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T-6 Texan problema/ problem Gun Pod! Ayuda/ Help

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Hola me baje un pack de armas de la SGM, precisamente para obtener armas del avión T-6 Texan.

Encontré un Gun Pod (T-6_30CalGunPkg), el problema es que cuando lo selecciono aparece bien en el avión pero lo disparo, y hace solo el efecto de que dispara, pero las balas no aparecen o no salen.

Uso SFP1, Gracias!


Hello, I downloaded a pack of weapons of WWII, precisely to obtain weapons of aircraft T-6 Texan.
I found a Gun Pod (T-6_30CalGunPkg), the problem is that when I select appears well on the plane but the shot, and makes only the effect of firing, but the bullets do not appear or do not go.
Use SFP1, Thanks!

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    • By Menrva

      View File Wings Over World Menu Screens
      Wings Over World Menu Screens 
      January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package is my personal conversion of the beautiful Strike Fighters: Project One menu screens, with a number of enhancements for use in Strike Fighters 2. The main menu screen is a reworked version of the NACA Main Screen released by Camouflage (Checksix-fr.com). The title I chose for the main menu screen is "Strike Fighters: Wings Over World", in honor of the old WOE/WOV/WOI series of SF1 games. I find this name suitable for those who have a large mod folder spanning different world scenarios.
      Here below a quick summary of enhancements and additions:
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      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -ThirdWire, for the fantastic menu screens which are included in the stock SFP1 game.
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      -HomeFries, for the planning map enhancements available in his Semi-Transparent Map Icons package.
      -Viper63a, for the Loading sound, which I got from one of his menu mods.
      -paulopanz, for collecting and updating guyran's WOI custom missions properly to SF2 standards.
      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 01/13/2019 Category Menus  
    • By Menrva
      Wings Over World Menu Screens 
      January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package is my personal conversion of the beautiful Strike Fighters: Project One menu screens, with a number of enhancements for use in Strike Fighters 2. The main menu screen is a reworked version of the NACA Main Screen released by Camouflage (Checksix-fr.com). The title I chose for the main menu screen is "Strike Fighters: Wings Over World", in honor of the old WOE/WOV/WOI series of SF1 games. I find this name suitable for those who have a large mod folder spanning different world scenarios.
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      -Briefing Screen has been reintroduced for eye-candy (it has a small string "bug" with certain missions, since ThirdWire's removal of the FAC mission type).
      -Added generic _briefing.ini files for all the stock SF2 terrains (terrains without a _briefing.ini file might cause CTDs when accessing the Briefing Screen).
      -Added Launch/Fly button in the Briefing, Loadout, Flight Roster and Planning Map screens.
      -Added the missing PILOTPIC25 bitmap which is available in the SF1 games.
      -Loading Screen shows a generic runway and a new, longer loading sound is used.
      -Mission Editor DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Campaign Customizer DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Disabled unnecessary functions of the the System Menu, such as accessing ThirdWire's online site for viewing the game manual.
      As a bonus, the package includes 42 single missions taking place across all theatres of the SF2 series; most of them have been made by ThirdWire and released in their SF1 games. Five single missions are Instant Action scenarios of Strike Fighters 2, which I converted to be choosable and playable in the Single Missions Screen. Additional missions include historical scenarios created by guyran for the Israel theater. I renamed all single missions to use a nicer naming convention. Needless to say, all SF2 titles must be installed to be able to play all the missions.
      In addition, I have tweaked some Flight folder files to improve the realism of the game's HUD and in-game map. Since users may not like such changes, those files are not included by default, they must be installed manually. They can be found inside the "(Additional Tweaks)" folder. Here below a quick summary of changes they bring:
      -Disabled all the unuseful Labels when viewing the in-game map.
      -Disabled the arcade cones; lock your target and press F4 to visually track it.
      -Tweaked icons' colours so that they match the text's colours.
      -The in-game text background is less noticeable.
      -Text's font is now different, it is generally smaller and less obtrusive.
      -No more red and blue arcade squares when locking objects on; a faint yellow square is now used.
      -The white triangle showing the next waypoint is now a faint yellow, unlike the default strong white.
      -Disabled the radar box display; check the radar of your plane's cockpit, instead.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -ThirdWire, for the fantastic menu screens which are included in the stock SFP1 game.
      -kout, for the System Menu icon I have taken from his SF1 Grey Main Menu Replacement mod.
      -Camouflage, for the NACA Main Screen (still available at the archives of Checksix-fr.com), which I have reworked.
      -HomeFries, for the planning map enhancements available in his Semi-Transparent Map Icons package.
      -Viper63a, for the Loading sound, which I got from one of his menu mods.
      -paulopanz, for collecting and updating guyran's WOI custom missions properly to SF2 standards.
      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • Guest
      By Guest
      After updating to October 2008 patch, the game hangs and then crashes at 60% while loading an instant or single mission.
    • By JamesWilson
      Hi everybody,
      I have a very big issue in Strike Fighters 2, which i also had on Strike Fighters Project 1 before: whenever a radio communication is given (wingman, HQ, etc...) the game FREEZES for a couple of seconds.
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      Nothing changed.
      I discovered that the problem is related to the audio communications files, since i tried deleting all radio chatter files from SFP1 game directory, and the issue is gone, no more stutters or freezes.
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      In conclusion, what can i do?
      I'm desperate since i can't find anything similar on the internet, and no one seems to have my same problem, so i can't find any solution.
      I thought that it was related just to the old SFP1, since it could maybe have some optimization problem on newer machines... but the exact same happened as soon as i played SF2 for the first time.
      I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP, and i thank you A LOT for helping me out, cause i really really have no idea of what to do to play it with radio chatter without being LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE
      Thank you all again
    • By JamesWilson
      I got this problem:
      I run SFP1 pretty well, without any sort of issue.
      The only very tedious thing i have is that the most of the times a vocal call is given, my game freezes for like 1/2 seconds.
      This may sound like not a big thing, but TRUST ME, since this pops up for 8 comms given out of 10, this problem turns the game into UNPLAYABLE.
      And also (i got no idea why and what is the correlation with comms) almost every single time i shoot down a plane or i see an explosion in front of me, this issue happens.
      I thought it was a setting problem, maybe a graphical one, or something related to my PC, i could never ever though it was an audio file problem...
      I made many tests, but after several months of testing, removing all the audio calls files from the game files, i finally discovered what was the cause of those freezes: the audio communications.
      Even if the game is perfectly playable as it is right now, without any radio chatter, it would be nicer if i could play it with audio comms again, instead of just ambience, plane and weapon sounds, i really loved HQ calls, wingmen comms and radio chatter.
      I have no idea what could it be that "interfers" with the game and makes it freeze whenever a call is given, or even an explosion happens. 
      Only removing all audio comms from game files the problem solved.
      Could you help me please?  Any idea or suggestion would be great!
      Thank you a lot guys! 

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