployed to Egypt via Saudia Arabia on Apr 24, 1973. CO was Maj Yusuf Muhammed Rasouli. No.66 Sqn flew his first mission on Oct 6, 1973. 12 Hunters flying at less than 20m cross the Canal exactly as ordered at 14.00 hours and began his attack at 14.10, striking Israelian vehicles, artillery and armour. One flight of Hunters went for a 175mm artillery battery and destroyed several of them(confirmed also by the same IDF). After expended all rockets, the Hunters dive to attack with his 30mm Aden cannons. A second flight attack the HAWK site near Gidi Defile. All 12 Hunters returned to base using the assigned SAM corridor over Ismailia. Install Follow readme instructions and other additional information. Thanks and credits: MiG-17F "Fresco-C EAF mod(by Paulopanz) Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya(by Paulopanz) Spillone104 for the GP-9 Gunpod. Team of the SF2 tank pack. Sources: Several but mainly, "Arab MiGs" October 1973 War Vol 5 and 6 by Tom Cooper and David Nicolle.
  20. If rememeber right, red foux axes , green five axes in the joystick.
  21. I use also a Thrumaster T Flight X and I am very happy with this joystick. Assigned keys via TW configuration and ready to use. Is important that the red light is displayed, not the green. My configuration in the joystick: Button 1: Fire primary gun Button 2: Fire secondary gun Button 3: Nearest enemy Button 4: Launch missile, bomb or rocket Button 5: Gunsight view Button 6: Standand view Button 7: Wide view Button 8: wing leveler Button 9: Air brakes Button 10: weapon selection
  22. Sukhoi Su-11 "Fishpot-C"


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