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red aircraft icons on map

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Is there a way to toggle the display of enemy aircraft icons on the in-game map? I updated my NF5 installation and noticed that the 'Snoopy' blue aircraft now appear on the map but no red enemy aircraft icons appear on the map.

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I tried the unmodified SF2 Europe and the in-flight map does show the red aircraft. Still the NF5 version does not.

Does anyone know where the icons for the in-flight map are defined and/or where the definition for this map is in the files?

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Have a look in the NF5 Flight folder and I think you will see a file called HudData. Open that and check the MapLabels section. There are some TRUE/FALSE statements that can be changed to activate the enemy icons. [unless they were deactivated some other way.]

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Thanks for the suggestion. I changed the FALSE statements on enemy labels to TRUE (normally they are false it seems) now I have at least labels. For some reason the little red plane icons are still missing from the in-flight map. 

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they were turned of on purpose, so as to keep enemy forces "unknown" until encountered.

the icons are stored in one of the object cat, so you'll need to go through the various inis, like you've been doing, and find which one turns on the icon  I don't remember which one, maybe huddata??

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Thanks Wrench, I figured it was on purpose...I guess I just like to cheat!

They are not showing up on the map even after I am right on their tail in gun range hence why I wanted to turn them on. Well the labels are showing up correctly now, just not the icons.

I will be doing some digging. Thanks for the direction  guys.

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Got it figured out. I just had to pull out the 'MAPENEMYICON' TGA file from the Flight folder in the NF5 savedgames folder.

Edited by WACOwaco

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that's righ! it was a 'blank' so it shows up, but not visible!!

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