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Anatra D "Anade"

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Anatra D "Anade"

The Anatra D was a predecessor to the Anatra DS. It was powered by a Gnome rotary engine and armed with a single machine gun for the observer. The Anatra D was used mostly for reconnaissance, but also as a fighter and light bomber. After overcoming some initial design problems, it entered service in May, 1916 and was produced in relatively large numbers. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.


I have included two skins, a plain linen and a grey paint. A full set of number decals and a loadout for light bombs are included. I have also included my skinning templates for those who wish to make their own skins.


My thanks to Ojcar once again for making the excellent data.ini for this plane.
My thanks also to Crowford who provided valuable reference material for the Anatra D.


Installation instructions:
For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraD" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.


For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraD" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AnatraD". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AnatraD folder into the Decals/AnatraD folder you just made.


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Thanks a lot!!! Very beautiful plane!!!

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