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Squadron list problem

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I have the A-7 series that have the A-7K for strike fighters2. Then I have the A10pack update. Both have squadron lists but the problem is if I put the A-10 squadron lists ini in the pilot the A-7 skins don't show up when I mean skins I mean the tail codes and so fourth. But the A-10 squadron codes work. When I overwrite the A-10 squadron list with the A-7 the A-7 tail codes work and not the A-10 tail codes. How can I keep both tail codes for the A-10 and A-7 to work properly.

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i'm assuming the A-7 pack youre talking about was my skin pack.  i set up my own squadronlist ini   that is likely very different from the A-10 packs.  to my knowledge all A-10 units shold be in mine as well.  post the link for the exact A-10 mod youre talking about and i will see what the differences are and how to mesh both together.

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havent forgotten about you.  basically  its two competing inis.  i believe mine to be better due to much more inclusion of many units and nations (and of course cause i made it! :biggrin: )


a renumber of some of the decals to match my squadronlist ini should bring it in line so both work in the same install.  will work on it this evening  and hopefully have something by morning.  although i'll let you know young man this is setting C-17 deliveries to India and Qatar further behind! 


(j/k  R/L is helping there too)

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