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Ok here is a deal.

I got aircraft. With lot of parts etc. I need to add two independent gunpods sometiems. But I want some nodes be removed when GP is loaded. Meaning pylon should disapear when gp is loaded.

So. Nodes should apear all the time on slick configuration. Those nodes are even animated. Here everything works fine.

Now I need to load two gunpods. And I want those nodes to be removed/moved/rotated.


I will answer myself.  Yes it is possible. In wicked way.  And it works. Gunpods loaded - specific "open" pylon active, apearing, everything is fine. 

For slick config - create "noweapon" weapon - always loaded on slick standard node as pylon activated "close" - it works and even can be animated. No problem. Everything is fine.

Issue is on parking. There pylons are not working. So here I don't have node in standard slick way or gunpod way. Nothing. Hole in fuselage.


Any bright ideas ?



I can create third node that apear only as animation when parked. But this is not the way. And I don't have empty slots for animations anymore.


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make a small mesh thats invisible...link pylon to that then mesh to wing or whatever pylons parent is....animate the hidden mesh....and put the anim for that mesh in a different slot with animation thats used parked...ie landing gear...ive got model that uses 2 anims in one slot...on ground gears are down so the pylon will be correct....I think thats what you mean ?..lol

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Thanks. I will try it.


Here how it looks for now:


"Slick" way. At this point top hatch is closed and can be open via animation.(plus lower door). To make it closed I'm using fake weapon - "noweapon". So when "noweapon" is loaded hatch is closed.


Gunner mounted. Top hatch is lifted and and lower part of door is closed. Bottom part can be open via animation as above. Upper part stays lifted when gunner is on board.




And parking before I started messing with gunner.

Blades folded, tail folded etc. And here hatch was closed by default.




But now with new weaponstation and pylon issue on parking it is open always. Same as if I will not load anything. No gunner, no "noweapon"  there is a hole in fuselage as pylons are not apearing. 

Will try your way anyway.



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