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problem with drop-tanks

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The stock Mystere IV in SF2 Israel has an issue with its drop-tanks. They won't jettison, and they are always on the aircraft even when I don't load them on and they'll share the pylon with bombs..


I've tried deleting the "FuelTankName=Tank625_Mirage" from the data.ini but this of course just gives me no option of having fuel tanks at all so it's not a valid solution.


I searched the forums but found nothing on the subject.


Any ideas? I'm currently stuck.

Edited by warthog64

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delete the data in from the folder.


you folks are forgetting that the drop tanks are PART of the aircraft lod ... if you remove their entries from the data ini, that mesh has no idea what it's supposed to do. Therefor, it will ALWAYS appear Leave it alone.

Why to you think weapons pylons don't appear when nothing is loaded on them???

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Is that the only option? I'd like to keep the data.ini in order to add weapon types and pilot models. If it's the only option I'll do it, but why is it just the Mystere that has this issue? No other stock aircraft with the same data.ini entries has this issue.

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yes, they do. when people mess with things



I'd like to keep the data.ini in order to add weapon types and pilot models


and extracting a NEW, fresh one would be the best course, no??




To further enlighten, and illuminate the statements...

The highlighted section is the pertinent one, right from the Mystre IVA's data ini


AttachmentPosition= 2.07,-0.70,-0.82


that's the mesh that part of the physical aircraft model (aka, the Lod). OTH, it can be removed with the component hide trick, but that a lot of extra work.

Edited by Wrench

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