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SF1 series and Win 10 : anyone doing this and have it working?

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Sony Tuckson is trying to get series one games running on Win 10 and gets horrible frame rates using a GTX1060 gpu. I suspect it is the operating system or drivers. Sony is going to use another hard drive and swap it in so his PC can be a Win 7 machine as needed... but it sure would be nice if someone with Win 10 and SF series 1 game experience had already encountered and overcome this problem so he wouldn't have to run two different images and swap hard drives to switch between them.

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Sorry, I can't help with SF1 frame rates in Windows 10 as I didn't track them, but I do remember SF1 would lock up for a few seconds occasionally, then resume.


The major problem I had that caused me to build a Windows 7 computer for SF1 was that about 90% of the time the game would CTD when exiting a mission.


All seems to work fine with Windows 7.

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So the first vote is in: don't play on Win 10 :)


Win 7 remains my OS at home and at work.

I have no experience with Win 8 or Win 10.

So I can't really help people with newer PCs until I decide to build a new gaming rig with Win 10.

I want to match a 60-inch 4k display to a single gpu for a decent price, so I am waiting for tech to improve/prices to come down.

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