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Thought I'd take this opportunity to illustrate the point, on just how close to the mark some of our best loved flight sims really are!

I decided last year to take my PPL, and although I was a regular user of real aircraft, I tended to jump out of them and very rarely landed in one.

The only experience of actualy controlling an aircraft was limited to simulations, ie Microsoft flight simulator and the IL2 series.

I kept telling myself that even in game on full realism it just couldn't emulate real life surely?

I was so astounded when it came to actualy flying a real airplane, all I kept thinking is "its just like the flying on the computer, I don't believe it!!"

I had a grin from ear to ear, just couldn't stop smiling! Even now I've done some take offs for real, I still keep thinking, I was doing this routine yesterday on IL2...... increase power, remember the torque effect from the propeller, apply a little right rudder.....approaching take off speed....and up she comes!!!

The final conformation for me was when having mastered "trimming" in game, I found it so natural and easy on a real aircraft, even in extremely choppy conditions!

Granted I know, that on the computer you don't feel the physical effects of steep descents and banking left and right etc, but the effects of the control inputs that you use in game are mirrored quite closely to the real thing!

I recommend to anyone that enjoys flight simulation, if you haven.t been up in an aircraft for real and done this, get booked in for an air experience flight at your local flying club. I guarantee that when you return to terra firma you will have that huge grin on your face, and as amazed as I was!!

Regards.....Dave S :victory:

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The first time I flew my instructor told me that it seemed like I had flown before, at the time I was a harcore IL2 player, I had the same expereince you describe.


great stuff.

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I'm glad you got that expereince, Trooper. I remember I went through a similar situation when I first flew. Now I'm working on my instrument training, and, although I havn't done any intense FS flying in years, I can definatly feel how much that has helped my skills. As for trim, yes, definatly get good at that if you're going to do any instrument flying, lol.

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