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Haven't been able to find one and am not really surprised; does anyone know if one exists?


I've got the Iran/Iraq Terrain and the Persian Gulf Terrain which includes the Strait of Hormuz at the eastern edge. I'm working on a large, story driven mission pack, part of which takes place in the Gulf and around the strait, for which the Persian Gulf Terrain is perfect. However, the third part of the pack is supposed to involve an operation to re-open a Strait of Hormuz blockaded off and mined by Iran. The way the story is written (without giving away the story spoilers) this effort should be taking place from the Gulf of Oman/ Aabian Sea area south of the southern coast of Iran. There is another Terrain that covers India/Pakistan that is almost in the right spot but not quite.


Anyone aware of a Gulf of Oman terrain out there anywhere. If there isn't one it's going to require some storyline modification before start building those missions.

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As far as I know all the available terrains are here in CombatAce, so If is not available here, your chances are low.

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