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Evolve : Replacement for Hamachi

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Anyone who ever played the SF/WoX series online has to recall how horrible the DirectPlay networking interface worked over routers. The networking protocol was designed for LANs and worked okay when each PC had its own unique public internet address, but just a few years later, everyone was using routers to share high speed internet among multiple PCs and support wireless. Network Address Translation (NAT) is the protocol used by routers to allow local PCs with locally assigned network addresses to share a single public address. Firewall software (and hardware settings on routers) was designed to block unwanted incoming internet traffic as well. These technologies wreaked havoc with the simple server/client communication requiring open two-way communication, with the client needing to be able to scan for hosts, and the host needing to accept requests to join from new clients.


The solution SFP1/WoV/WoE/WoI players relied on for overcoming this problem was a free Virtual Private Network (VPN) server system called Hamachi. Hamachi allowed all of the computers that wanted to play to be assigned addresses that made it seem like they were all physically connected to the same switch -- which is exactly what DirectPlay prefers to have a good chance of working correctly. However, Hamachi's business model didn't appear to work so well since most people got what they needed using the free version. Years later, the company that bought them still exists, LogMeIn or something like that, but the simple, free VPN software known as Hamachi is long gone.


Now, here I am nearly 10 years later trying to stir up Third Wire SF series multiplayer. I have succeeded in hosting via Hyperlobby and configuring my router to overcome NAT/Firewall problems, but it would be much better if Hamachi was still around to help those less capable of configuring their modern hardware and operating systems to run 13 year old games.


I found the answer and it worked pretty well last night: https://www.evolvehq.com/

Evolve is a mix between the old GameSpy/Hyperlobby style chat rooms, Hamachi VPN rooms, and Teamspeak voice chat. People who played SF series online typically ran all three types of programs. Evolve provides a single application that easily gets the job done without needing any expertise in configuring routers and software. One successful night isn't much of a track record, but it was a great start :)

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Testing invitation link to Evolve party:


This is slick: people who already have an evolve account and the vpn client installed can join my vlan "party" by simply clicking on a link like the above. I don't have to be present for people to join my vlan.


Before, I used to have to hang out on Hyperlobby, then teach the new players about Hamachi, coach them through the install then guide them into receiving and accepting an invite to my vlan, or having them search for and request permission to join. Either way, they couldn't play unless I actively approved. Now I can just post an invite to whatever "party" I am currently hosting and anyone else can join at will. Sweet!

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sorry I should have reported earlier,, after changing my terrian back to stock I got in,,. flew the f-4j that I got customize with hud and F-15e avionic it ran great I had 45,,on the ping and 60fps flew in and landed seemed to be pretty smooth didn't notice any lag,, I'm head there now 2027 easter too 2100 then bath time,, then after that I'll come back

Edited by yubba

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I am sorry I couldn't join the server while you were in... the game just wouldn't cooperate. When I fly, I need to kill the server and host with my pc to minimize routing conflicts. Sometimes it works ok, other times it doesn't.


If you can register with evolve and install the client, you can join the lan party linked above to get in rather than hyperlobby... and it includes voice chat with everyone in the evolved lan party.

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