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CTD after mission when use Super Hornet and Tomcat

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well after trying lots of method to counter this problem but with no success,then i should ask for help here,someone can tell me why i always facing CTD when use this two aircraft,enabling some entries to "TRUE" in terrain data and check aircraft data ini but nothing wrong there,start game and hope this problem not came up,but when mission finish then CTD came up again,i really frustrated...

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When you CTD (crash to desktop) are you flying single missions or a campaign? Have any files been changed for the aircraft?

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single mission,no i not change any file or entry inside .ini,redownload aircraft but still CTD

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It seems that you can select the aircraft from the single mission, player aircraft type section. If the folder name was different from the ini. name the aircraft wouldn't even show in the aircraft list.


Go to game options, mission start position and set to in air start. Them try to fly the aircraft. If you can fly it then I do not think it is the aircraft. 


If it still CTD then it might be your operating system. Gepard has said before that SFP1/WOE was designed for XP. If you are running Vista or Windows 7 or 8 you could have problems. Look up "SFp1 Game Crash" in Forums, Strike Fighters 1 series, General Discussion.  

Hope you find the answer!!!

Best of luck.


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yep i hope find the solution :(

Edited by casias111

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