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Some questions about WOE and SF.

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I take it these are common questions about WOE and SF concerning weapons. I have trouble using the LGB and guided ordinance, locking winders on air targets, placing un-guided rockets, simple stuff that over time I'll get used to. The SF class of flight sims is more realistic than what I've previously been used too.


Another question is how to load terreigns, such as the bomb range terreigns people have developed for both WOE and SF.


Another thing they should have added to the games was a free flight or training regime option like you get with FA-18 Korea and Desert Storn. Gotta learn how to land and take off before you go break things right?

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oh, you mean Terrains!!! Took me a minuite!!


inside EVERY zip should be instructions for installing them (aka: The ReadMe). Fortunately for 1stGen players (SF/.Wo*) you already have a /Terrain (note the singular) sub-folder.


The instructions I use are thus (this example is for a SF2 terrain, so I've modified the instructions a bit) The upper section is from what you'd see in the Announcement Thread. Below the line are the actual install instrucions



As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. 

== To Install:
As I always reccomend, unzip the "waterworld.zip" to a temp folder, or your desktop or somewhere's else that easy to find.
Then, simply copy/paste, move, however you want to do it, Waterworld terrain folder INTO you main /Terrain folder in whichever game install you're installing it to!. 


now, as I"m leaving again in a few hours, I'll be off line for at least 2 days, so if there's any other questions, hopefully someone else will chime in, or I"ll see them when I get back

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