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SF2:V Escort Mission Occasional Problem

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I'm occasionally getting a problem during escort missions where the flight I'm escorting will reach the target area, but then just start wandering around aimlessly and the mission never completes.  Sometimes they will actually bomb the target, other times they will begin to wander before reaching their target waypoint.  I end up having to just RTB and either refly, or just accept the failure.  One thing I've noticed that happens every time is that the lead plane in the flight being escorted will just fly off in a random direction on his own, while the rest of the flight will loiter somewhere near the target area, just flying in random circles (pictured http://i.imgur.com/GNLEaOW.jpg  Lion 12 just started flying northeast and never stopped).  This goes on for as long as I'll let it without ever resolving itself.  


Again, it doesn't happen every time or even most of the time, and I've not been able to figure out exactly what triggers this behavior. The only thing I do during missions is time accelerate sometimes when I'm out over the water; I never skip ahead to the next encounter.  I searched the forum to see if anybody had ever brought up a similar issue, but I couldn't find anything.


The only mods I'm using are Green Hell 3.5 and Sarcasm.  Thanks for any information anyone might have on this.

Edited by Jackson352

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Unfortunately as far as I can remember this is a known bug of the game that was not fixed by the latest patches.

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Yep, it is frustrating.


They will sometimes bomb a target near the coast, instead of the right one inland.


You then have to wait till they sort themselves out and fly over the intended target, then on to waypoint 7, for you to finish the mission.

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Experienced the same last night.  Escort mission of an A-1 flight over hanoi (what a great idea). So my flight of 4 F-4B went on along them and cover them on the way. At about 25 miles from waypoint i let them go on with their mission and stayed on station in the way for their return. Then i heard they were dropping their bomb so i  went to met them at the intended waypoint but i saw on the radar that they were going in the opposite direction. We flew toward then to see what was going on...


By chance, i put all three fuel tanks on our birds so we had enough fuel to stayed there. I cut throttle to reduce fuel usage and at some point give a return home to the 3 others F-4B before beiing Bingo (they dropped their fuel tanks on A-A engagement). So i stayed with then way long to realise i have to egress myself before running short of fuel myself.


I landed on the carrier with a reading of 25 on the internal fuel gauge :) And they never turned back and mission have never been called over... So i accept the failure but this was annoying.

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Thanks for the responses -- I guess I'm glad to discover that it isn't just me.  I can learn to live with it if nothing can be done, but yes, it is pretty annoying.

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ah I fixed this on the B-29 for Korea, the cause was remaining ordnance. If there're still bombs on board past the target point, the aircraft will keep flying on forever. It helps by checking the loadout file and make sure only 1 type of bomb is loaded for and make sure the plane can drop them all in one pass.


Also I remember eburger68 mentioned something about RWR in play and affect escorted flight's course... when aircrafts do get electric gizmos onboard that is!

Edited by Do335
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