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I've got a couple of weeks leave and decided to give skinning a go. I have a few project ideas based on the Sea Harrier FRS.1 and FA2, some real world, some semi- what-if and some pure conjecture. The FA2 ideas I can base off of existing skins with a decal dance though the FRS.1 requires a bit more work. I might be able to base some of them onthe FRS.51 blue/cream two tone skin after removing the Indian markings from the skin, the last two ideas though are probably going to require a complete redress of the whole bird.


In short do templates for the SHAR's exist?


Kind regards



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Which models m8, the FRS1 released with the Falklands mod a few weeks ago has lots of mapping differences to all the others out there.

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Missed that actually, I'd been planning on using the mk51 from 2013 mainly as it has the 2 tone scheme. If there's a remapped update though I'll have a look at it. Was it just the mapping thats updated or is this the model you were reworking a while back?



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Whole model m8, it has bump & spec maps. I still have the earlier temps as well if you'd prefer.

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Might as well go with the current standard I guess, that said since its my first attempt I dont reall know how challenging any differences might be between the two.
Having a hard time finding an updated SHAR in the library, thought it might have been bundled in with the new terrain but other than that I can't find anything recent relating to the Falklands or the SHAR.



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The new FRS1 is in with the recent Falklands terrain update, FRS2 is still a wip,I can get everything over to you tomorrow after work m8.

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Thanks, figured it was uploaded somewhere else as it wasn't in the aircraft folder. Found it now though. 



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