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IL-2 Gun Sight Range Adjustment

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 Well ,, after years of disgust and millions of rounds spent with few hits and less downed planes ,, hours of gun testing and filming ,and hours of forum hopping and reading, the answer was already mapped into the keyboard. Let's start with the bases of the gun sight,,it is bore sighted at 200 yards,, kinda short in my estimation,, I have found head move up and down effects the gun sight ,,, 1 click up in head movement adds 200 yards on the gunsight so you set convergance to 450 and 1 click up in head movement your rounds will land at 400 yards,where you aimed, tested and filmed,, with the help of Mr. Watson's Corsairs and kicking up the sight range,, I'm the terror of the south pacific,, and now I'm getting the shots I remember getting in Microsofts Combat sim 2.

Edited by yubba

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If you stop and think of the ballistics involved, a 50 cal's velocity is about 2500 fps add gravity at 400 yards you have to elevate the shot 15ft. I flew a couple of quick missions alittle while ago with the p-38 against a 109 e veteran head on drew smoke and the victory 2 out of 3 times on the first pass,was hitting them before they could fire, convergance 450,, sight range 1 clickup of head movement to give 400 yards,, the other guy I tickled him up on the first pass ,, acouple of passes on him later he was done, crap the made me an ace.

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Hi Yubba,

looks like the Head Movement key, in the IL-2 Settings Menu, is available only using an HOTAS, isn't it?

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  On 9/1/2016 at 9:17 AM, citizen67 said:

Hi Yubba,

looks like the Head Movement key, in the IL-2 Settings Menu, is available only using an HOTAS, isn't it?

it's in the key board config,, it's a ways down the menu,, I'll jump into the game and give you better directions I figured this out 9 months ago. had a tread up in missions4today brb. it's in it's own category in head movement raise up and grouch down ,, you'll want to map lean right and left to make this work in german fighters you thought the fw-190 was nasty wait till you adjust the sight

Edited by yubba

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Yes, I found it, in the far bottom of the Control Menu, under the last section "HOTAS CONTROL" (or something like that...). But I can't input any key, it remains blank. I don't know why, so I figured out it's because I haven't a HOTAS...

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  On 9/1/2016 at 4:05 PM, citizen67 said:

Yes, I found it, in the far bottom of the Control Menu, under the last section "HOTAS CONTROL" (or something like that...). But I can't input any key, it remains blank. I don't know why, so I figured out it's because I haven't a HOTAS...

what, patch are you,, I'm patched 4.12.2,,, no wonder I couldn't hit anything in the p-39 being grouched down to get a better view.

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  On 9/2/2016 at 8:06 AM, citizen67 said:

me too 4.12.2 and VP Modpack. But no way to set any kay...

that bites well the most important you know what the sight is set at ,,, I'd go to quick mission and chop up some friendlies while recording,, I'd use a hellcat and use that sight and see what ring will give you the desired range ..

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