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weapondata.ini works only out of weapons folder

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I downloaded a mig-21 for SFG. SFG has not  got all soviet weapons, then I loaded some new weapons. If I edit weapondata.ini, the game works only if the new weapondata.ini is placed in objects folder, but , I don´t know why the game works like the original game, without update new weapons. If I place the ini file into weapons folder, the game crashes.


I not updated the game, I think that Cat extractor and weapons editor work fine, but, or the weapondata.ini original is not updated for editor, or I place him in a folder erroneous. (When I update the ini file, must be placed in object folder or weapons folder?).


Someone knows why ini file is not updated If I update him with editor?

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You have to use the same patch level editor as the game patch level.

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You must use the weaponeditor too. Alone to place the weapondata.ini makes the new weapons not workable.


-Download the weaponeditor

-run the weapon editor in compatibility mode for windows95 or ME

-open file weapondata.ini with weaponeditor

-press button "save"

-then press button "close"


run the game and enjoy the new weapons.

By the way, there is a knowledgebase here in this forum. Its a good place to find the most answers for modding the game.

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Thank you both for quick response. I searched in fórum, and I read the Knowledgebase, but I have not been able to find the solution (and I do not speak english ). the last two weeks I tryed to find the solution.


Thank you

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 I am here again, sorry.

I have the SFG vs 08.13.04. (with Windows 7). In fórum I read that this versión can use with the weapon editor Bunyap. I follow all items to edit weapondata.ini (open with pad, add new lines for new weapon, save, then open with weapon editor, save and close).

And this is that the game does:


First.- If I place  weapondata.ini in the weapons folder, the game crashes.


Second- If I place weapondata.ini in the object folder the game work fine, but the new weapons are not anywhere, except in this weapondata.ini, then I can´t use them.


Third- If now I extract weapondata.ini from Object.cat, the weapondata.ini there have not  the new weapons.

Then  I have got two weaponsdata.ini, the first one into Object.cat, and for me this ini file  is imposible to update adding new weapons, and a second ini in object folder, that is updated with new weapons (and with the weapondata.dat) but this ini is like a transparent file, the game prefers the ini file from Cat.

I don´t know what I do in bad way


Sorry, but I don´t found nothing to do with this problem in forum. A lot of people have similar problems with the editors in forums, but when I tried to use  the solutions that I read, they no resolve the thing.

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Tank you all.


I tried several editors in web that you indicate and no resolve the problema. I leave the game because must be anything wrong, or DVD is damaged or installed wrong.


Good luck and good flights!

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I  resolved my problem. I explain my method to help other people that suffer a similar issue. After consult ThirWire, that answered that Strike Fighters Gold is designed for windows xp.


I install Pc Vitual machine, then I install windows XP mode, in this mode I work with Weapons Editor and both files, weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat, are those that I use after in windows 7. That works fine.


Good flights,

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