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Russ can you give me a quick and simple 'Flat Rotating Disk.' Explanation?
Things I know about it.
1 use fake prop engine, no thrust.
Thing I don't
Spinner has to be exported?
Disk has to be exported?
-Data.ini entry, Don't know the Rotation statement to spin on the Horizontal Plane like your airborn Radar.
can't find an example


Nevermind, I got it. Thanks anyway.



Edited by RAVEN
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rotate the pivot in max so Y becomes Z axis  

ahh see u have fixed it...I used fake invis gears so it seems to float off ground...outside disc rotated around the "Fuselage" (circular body),you can even use harrier data for vert take offs etc,lights were a pain,so used self illuminated strips...a bit like the lights on the mothership in close encounters

Edited by russouk2004

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Stage Two is Textures and weapons. I have an idea for a pit, but it's intended as an AI. Someone said they wanted a UFO to shoot down. Hee, hee! Good luck, their going to be hard to kill. At the moment I'm using the A-12 FM. I would like to Self illuminate the spinning disk, faster it spins it will get brighter. The cockpit (dome) will be a .tga, which can be more transparent, but I'm putting it at Opaque for now.

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