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I developed a "chatter pack bandaid that allows you while "in the sim" to switch out which sound file folders you are listening to. Is this the type of thing this site would like in "files?".............Unsure about my skins, debating uploading those being they were just trying some things out...


Here's the readme I wrote to describe the bandaid...


Supplemental Chatter File Control Pack.......



The creator of this file set is a pc software/script/hardware retard who cannot boil water, is virtually illiterate, and most assuredly a programming moron of epic proportions.


DO NOT unzip this file unless you are one of the fools that go where angels fear to tread.


The creator of this Pack will accept no liability for software corruption, pc failure, subsequent damages to home, family, life, limb, sexual function, financial losses, or any other damages as a result of the files contained.


If problems do occur, please feel free to sue the cr*p out of me as I have nothing, and my attorneys are exceedingly better then yours.




That said, this pack of files and folders/directories is intended to help generate a "band aid" fix to using chatter packs online.


This is not a replacement for Dan Humphrey's-TechnoMedia IL2FBwav.exe chatter pack control program, yet meant to supplement it due to the inability to change out chatter files once in the sim "online".


These various files and folders were inspired by some work WW-Sensei had done along similar lines and the lessons I learned from it. My most sincere thanks to him and the rest of the WingWalkers for letting me bounce ideas off them. (However, any praise for this work goes to them, all problems and liability goes to me).


If installed correctly, this collection of files and folders will allow you to change what ".wav file sets" you normally hear on the fly once in the sim. This is meant to help if say you join a coop having Japanese chatter packs loaded, and find yourself to be flying British.



What is contained in this Zip file:

1. ReadMeFirst.txt (file of which you are reading now)

2. 14 .cmd files (which will be placed in your IL2FB-AEP-PF directory)

3. 13 Folders/Directories each containing a DeleteThisFile.txt file (which will be placed in your IL2FB-AEP-PF\Samples\Music directory)


Item 2 .cmd files ONLY contain lines similar as follows:

music PATH Music\RadioChatIJA

music PLAY


Item 3 Folders contain a DeleteThisFile.txt file only so WinZip can have something to latch onto (being I know no other way being a PC ignoramus). It is worthless and should be deleted after extraction.




1. IMPORTANT!!! Back-up by copying your IL2FB-AEP-PF\rcu file and IL2FB-AEP-PF\Samples\Music folder and all sub folders and files therein to a secure location before proceeding.


2. IMPORTANT!!! If a message occurs asking if you want to overwrite any files of the same name, refuse, and extract to a temporary folder instead. (It does not overwrite any for me, but I know what is contained and what is being added to my files)


3. Unzip the contents of the Zipfile into your IL2FB-AEP-PF folder.


4. Add the following lines to your IL2FB-AEP-PF\rcu file using notepad....

@a radiochatru file RadioChatCCCP.cmd

@a radiochaton file RadioChatDEFAULT.cmd

@a radiochatija file RadioChatIJA.cmd

@a radiochatijn file RadioChatIJN.cmd

@a radiochatdewf file RadioChatLWWF.cmd

@a radiochatdeef file RadioChatLWEF.cmd

@a radiochatgbpac file RadioChatRAFPAC.cmd

@a radiochatgbwf file RadioChatRAFWF.cmd

@a radiochatgbn file RadioChatRNASPAC.cmd

@a radiochatuswf file RadioChatUSAAC.cmd

@a radiochatusm file RadioChatUSM.cmd

@a radiochatusn file RadioChatUSN.cmd

@a radiomusicpac file RadioMusicPAC.cmd

@a radiomusicwf file RadioMusicWF.cmd

@a radiochatoff music PATH Music


5. "Copy" any chatter or music files (.wav) you wish into each applicable sub-folder generated in IL2FB-AEP-PF\Samples\Music directory.


6. Folder names mean the following:

RadioChatCCCP = Russian Chatter

RadioChatIJA = Japanese Ground Based

RadioChatIJN = Japanese Carrier Based

RadioChatLWWF = German Western Front/Europe/Africa

RadioChatLWEF = German Eastern Front/Russia

RadioChatRAFPAC = British Pacific Land Based

RadioChatRAFWF = British Western Front/Europe/Africa

RadioChatRNASPAC = British Pacific Carrier Based

RadioChatUSAAC = U.S. Western Front/Europe/Africa

RadioChatUSM = U.S. Pacific Ground Based

RadioChatUSN = U.S. Pacific Carrier Based

RadioMusicPAC = Music or civilian radio one might hear in the Pacific

RadioMusicWF = Music or civilian radio one might hear in Europe

(as a tip, I will add a couple of enemy radio traffic files in with friendly as though some cross radio traffic was encountered. EX. In "RadioChatLWEF" I will have all German files, and place 2 Russian files in random locations naming them so it flows...This is why theatres of operation are considered for potential enemies)



In Sim Commands (how to use):


Once within the Sim the files you have normally loaded in TakeOff/InFlight/Crash will normally play (this includes those installed by IL2FBwav.exe).


If you find you are changing sides, or it is a different theatre then expected, then in chat type one of the following commands:


















>radiochatru plays RadioChatCCCP files

>radiochaton plays Takeoff/Inflight/Crash files as normal

>radiochatija plays RadioChatIJA files

>radiochatijn plays RadioChatIJN files

>radiochatdewf plays RadioChatLWWF files

>radiochatdeef plays RadioChatLWEF files

>radiochatgbpac plays RadioChatRAFPAC files

>radiochatgbwf plays RadioChatRAFWF files

>radiochatgbn plays RadioChatRNASPAC files

>radiochatuswf plays RadioChatUSAAC files

>radiochatusm plays RadioChatUSM files

>radiochatusn plays RadioChatUSN files

>radiomusicpac plays RadioMusicPAC files

>radiomusicwf plays RadioMusicWF files

>radiochatoff turns all music off


(the reason for commands not exactly matching folder names is to utilize nationality naming we are all used to. The reason for such long commands is to insure they are clear and not easily forgotten nor interfere with existing commands)



You will find if you use any command above except radiochat-off/on/musicpac-wf you will hear nothing. This is due to the fact files normally play in place of "InFlight" files. Once you take off they will begin.



Feel free to comment in this thread or by emailing me at k2kellyirie@yahoo.com. Also feel free to distribute, use, post and alter this zipfile as you wish.




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I think this file and documentation would be best served on the file server. That way people can find it easily, especially when this thread gets buried. Our goal is to provide you the place and opportunity to share your work with others. Nice job on the sound pack hope to see it in the files directories.


Take care;



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Man this sounds interesting, I have to start playing PF again...

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Well that was my question thanks....I then need to make an alteration of some of my skins that I've been asked to post. To remove the 78th Hiko Sentai logo from them as that's only for a squadron I fly with, and finish creating a combat skin vs. the silly fantasy skins which will be a blending of the two bottom Ki61 skins at the bottom "which are not mine" so will not be posted.


As A side question, did you want nose art posted too?....Unfortunately "ALL" of mine does include significant nudity, none historical, yet all weathered.





Edited by Billfish

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Holy CR$P!


Those skins rock, post it all, post it all (even the nudity :victory: )

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well Mods you say it is acceptable, but you tell me and feel free to delete this post with a pm to let me know.....


All made before I knew of "Bright" to retain true colors...and before I started weathering them....those I'll hold back till the "content" is approved...




well no response so I'll err on the side of caution.

Edited by Billfish

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