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At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, second-in-command Vasili Arkhipov of the Soviet submarine B-59 refused to agree with his Captain's order to launch nuclear torpedos against US warships and setting off what might well have been a terminal superpower nuclear war. 


The US had been dropping depth charges near the submarine in an attempt to force it to surface, unaware it was carrying nuclear arms. The Soviet officers, who had lost radio contact with Moscow, concluded that World War 3 had begun, and 2 of the officers agreed to 'blast the warships out of the water'. Arkhipov refused to agree - unanimous consent of 3 officers was required - and thanks to him, we are here to talk about it.


His story is finally being told - the BBC is airing a documentary on it.


Raise a glass to Vasili Arkhipov - the Man Who Saved the World.



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Thank's to him, mankind will die of pollution and global warning instead of radiations and nuclear winter.


Anyway, he made the right decision and can be proud of it

Edited by jeanba
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Thank's to him, mankind will die of pollution and global warning instead of radiations and nuclear winter.





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