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Hi, guys I have a little bit of a problem and am asking for some advice. I recently downloaded a superb Mirage 2000 D for Strike Fighters 1 series. The 'D' version of the Mirage 2000 is a two-seat version and every-time I go to fly it I always end up in the back seat and find that I am unable to fly the aircraft properly. I have had a tinker with some files but despite my attempts to transfer to the front seat I can't make the move. I would like to ask how it is possible to transfer from the rear seat to the front seat.


Thanks in advance for any help and advice.



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Based on the look of the cockpit.ini I would say disable "seat" and "seat2" entries you can find right after the list of instruments (they are set as hud_mode_indicators so when you change from Nav mode to AA or Ag the seat position should change between front and back). 

After that you might still need to edit the main pit position entry values so your view is correct.

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Ok thanks logan4 for the reply, I will try to rectify it using your suggestion. Thanks again. 

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Ok thanks logan4 for the reply, I will try to rectify it using your suggestion. Thanks again. 



Just to let you know logan4 it worked. Thanks for the reply and advice. Much appreciated.







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Your welcome! :drinks:

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