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Sopwith Triplane question

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For the Sopwith Triplane, FE2 will only allow 1 or 2 aircraft in Single Mission, and when I select 2 the Loading freezes at 70%.  With 1 selected, the mission loads and runs as normal.  I cannot add any aircraft on the Roster screen, and if 2 is the game’s selection for the Single Mission and I delete it, I cannot add it back.  DATA.INI service dates and roles seem to be OK and I’ve set all the availabilities to “Common”.


As info, I’ve got somewhere around 70 aircraft spread over multiple installs segregated by WW1 theatre with a variety of graphics upgrades and do not seem to have any difficulty with loading upwards of 12 or more aircraft (even multiple types selected on the Loadout screen) on a mission.  FE2 initially selects anywhere from 1 to 8 aircraft for Single Mission, and I can add or delete in the Roster screen as normal.


Anyone have any ideas on this?        

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UPDATED:  This has been resolved.  When I migrated the Sopwith Triplane folder into a newer install from a previous one, an older name in the Nations17.ini file apparently caused a conflict that resulted in the described condition (not sure why FE2 would only limit Single Mission aircraft to one and then let everything else proceed normally – anyone have an idea on this?).  Circling back and recognizing which NationsXX.ini variant was controlling the “country” names in each install was the first step, and then further checking and correcting the various .ini and Texture sub-files for each aircraft finally straightened everything out.  A time-consuming job but everything seems to run OK for the present!        

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I believe that Quack tried to do something in a nations.ini once to try and create the Albert Ball style "Lone Wolf" missions flown early in the war by creating new nation types in the nations.ini. The nation name for your Sopwith Triplane may have been one of those. Sorry I didn't remember this earlier, but this stuff happened a while ago, and my old brain forgets so much these days.

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Thanks, Heck, that is helpful!  While I'm sure some of the FE2 symptoms I experienced were the results of accidental and self-inflicted coding wounds, the way the program reacted was a little surprising.  OTH, maybe I'm chasing down a path someone else has already been down and found to be a dead end.  Not the first time that's happened, unfortunately!   

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