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Road Hog

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Here's the story:


I had just driven up a path in a buggy, when I came across some mercenaries. I jumped out to take care of them, and, in the middle of the fire fight, I hear the buggy start up. I think, ok, one of the mercs must have gotten around me and started up the buggy. Desperate to keep him from using the gun on me (since I would have been very open to it's fire), I turn around to shoot the guy. This is what I saw. LMAO




And to add to the hilariousness of this picture, after i had cleaned up all the remaining mercs, I tried to go back over to the buggy to take some more/better pics. Instead, as I start going toward the buggy, the pig decides it doesn't want any pictures taken, so it starts driving the buggy around :grin: It nearly ran me over before it got stuck and jumped out :rofl:

Edited by PG_Raptor

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Man I have to play far Cry....LOL!

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Now if I can only get my new player to sling a side arm there would have only been one us walking out of there. Oops maybe I said too much.



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