Wrench 10,014 Posted April 10, 2015 Gents, I need your help in finding out which person, or mod team created this Belgrano found in the Falklands/Malviinas mod by eburger I've asked for help here: http://combatace.com/topic/85801-who-built-the-cruiser-belgrano/ I've re-converted it back to its WW2 status, and plan on releasing it as such next week Any and all help from you people Is greatly appreciated!!! thanks in advance!! --- (please excuse my use of google translator...) Caballeros, necesito su ayuda para encontrar a qué persona o equipo mod creado este Belgrano se encuentra en el Ministerio de Defensa de las Malvinas / Malviinas por eburgerHe pedido ayuda aquí:http://combatace.com/topic/85801-who-built-the-cruiser-belgrano/He reconvertido de nuevo a su estado de WW2, y el plan de liberación como tal la semana que vieneCualquier y toda la ayuda de ustedes se aprecia grandemente !!!gracias de antemano !! wrench Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+torno 6,147 Posted April 10, 2015 if my memory serves me, the creator FOXMONTER. and time does not appear on this site does Share this post Link to post Share on other sites