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M.I. assignement / "Mission Skyhawks"

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"Good morning Mr. Member.


The download section needs new screenshots to replace those lost few years ago.

This includes the Strike Fighter 1st generation section, so you must have a running SF1 or WOx install ready.

In the A-4 Skyhawk part, you'll find several ones that are quite demanding to get.





Impossible because the link seems to be dead



Be aware it's an exe file.




Once you're done downloading and installing, run the game and take one good screenshot for each of the model.

You might already have a screenshot of these downloads from before.


Anyway you achieve your goal, then reach this page :


and meet the undercover special agent in charge, let's call him "Dave".


Your mission Mr. Member, should you choose to accept it, is to upload your screenshots of the missing Skyhawks, and copy the link of each download from where it comes.

As always, should you or any of your CA members be upset or blocked-stuck-in-the-impass, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

This post would self-destruct in two weeks.


Good luck Mr. Member."

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