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McDonnell Douglas Phantom F.3 - No.11 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1985


Following the 1982 Falklands War the UK Government decided to upgrade the Falkland Islands defences by deploying a squadron of Phantom FGR.2's but realising that this would weaken the UK's interceptor force they looked for an interim stop-gap until the Tornado F.3 was available in sufficient numbers. The closeness of the Thatcher-Reagan relationship soon saw a US offer of 48 ex-USN F-4S Phantoms made to the UK Government, sufficient to not only reform No.74 squadron but also replace the two Lightning squadrons at RAF Binbrook and thus upgrade the UK's air defences. 










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what S is that?  its got the slats  but no slimers or DECM  which are bigger hallmarks of the S than the slats (1st 48 were delivered w/o slats then retrofitted later)


not nitpicking,  curious as the only S models i knew of had the slimers and decm



nitpicking is to say that the RAF never actually called it the F.3 but rather F-4S(UK).  even kept the american kit to expedite service entry :biggrin:

Edited by daddyairplanes

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what S is that?  its got the slats  but no slimers or DECM  which are bigger hallmarks of the S than the slats (1st 48 were delivered w/o slats then retrofitted later)


not nitpicking,  curious as the only S models i knew of had the slimers and decm


It's the MF 'S' that's undergone the SPRP


Spinners' Parts Removal Programme

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Know how most worked. Lemme know how you got the wingtips lights removed as that stopped a RF-4B project some time ago. But i know someone else that could benefit from that knowledge. When last i worked it the tail and fuselage dissapeared fine but wing tpis left a hole...

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I'm at work right now but mue's LOD viewer will show you. I think they're labelled as RWR's not lights.

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