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I did an anti-ship test mission over Germany.

After I looked at the flight plan, I decided to make my own route over Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, the target area being north of Poland.


3 x 2000L drop tanks, 2 Exocet missiles, 2 Magic II IRM, no guns ammo.


Everything went fine and I found my target, fired 2 Exocets... they blew up, maybe not locked on (I did not use the target selection square)


I went close to the ship



I decided to attack with the IRM, the first one in the water, the second...





I returned navigating the same way, but as I was looking at the map (a paper one lol) I saw the relief a bit late (time running x8), pulled too hard on the stick and stalled.

I was too low to recover, so I ejected  :blackeye:  End of the test.

Edited by Cliff7600
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Another anti-ship test mission over Germany with the Nirage 4000


This time I made it and returned safely at home base.


For the weapons efficiency record,

Am-39 Exocet = 0/3

R-550 Magic II = 2/4




Edited by Cliff7600
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Testing, testing, testing...


Today : vertical stall











I had to recover an inverted flat spin :ohmy: that became a normal flat spin with a nose up attitude :wacko:  :bad: but it worked heat.gif.pagespeed.ce.8fMI9eFwJJ.gif

so no screenshot of the process dntknw.gif.pagespeed.ce.mowZrWAsXV.gif







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Can't believe it took so long.
Can't believe how great it slowly becomes...

Mirage 4000 prototype.jpg

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