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Should I get WOE on steam?

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I never played SF1 or any of the Wings Over sims but I do have SF2. Just wondering if there is a benefit to getting WOE or would it be a waste? I ask this because its on sale right now on steam.

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Not really, if you are using SF2, it would be a step backwards a little, not that its a awful step, but to be honest, you would be better served by just getting the sf2 Europe version. Not saying dont buy, as that of course is your choice, but it would be a backwards motion.

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Have a read of the comments on Steam for WoE... looks like TK doesn't see a penny from the proceeds and there are patching issues when trying to run the game from Steam.

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Have a read of the comments on Steam for WoE... looks like TK doesn't see a penny from the proceeds and there are patching issues when trying to run the game from Steam.


whaa??   thats messed up



Not really, if you are using SF2, it would be a step backwards a little, not that its a awful step, but to be honest, you would be better served by just getting the sf2 Europe version. Not saying dont buy, as that of course is your choice, but it would be a backwards motion.


well I have all of the SF2 games so I guess I don't need WOE.  like I said I was just wondering if it had anything SF2 didn't. Thanks for the info!

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errr no.....no point if you already have the newer stuff, also more of the mods available on this site are for SF series now, as the majority of folk have either upgraded or not had the originals . 

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I heard the WOE in Steam is not the TK's ,some one get it and sell it with out permission

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