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Mike Dora

Importing FE1 Weapons Mods to FE2

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OK I'll admit up front that I'm a late adaptor, but I'm finally working to convert my old, heavily modded FE1 installs to FE2 (am away from home for a few months, with ample off duty time for this kind of thing.. )


It's all going fairly well so far, the only major problem I've hit is that the A2G weapons don't work. Probably because the weapons data I'm trying tomport across from FE1 isn't compatible - like most aspects of that sim, it's much edited. Certainly no bombs are showing up on A2G missions, and when I try to go into the "Loadout" screen in mission prep, the whole program hangs up & stops running. How can I fix this please, any suggestions? (BTW I have tried using the FE2 weapon editor on the FE1 weapons files but it can't eveb "see" them)



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Thanks for the quick response MB. I see my first problem, the FE2 weapons editor isn't "finding" anything, it returns an empty box. Hmm



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have you "folderized" the individual weapons, and create new, individual ***_data.ini, "main".ini, and so forth?

In this respect, it's exactly the same as SF2


the individual weapon folder should look like this:



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Thanks for the advice guys. I reinstalled the FE2 weapons editor, ran it again and now my ac have properly working bombs when required.


But I'm not quite there yet.. when I try to go into the "Loadout" screen the program stiil hangs & crashes. Any suggestions there please?



Edited by Mike Dora

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Problem solved. I had the wrong (FE1) "missioncontrol.ini" file in the "Flight" mod folder. Deleted that, everything works, now I _can_ access the "loadout" screen.



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