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I have WoV but I don't have SFP1 yet. I installed the official update and the latest weapons pack, but I can't seem to find Mighty Mouse FFAR's to use with the F-94b and F-89. I've Googled and forum searched this, but no luck. Any ideas? :help:

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Because the Mighty Mouse rockets are availble on the F-86D/L only. The F-94B didnt carry them. You are thinking the F-94C. The F-89 had to be modded with other rockets to get the right effect yada yada, any way it couldnt be done at the time. It requires an update but Pasko has a ton of other stuff on his plate. Here is some info on the F-94 to help you see the difference between the 2.


Specifications of the F-94B:


One Allison J33-A-33 or -33A turbojet rated at 4400 lb.st. dry and 6000 lb.st with afterburning. Wingspan 37 feet 6 inches (38 feet 11 inches with wingtip tanks), length 40 feet 1 inches, height 12 feet 8 inches, wing area 234.8 square feet. Weights: 10,064 pounds empty, 13,474 pounds loaded, 16,844 pound maximum. Maximum speed 606 mph at sea level. Initial climb rate 6850 feet per minute. Service ceiling 48,0-00 feet. Normal range 665 miles, maximum range 905 miles. Armed with four 0.50-inch M-3 machine guns in the nose.


Specification of the F-94C:


Engine: One Pratt & Whitney J48-P-5 turbojet engine rated at 6350 lb.st. dry and 8750 lb.st. with afterburning. Dimensions: Wingspan 42 feet 5 inches with wingtip tanks, length 44 feet 6 inches, height 14 feet 11 inches, wing area 232.8 square feet. Weights: 12,708 pounds empty, 18,300 pounds loaded, 24,184 pound maximum. Performance: Maximum speed: 640 mph at sea level, 585 mph at 22,000 feet, 578 mph at 40,000 fee. Initial climb rate 7980 feet per minute. Service ceiling 51,400 feet. Normal range 805 miles, maximum range 1275 miles. Armament: Armed with twenty-four 2.75-inch Mighty Mouse FFARs in nose, plus twelve FFARs in each of two wing leading-edge pods.

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Actually, MontyCZ did the F-89D. Like USAFMTL said, we didn't have the Mighty Mouse in game back then.


F-89C & F-94B were both "Gun" fighters. F-86D, F-86L, F-89D, F-89J, F-94C, F-101, F-102, CF-101 were the birds designed to carry Mighty Mouse rockets only...

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