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Desert 3 and 4 terrain crashes

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Hello!  I have had the most annoying issues with the Desert 3 and 4 terrains they both by far have the most crashes for my installs and I for the life of me cannot figure out why this is... anyone have any ideas?  The crashes occur at 40, 60, and 80% usually.  Am I missing some ground object or something?  Also crashes seem to get more and more frequent the closer the objective is to the Paran/Dhimar border and its super vexing...

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Only happens on Desert 3 and 4 yes?


Could be something it needs is missing.........as in the ini files are trying to reference something not in your install.



Are you running fully merged?

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Yep I am fully merged... its weird sometimes its like the files are corrupted and I reinstall the maps and they work fine for a bit and then they crash again

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Could be down to old ini or other files in those Terrains


There care no old cat files or anything like that are there?


If you are running the latest patch you may need to extract newer ini files and make changes to them if that is what is causing it.

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hmm  well I am at the Jul 2013 patch and the maps were made in the 2012 ish time frame how do yoy update those files?

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