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Quick question on downloading AC for Aces campaign

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In the readme..it says to download


Nieuport 16 Mega pack for FE1 - by Christian59 (you'll need the  Nieuport16 and the Nieuport16_RFC).


Since I am running FE2, I just put the Nieuport 16 and 16RFC files only in my aircraft folder....Is that all I need to do?

What about the other files.  I assume because its for FE1 that the other files shouldn't be loaded as it might corrupt my weapons, other object and sound files (among others).



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Which other files mate ? if you mean guns, pilots sounds etc, then put those in the relevant folders......make sure your soundlist.ini is updated with any new sound files though

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In the zip file, in the objects file, there are two files.

Aircraft - I only unzipped the Nieuport 16 and RFC aircraft to my aircraft folder.


Weapons....there are a number if files here.  but since this says it is FE1, I am not sure if those weapons files would be compatible in the FE2 weapons file.

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yeah most  FE 1 stuff does work with FE2, but if you have alternative FE2 files already in place, that you are comfortable with, then you will not need any of the original ones, I do this all the time, once you get used to the way the files are stored, and where they are stored, then it all becomes pretty easy, and, if the 'ports are working fine, then you have done it correctly.......I assume you have fired it up and flown them of course. But to repeat, most FE1 files work very happily in FE 2 , I dont recall ever having any issues at least, and I fiddle around with my files quite a lot. if you get stuck, then take a peek at the forums, there are loads of hints tips etc in there, failing that just give me a shout and I will be more than happy to help.

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