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I've tried using the Marcfighters Su-27 and the Su-33 mod for it, but all I get is the little guy with his butt hanging out of the lower part of the fuselage.


Is there one around I don't know about or in the works?


And, is there a Russian naval AEW aircraft available?

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Marcelo's Su-33 is currently being textured, and a dedicated cockpit is in the works for it. That's all that's keeping that project from being released, like today.


As far as an AEW, do you mean something like the Beriev A-50? Or do you mean a carrier-borne AWACS, like the never-produced Yak-44?


Veltro released an A-50 variant of his IL-76, and I have a low-poly model of Julhelm's Yak-44. The latter really needs to be updated, as it lacks spinning props and other essentials.





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I think I have the A-50, but that Yak-44 looks pretty cool even if the props don't spin....

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It was a neat concept, with a retractable radome to allow for wing-fold and hangar deck clearance.  It was also as big as a small airliner!







Edited by Fubar512
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Well, add another item to my projects list.....


Yak-44 "Mainsail" crossing the threshold







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