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CL/CLAA-119 Juneau Class

USS Juneau Class Cruiser Ver 1.0
By YEYEYE & KJakker.


This is the CL-119/CLAA-119 Juneau Class Light AA Cruiser modeled by YEYEYE. It includes both an early and a late version. The CL-119 represents the USS Juneau CL-119, USS Spokane CL-120, and USS Fresno CL-121 when equiped with the 40mm Bofors. The CLAA-119 represents the USS Juneau CLAA-119 after its November 1951 to February 1952 overhaul which replaced the 40mm mounts with 3inch/50caliber Mark 33 gun mounts.


Note: Three "Data.INI" files for the CL-119 Juneau class and two for the CLAA-119 Juneau class have been included. The AltGuns1 and AltGuns2_DATA.INI variants use alternate guns from the default file; these guns can be found in the Optional Files\Optional Guns folder.


Also in the Optional Files\Optional Data Files folder you will find subfolders titled Structural Factor x2, Structural Factor x3, and Structural Factor x4, and Default Data File Backup as I was not sure how strong players would want the ship to be. Each version has a Structural Factor that many times that of the Default variant.




This package was assembled at the request of Do335.


Backup anything in your SF2 Mods folder that you think may be effected. Extract all the files from the archive to a safe place on your harddrive then take the folder labled "To Mods Folder" and copy it into your Strike Fighters 2 mods folder, overwrite as needed.


Optional Files


If you want to use the alternate guns that the AltGuns1 and AltGuns2 data file variants are set up for then afte doing the above go to Optional Files folder and move the contents of the Optional Effects, Optional Guns, Optional Sounds folders to their respective folders in your Mods folder. Then add the data from the Sound List Additions.txt to your SOUNDLIST.INI folder.


Ship basic model, Distance-LODs, and Skins by YEYEYE.


Data and Names INI files as well as the Hull names and numbers for the Spokane and Fresno are by KJakker.


The included optional guns listed below are by KJakker.








Guns below were originaly from the "Guns Collection for SF2 Series 2.0" by FLOGGER23.




Most of the included effects are by Stary. The two Effects listed below are by KJakker and are based upon work by Stary & Thirdwire.




Do not distribute, repackage or post without consent from YEYEYE & KJakker.


No Modifications without previous consent is allowed.


And this is freeware, it must not be used in any commercial product.


Copyright ? YEYEYE, KJakker. All rights reserved.


Special thanks.
Thirdwire and TK for their sim and some instruments.


Hope you enjoy it.


YEYEYE & KJakker
July 2016




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