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Nicholas Bell

Here's how to stop your wingmen from "waltzing" in formation

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Here's how to stop your wingmen from "waltzing" from side to side in formation.  Yeah, I know it's not really waltzing but that's what comes to my mind when they roll from one side to other in unison.

I did a forum search and came up empty, so hope I'm not repeating old news... 


Each aircraft is a little different, and if you push the values too far they become too steady.  Adjust to suite your taste - and post your edits on other aircraft.

The critical factor is the MaxRollFormation.  The common value of 5.0 creates overcorrection which starts the cycle of rolling from side to side.



FormationSpeedForPosition=.4 //0.8
FormationSpeedForRate=0.2 //0.5
MaxRollFormation=0.9 //5.0 <----critical
FormationRollForPosition=0.8 //0.01
FormationRollForVelocity=0.05 //0.2


FormationSpeedForPosition=.4 //0.8
FormationSpeedForRate=0.2 //0.5
MaxRollFormation=1.0 //5.0
FormationRollForPosition=0.8 //0.01
FormationRollForVelocity=0.05 //0.2


MaxRollFormation=0.8  //5.0
FormationRollForPosition=0.8 //0.01
FormationRollForVelocity=0.1 //0.2

FormationSpeedForPosition=.4 //0.8
FormationSpeedForRate=0.2 //0.5
MaxRollFormation=0.7 //5.0
FormationRollForPosition=0.8 //0.01
FormationRollForVelocity=0.05 //0.2

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See wot I mean 'bout the Mathmatiky voodoo....arrrgh !

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The critical factor is the MaxRollFormation.  The common value of 5.0 creates overcorrection which starts the cycle of rolling from side to side.


The relevant variable is FormationRollForVelocity. The default value is set to 0.2 in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI. You have to lower this value. Either globally in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI or in each <aircraft>_DATA.ini. I use 0.03. Depending on the aircraft, maybe you have to lower the value further.

Edited by mue
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The relevant variable is FormationRollForVelocity. The default value is set to 0.2 in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI. You have to lower this value. Either globally in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI or in each <aircraft>_DATA.ini. I use 0.03. Depending on the aircraft, maybe you have to lower the value further.

Huh.  I wasn't able to get the results I wanted without reducing MaxRollFormation dramatically, although I only lowered the FormationRollForVelocity to 0.05.   Rather than me just being "wrong" - I would suggest we are approaching the solution to the problem from slightly different angles. :smile:

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Huh.  I wasn't able to get the results I wanted without reducing MaxRollFormation dramatically, although I only lowered the FormationRollForVelocity to 0.05.   Rather than me just being "wrong" - I would suggest we are approaching the solution to the problem from slightly different angles. :smile:


Ok :smile:. It seems both parameter act together.

I tried to isolate the relevant parameter. So I changed only one Formation parameter per test. And only FormationRollForVelocity seemed to make a difference.

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