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Are there TW SF2 MiG-15 and MiG-17 Templates available?

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Are there TW SF2 MiG-15 and MiG-17 Templates available?


I've looked and can't find any, but it's quite possible I missed them.


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check the 1stGen downloads??? I distinctly remember doing the 17s. You'll have to cross check the mapping on each individual skin map, as there MAY have been some changes from SF1 to SF2


as to the 15, I don't recall doing them

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I took a look at your SF1 MiG-17 templates.


Also played a bit with the SF2 MiG-17 skins.  Man, those things are horrible.  They need to be complete new skins.  So fuzzy can't figure out where to start.  I'll have to meditate on those for a bit.

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that's the "noise" layer added by 3W. Every NM skin has that (and many of the camo's too). I prefer using a clouds layer (50% grey/75% grey), and just fiddle with the opacity of it. It'll be the VERY top layer


I have 2 partial templates for the stock 15; both only have lines/rivets necessary for the NK tail and nose markings for the KAW mod. Somebody (Paulo? maybe?)  had shown some camo 15s for KAW, but I don't remember it they were released.


Here's a hint for redrawing:

Duplicate the main, background layer, and invert it. Also, blow you templates up to AT MINIMUM!!! 2048x. You can even go to 4096, depending on the level of detail you want. You can always resize down when done for the finished skin. Which is then saved as a jpg.

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