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Undesirable and no jettison external fuel tanks

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Have this problem for long time but don't know what causes this. Some aircrafts such as Mirage IIICZ (by ludo) or the Mirage 5D (by paulopanz) appear with two external fuel tanks by default even though I haven't selected them in the loadout menu. 


Mirage IIICZ appears with two 625 drop tanks and Mirage 5D appears with two 1300 drop tanks by default. The point is that in the loadout menu I don't select them (empty center station) plus they can not be jettison. An another problem is that only stock Libyan Mirage 5D fuel tank skin appears normal. Fuel tanks for EAFCamo or LARAFCamo2 are completely black.


Any ideas?



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black means missing textures.

in SF2 the fuel tank textures need to be in the relevant skin folder. You'll have to locate and extract them from whichever Object cat they're in.


iirc, many of the tanks are set 'NoJettisionTank=TRUE' This IS correct for many mirage variants.

Don't forget, in SF2 MANY of the drop tanks are built into the aircraft lod itself


I'd extract the data and loadout inis, and start looking them over. Sometime, folks overlook the obvious

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Your problem is with the Data.ini of the aircraft. It is outdated. Because the version of the game is higher ( or lower) compared to the version of the Data.ini of the aircraft which is based on a TK flightmodel. That happened to me a few months ago.  To solve the problem you must do the following:


1) Go to the mirage3cz folder

2) Extract the shakak_data.ini (If you have SF2 Israel ) or Mirage3C_Data.ini (if you have SF2 europe) 

3) Change the mirage3cz_data.ini content by the text you have inside the  shakak_data.ini or the Mirage3C_Data.ini

4) Then just change the nation and dates

5) Fly it


This should solve the problem of adding or not the tanks. If they appear black what yo are missing, as Wrench says, is a texture.

Edited by FRPignon

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